! this is my current status, gonna upload my last veg weeks within the next week - got a bit busy around Spannabis - thank you for your understanding! 💚 Welcome to Bud Boutique Grow Diary - really appreciate all your love and support :) Dont forget to check out my other current grows! 🗓️ This Week: - Day 24: attaching once a week APTUS Foliar with Regulator & Nutrispray with the amazing CannaFogger by Petra Grow - Day 28: bud development is super beautiful and praying up, even though the plant still pretty small and compacts compared to others Thank you for still staying with me 💚 ___________________________________________ --- 🌱 Strain (Sponsor) 🌱 --- 🏷️ Big Band by Kannabia Seed Company --- 🥗 Nutrients and Feeding (sponsored by APTUS: APTUS Ambassador) --- 🍸 APTUS: full nutrient schedule extreme -- Regulator, N-Boost, P-Boost, CaMg-Boost, K-Boost, Allin1 Liquid, Startbooster, Topbooster, Enzym+ every feeding -- Fulvic-Blast, NutriSpray as Foliar each once a week 🔗 --- ♻️ Grow Control (Sponsor) --- TROLMASTER: TENT-X + LM14 Light Adapter to dim/sunrise/sunset lights + Temp & rH Sensor all remote on App 🔗 --- 🚿 PetraGrow (Sponsor) --- CannaFogger Foliar Spray 🔗 --- 🏭 Grow Setup --- 💡LUMATEK Zeus Pro 600 * 🏠🌿 Indoor: Homebox 120x120x200cm (4x4) * 📐🌀 PrimaKlima exhausting Fan 1180m3/h (running on 60-80%) * 🌀 Can Light Filter 800m3/h & 1x Fanbox 1x Dyson fan for Air circulation 🔗 🔗 🔗 All Likes and comments are highly appreciated!!! 👨‍🌾 don't forget to check out my Instagram for daily educational content: budboutiquee - Bud Boutique
Week 1 Crucial week: plantlet are vulnerable. Vertical stretching; I add some soil on the base of the plants. No ventilation just air humidifier and heat mat. Light ts 1000 - 25% - 15h No really watering, just water spraying
Final product is been absolutely amazing on these clones - the jungle came out about average but the clones definitely exceeded expectations there absolute fire in comparison but still just as good hopefully I can just improve a few issues we had on this run and dial right in 100% will be so much better, next few run is going to be special I’ve got a few things lined up. From tester packs to breeders packs I can hunt from. So lots to choose from but what to keep to run will be interesting
Vamos familia, actualizamos la cuarta semana de vida de esta Amaretto Tarmac de Seedstockers. Empezamos abonando ya con varios productos de la gama Agrobeta. Temperatura y humedad dentro de los rangos correctos, 18 horas luz, 6 oscuridad. Una lástima que de todas solo aguanto una, aún así seguiremos con el diario hasta el final. Ya trasplanté a sus 7 litros definitivos. Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Vamos familia, actualizamos la cuarta semana de vida de estas Panty Punch de Seedstockers, salieron 3 una se resiste a tirar adelante, veremos cómo progresan. Empezamos añadiendo varios productos de la gama de Agrobeta, el tetra 9 fue vía foliar la aplicación. Temperatura y humedad dentro de los rangos correctos. Ya realizaré el trasplante correspondiente a 7 litros. Vamos viendo cómo avanzan estas próximas semanas. Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Vamos familia cuarta semana de estás Pink Runtz de RoyalQueenSeeds. Que ganas tengo de ver el progreso de esta variedad, las plantas están sanas, se ven con un color espectacular. La cantidad de agua cada 48h entre riegos. Esta semana ya añadimos nutrientes, el tetra 9 se aplicó vía foliar, estas próximas semanas veremos cómo avanzan. Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Day 59 now Keeping a dehumidifier going 24/7 and have been for 2/3 weeks All been watered with a gallon of feed 2ml/gal - micro 4ml/gal - bloom .6/.7ml/gal - grow was used for the 4 plants closest toward the door . Fed 3ml/L of bloom booster 2 days ago . But didn’t water them all deeply. Maybe a litre of this per plant. Humidity at 46%
Day 64 - Beginning of the Final Flowering Week 🌱 Hello, my grow friends! We’re entering the last flowering week, and it looks like I’ll be harvesting the plant around Friday, which will be roughly Day 68. 💭 Harvest Decision: It’s a tough decision because while the buds are still growing, the trichomes in the middle and lower parts of the plant are already about 80% milky and 10% amber. I’ll keep an eye on things and plan to check the trichomes again on Day 65, two days before harvest, to make a final decision. 🌿 Trichome Considerations: I have a feeling that even after cutting the plant and hanging it upside down to dry, some nutrients might still move into the buds, potentially causing them to swell a bit more. This is something I’m curious to see. 💧 Humidity, Water, and Temperature: As I mentioned in my last update, I flushed the plant yesterday, just before the start of the final week, with 4 liters of water. This should help flush out any remaining nutrients, and I likely won’t need to water again before harvest since the pots are thoroughly soaked. The humidity and temperature are holding steady between 52-58% and 20-24°C, which I find ideal. I’ve got my exhaust system and fan running continuously to ensure no mold develops. 📸 Final Updates: I’ll check in again with an update just before harvest to let you know how things are looking. Remember, I’m posting new pictures and videos of my plant every day. 🌱 Day 70 - Last Day Before Harvest 🌱 Hey Grow-Friends! 😄 Today marks the final day before harvest, and I couldn’t be more excited! As planned, I’ve kept the plant in darkness for the last 48 hours and haven’t watered it for 6 days. My goal is to let it sit in the dark until this evening, when the time finally comes to chop it down. 🌿✂️ Drying Decisions 🌬️ After much research and considering several factors—especially the high humidity in my tent—I’ve decided to go with wet trimming instead of dry trimming. I know dry trimming is often recommended for better bud quality and taste, but my main concern is avoiding mold at all costs. So, to play it safe, I’ll wet trim the buds, get them into the right size, and then place them in a drying net for about 7 days. Timing Concerns ⏳ I’m still figuring out the best timing for transferring the buds into curing jars. Since I’m wet trimming, I won’t be able to rely on the classic “stem snap test” to check dryness. But we’ll figure that out as we go along! Final Reflections 🌟 It’s been an amazing journey, and although I could push the grow a little further, I believe this is the perfect time to harvest. Given my upcoming personal plans, it feels right to finish up now. I can’t wait to report back with the harvest update soon! 🌿 Stay tuned, and as always, thanks for following along!
A few of the zed blacks hermed..spreading pollen into the flower tent. Already seeing some seeds develop. It is what it is. I should have done a better job checking on them. I kept the Zed blacks that only had a couple flowers on the bottom but tossed anything that had flowers growing up the majority of the plant. Some of the most famous strains in the world were self pollinated so I don't have issues with a couple male flowers. They're just trying to improve their fitness as nature intended. The plants are doing very well. A few of the bottom leaves are dying which is normal...senecense! Sucking up those nutrients. I've been liquid feeding using the fish, seaweed, humate and recharge. I have saved the males and they are trying to reveg. Still popping out a few flowers which I'm cutting off. 1 rainbow belt. 1 zed black. 3 hash plants The hash plants are smelling incredible. Definitely a few keepers mixed in here. Maybe 3/7. Hopefully the quality of the flower backs it up. Zed blacks have 2/3 I'm interested in. One is very very low yield. Unless its a really high quality plant I'm gonna toss it Rainbow belts are both smelling ridiculous. Super frosty. Good yield. One is slightly more frosted than the other. The zkittles pheno has pure Skittles smell with a little lemon cleaner chem to back it up. Probably my keeper!
Día 08 Entramos en la segunda semana de flora. Hice la mudanza y tuve que cortar un poquito de raíces ya que se habían ido por los caños hasta el depósito. Las raices estan tan crecidas que no puedo ni levantar las plantas con su canasta. Así que no pude enrollarlas para meterlas en el caño otra vez. Incluso me encontré con que las raíces se metían por los tubos negros de goma que las riegan. Tuve que sacarlos y destaparlos. En definitiva ayer hice un lavado preventivo con agua oxigenada para limpiar toda posibilidad de hongos en el sistema. Por ahora se las vé sanas y avanzando. Estoy esperando a que termine el estirón para hacer una poda de hojas. De todos modos voy a usar un tipo de poda que ya he hecho antes y me ha resultado muy bien. En lugar de cortar lad hojas de abajo, corto las hojas grandes de arriba, y de esa forma dejo una base de hojas en el medio de la planta, que alimentan a todas las ramas. Y así no tengo nada que tape la liz a las flores que quiera dejar. De esa mitad de planta para abajo, no qieda ninguna rama. Ya fui cortando algunas. Pero la semana que viene voy a hacer la poda más real. Me asusta un poco el tamaño de las raíces. No sé donde puede terminar esto.
Que pasa familia, vamos con la cuarta semana de vida de estas Gorilla Cookies Fast Flowering, de FastBuds. Agradezco a Agrobeta todos los kits obtenidos de ellos 🙏. Vamos al lío, el ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 22/24 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. El Tetra 9 fue añadido de manera foliar, cambiamos el fotoperiodo a 12-12 desde que actualizó esta semana. Estás próximas semanas veremos cómo avanzan. Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la cuarta semana de vida de estas Wedding Cheesecake Fast Flowering, de FastBuds. Agradezco a Agrobeta todos los kits obtenidos de ellos 🙏. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 21/24 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%.Tienen un color espectacular,esta semana cambió el foco a 12-12, el tetra 9 lo añadí vía foliar, iremos viendo cómo avanzan. Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la cuarta semana de vida de estas Orange Sherbet Fast Flowering, de FastBuds. Agradezco a Agrobeta todos los kits obtenidos de ellos 🙏. Vamos al lío, El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 22/24 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%, añadimos ya varios productos de la gama de Agrobeta. Las próximas semanas veremos cómo avanzan, trasplanté a maceta definitiva. Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨