I could talk to you for hours about this strain, it has many qualities and I always get excited talking about it because it has brought me so much luck and I am very, very fond of it and therefore I always look for the right words as if to describe my best friend or a person I love so well. It's not purple this time, anyone who frequents this site should know by now the famous purple plant I made, famous for its beauty, it amazed everyone first. Color does a lot for beauty and impact on the public but take a good look at this plant. Very compact flowers, with that super density that I like, lots and lots of resin, super beautiful pistils to look at. Let's understand each other well, it vegetated very little, just over two weeks, but very little and it grew very well and with a lot of quality. She had a hermaphrodite nearby, she didn't even inseminate herself like many others, truly a super strain guys, try it! Go to the official website and buy it if you haven't seen it, take a look at the photos with which it is promoted, it's her in all her beauty and majesty... Site description ZAMNESIA SEEDS - BISCUITS: DELICIOUS BISCUITS TO EAT AND SMOKE Spice up your grows and add the Biscotti strain to your cannabis seed collection. It offers the best qualities of marijuana: potency, productivity and intense flavors. Biscotti is made up of South Florida OG and Gelato genetics and contains 22–25% THC, enough to make your body vibrate from head to toe. The genetic profile of this strain is 80% indica and 20% sativa, with effects that will make you feel relaxed and creative at the same time. Plants of the Biscotti variety produce dark green leaves and numerous pistils, while the buds tend to be small and compact. Towards the end of the flowering phase, when nighttime temperatures drop a few degrees, you may also notice purple hues. GROWING BISCUITS: FAST FLOWERING Biscotti won't test your patience. You can break out your scissors and start harvesting her after about 8–9 weeks of flowering indoors. The plants are robust and vigorous and grow well both outdoors and indoors. Under the sun, you can expect heights of 130–170cm and yields of 800g/plant ready in October. Some experienced growers have reported achieving higher yields. So, the results will depend on your skills. Indoors, Biscotti typically reaches a respectable height of 130–150cm and offers yields of 550–650g/m². FLAVOURS, FLAVORS AND EFFECTS OF BISCUITS: DELICIOUS AND COMPLEX Once the drying and curing is finished, you will finally be able to taste the fruits of your labor. Biscotti is definitely one of our tastiest varieties, producing aromas of vanilla and honey biscuits contrasting with the classic diesel notes. A great addition to the kitchen where you can prepare delicious baked desserts. Being very potent and producing effects that can overwhelm the user, we advise you to consume it with caution to avoid becoming overwhelmed. This strain offers a relaxing high for the body, while the creative juices will start flowing in the mind.
this one was on a cold spot, and didn't grow large, but very easy to grow, nice compact bud, very light smell, can be grown indoor without filter if you grow a couple of 'm. wonderfull strain, i will try this one again in the coming year in a soilles setup
Next week i will stop feeding her with grow nutrients, but decreasing (reduce) doses. I am brazilian guy, so i dont write very well and not understand somethings 😅
Smell is coming on. Showing decent bud growth over first 3 weeks. Final defoliation done recently. Still only using PH balanced water with no additional nutes.
Yeah this strain finished in 9 weeks just like the guidelines say, tons of golf ball sized nugs. I could have got a better yield if I topped her earlier but I'm really happy with this grow. $20 investment and a quarter pound of weed in return. Outdoor plants really require very little to no maintenance, so if constantly pruning and training isn't something your interested in then go outdoors mate. In terms of how I grew this girl I just used a bit of cal-mag and amended the soil with organic nutrients before flowering. The organic notes saved my ass for flower. The yield may not be as much as many outdoor plant but again my first outdoor grow. I'm happy with the quality over quantity too. Thanks for all for stopping by!
Great overall growing experience. I feel like I learned a lot and can’t wait to see my progression as I continue to grow! Thank you following along this far if you have! 💕 Please go check out my profile and social and continue to follow along! Keep growing!
Well to say I am happy about this girl would be a understatement . She was so good and even though I neglected her for a while she was so good to me with the harvest . The team at dinafem have outdone them selves with this strain I had hot, humid,wet ass conditions for a month and she was strongest plant out doors I had .. Very resilient and good for that kind of climate Canadian wet weather she was the queen and I will grow her again ...The thing is if I had taken better care of her lack of time she was out of the way ,then the amount I would have right now would be crazy next year I'll try again lol cheers and thanks canna family so much follow along on instagram @cannibal19888
The stretch has definitely begun. No issues whatsoever. I turned the lights up to 250W and bumped the PPM to 950. Thinking about adding another LED to tent - these things are going to be out of control! The GSC in the 64L res is almost exactly on the same schedule as the 1L, which is 5 days older. the 1L is obviously in the lead in terms of size, but the 64L isn't far behind. I honestly think they'll both end up being almost identical...
I found this seed in bud that I harvested from my Barney's Liberty Haze plant. It was grown in my grow room and you can see my GrowDiary log of that plant. I am not sure exactly how I ended up with seeds... maybe there was light or temperature stress which resulted in a herm. In any case, I decided to grow this seed as a fun experiment. I didn't even know if the seed would germinate... but it grew just FINE. I didn't top it, or give it any special treatment. I guess you could say she grew 'native' or 'au natural.' I have never grown outside before, but I had space in the garden, and the seedling looked healthy, so I hardened her off and popped her into the dirt. She ended up going into a huge monster of a plant. Standing over 9 feet tall I had to laugh out loud each time I climbed the ladder to inspect her top cola LOL. I had so much fun growing this plant. I called her Majestic Haze (we live on Majestic Drive) because I'm not sure if Barney's would want me calling her Liberty Haze. I can't verify the genetics for sure :) I wonder how plant breeders handle those kinds of things??... This bud is fun for parties and conversation. It starts out with an energetic vibe and then settles into a relaxed chill stoned feeling. We vaped our dried bud, and then we tried some of our hand rolled hash... then we settled in for the night. Woke up a sit high still LOL but it's Saturday and we don't need to go anywhere so it's all good LOL... This one is the bud of choice for house parties and silly Netflix watching. PS if you haven't see The Good Place... you need to get stoned and watch it. The total dried weight of bud from this plant was just under one pound @ 310g and we also ended up with around 120 g of frosty trim. We also rolled up about a gram of hash which has some serious kick :)
It was my first grow and I really screwed it up a lot, but it resisted all my beginner mistakes, pests, stress, being without irrigation, irrigation without measuring PH, revegetation, etc. I love her, really, in love with this strain. It is a genetics with a very relaxing effect, recommended for those who cannot sleep at night. shoutout for trimix, very good prices for begginers>