I was told this is a 1:1 CBD strain but feels more like a 2:1
Ok so this plant yelded large , thick and dense flowers that are completely covered in sugar ,
The flavour and smell is fantastic even without a cure ,
I've been using this in the vapourisor and the flavour is incredible ,
A very thick and heavy gas that does not make you cough at all , and for me it's a very heavy head high and then you get a very pleasant feeling in your lungs and chest ,
The effect is very relaxing and claiming ,
For me it's all you expect from cannabis without the head f*CK
It's a really nice smoke indeed ,
Too the point that I think I will not be turning this plant into oils as in the decarbing temperature you need too choice ether the CBD or the thc at they both decarb at different temperatures CBD needing alot higher temp too activate than thc does , so you ether burn off the thc too get the CBD , so I think this will be my night time chillax smoke as it's real nice ,