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Meine Pflanze wachsen nun seit 2 Wochen nicht mehr. Bleiben bei 77 cm stehen. Die Buds werden kompakter und der Geruch wird intensiver. Die Parameter im Zelt sind gut und stabil. Eine Pflanze bekommt gelbliche Blätter. Es ist Sweet Candy. Alle anderen sind noch schön grün. Leider durch das Licht der NDL nicht so gut zu sehen. Habe mit einem Mikroskop versucht den Reifegrad der Blüten zu sehen aber es wackelt alles und ich kann kaum was erkennen. Es ist ein LED Taschenmikroskop. Bekomme eher einen Knick in der Pupille. Hat jemand einen Tip oder Empfehlung für einen besseren Weg die Trichome zu begutachten. Je näher die Ernte ansteht desto ungeduldiger werde ich. Gestartet bin ich am 19.11.23. Es sind nun 18 Wochen um und ich bin zufrieden. Werde euch weiter auf dem laufenden halten und freue mich natürlich auch mal über einen Like oder Kommentar oder Tip über den Erntezeitpunkt. Bis dahin wünsche ich allen Growern eine gute Zeit.
It took more than 5 months to grow this lady.. Top quality budd but what a yield only 47 grams dry... Maybe its because the seeds were too old (5 years) but its still very nice terps and the profile of geno that I was hunting for 😊
Bueno , este es el segundo cultivo que realizó del la cepa "Waka" , el anterior lo tengo igualmente documentado en otro diario . en esta ocasión cultivamos los clones que habíamos recolectado del cultivo pasado , guardando los fenotipos que nos gustaron más y los clones restantes los pasamos a floración que fueron los que se le hizo seguimiento en este diario. El crecimiento fue bastante explosivo y reaccionaron muy bien a cada trasplante realizado . pude observar que los clones de cada fenotipo seleccionado se desarrolló con mucha similitud al de sus madres . El olor en vegetación es bastante discreto y en floración se pone un más intenso El desarrollo en floración fue explosivo generando bastante resina y se vieron muy hambientras . Al fumar se puede sentir un rico toque cítrico en las N° 4 se siente un fuerte sabor a limón en algunas flores mucho mas marcado que en otras, N° 3 y 13 un agradable toque a naranjas muy rico de sentir en el paladar , La N° 8 con pizcas dulces bastante interesantes. El humo al fumar es muy suave lo que permite sentir mejor el sabor de cada fenotipo.- saludos y buenos humos😉 Al momento de cosechar se cortaron los clone y se dejo secando en oscuridad a temperatura ambiente por cerca de 16 días posterior a eso se pasó a curar en frascos
Explosive growth! Seems to be loving the coco. She took off week 4-5. And, alll of a sudden there were pistols showing all over her. Appears to be doin great, having fun with the daily LST she's requiring with the rapid growth. Managed not to snap any more branches off. Got a mars hydro TS100 in the tent now and she's loving it.
Changing and cleaning resevoirs this week will update with new nute ratios soon looks like the plant affeced by whatever it was is bouncing back nicely i think this is my first grow so comments and tips are very welcome i wont be doing any training this time as its the first grow and i had a few problems early on and didnt want to slow things down more then already were
My first ever harvest went great! I trimmed 3 different ways as well as flushed for different amounts of time. 24hr flush and wet trim with bowl trimmer, dried on dry rack. Aprox 4 ounces as i was smoking it soon as it dried, small buds first. 🤷‍♂️🏻 3 day flush. Wet trimmed by hand. Hung to dry. 119 grams Last two ladies were the bushy ones. I let them flush for a full week and then hung to dry. We hand trimmed them both(not as close of trim) to make edibles and oils with. 412 grams! I think I did pretty well on my harvest. I have over a pound of bud! I’m all smiles!
Easy grow and the overall quality is great. I feel like I definitely could yield way more if I did way more training. If included trim and shake, this planted yield 2 ozs which isn’t bad for sharing space with 3 other plants in a 2x2 space. I have a few more seeds of this strain and will be growing them again definitely. I’ll catch yall on the next one ☝️🏾
Harvest time! Only this time there were some problems that made me take another approach. The thrips are still active so I thought it would not be very wise to lock them up together with the bud inside a paper bag. So I’ve decided to just cut the entire top part of the plant main stem and all, and hang them inside the top of the tent. But ofcourse not before I have given them a thorough shake. Then from the lower part of the plant where still some bigger buds, which I’ve also cut, trimmed and shaken clean, before they did ended up inside the bag, leaving just the lowest part of the plant with all of the small buds I’ve intended to use to germinate and create some seeds. At this point the remaining part of the plants are inside my small garden greenhouse, and I’ll keep you posted if it’s going to succeed. Normally I’d preferred to trim the bigger leaf from the wet branches, then dry inside my paper bag and finally trimming the dry buds for bringing up the final bag appeal. Only now I’d chose to only remove the fan leaf and hang drying. I turned the ventilation almost on the lowest setting during drying. As I said with the strain review, I’m happy with the results from plant A and C. Plant B started revegging, and thus ended up with a lower end weight. A shame because it had the biggest buds. The positive thing about dry trimming is that you don’t actually have to trim anything, it takes a bit more time, but you can literally push the leafs from the bud.
Made it 67 days before the chop. •••03/21/2020 After a 6 day hang I've trimmed and started to jar cure. Had a total flower weight of 85 grams. Over all I'm pleased. Will update with a smoke report in about 3 weeks.
I would recommend more stability in the pack I got all 3 was different phenos but terp wise both was home runs there making moves with flavor the size was always the biggest autos out there it was the terps that was missing but I believe that's changed now both #6 #10 are full of flavor u wont be dissatisfied 100% if u hit that one SHE WILL GET BIG buds were really dence on these but the FRUITYNESS is wat will make this a top strain to come✍️✍️✍️✍️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Great strain with Strong genetics. I'll approach this gal a little differently next time with regards to training. I topped early and this plants sativa side kicked in and grew a tall lanky legged gal 58". The quality is fire here I'd definitely train differently to get the most out of your canopy which is what I'll focus on in the future. By far the most dense and sticky buds I've grown to date and it comes on my 1st year Anniversary cultivating cannabis. Thank-you Grow Diaries for allowing me to learn from this fantastic platform as well as share the experience to others.
Overall, good first time with this breeder strain - cure will tell everything but first impressions are beautiful - berry dank taste that hits you right away and lasts awhile...don't need much to give you couch lock from this bad boy :) 😏😎🙌