Overview: In the second week of our grow diary "Schroedinger's Plants," the Tropicana Cookies, Gorilla Zkittlez, and Apple Strudel strains have shown varied yet overall positive growth under controlled conditions. Each strain continues to progress well, with interventions to address minor issues. Plant Specifics: 1. Tropicana Cookies: Growth: The plant height increased from 8 cm to 11.5 cm throughout the week, showing healthy growth. Health: Plant health remained robust, marked by the continued green color stabilization and decrease in vein thickness initially noted. Interventions: Regular doses of Alfa Boost and Epsom Salt were administered to maintain nutrition and micronutrient levels. A notable treatment for fungus gnats (Trauermücken) using nematodes was applied early in the week, which required adjustments in watering to facilitate effective nematode deployment. Environmental Conditions: The environment was stable with slight increases in daytime and nighttime temperatures towards the end of the week. 2. Gorilla Zkittlez: Growth: Progressed from 7 cm to 9.5 cm in height by the end of the week. Health: Similar to Tropicana Cookies, this strain exhibited signs of early nutrient issues (thickening of veins and lighter green in new growth) that were effectively managed, leading to improved color and reduced vein prominence. Interventions: Application of Alfa Boost and Epsom Salt continued, adjusting as needed based on plant response. Plans to increase PPFD (photosynthetic photon flux density) were made to encourage stronger growth responses. Challenges: Like the other strains, initial signs of fungus gnat (Trauermücken) were addressed with nematodes. 3. Apple Strudel: Growth: Showed a steady increase from 6.5 cm to 9 cm. Health: Initial challenges with vein thickness and lighter green patches were managed through similar nutrient adjustments as the other strains. Interventions: Consistent nutrient management with Alfa Boost and Epsom Salt helped stabilize growth and coloration. Caught up with the others by the end of the week, after initially lagging slightly behind in growth. Environmental Notes: The plant environment was kept stable, mirroring the conditions of the other strains with slight temperature increases noted towards the week's end. General Observations and Actions: Pest Management: The introduction of nematodes early in the week helped manage the presence of Trauermücken across all plants, a necessary step to prevent infestations. Nutrient Management: The consistent use of Alfa Boost and Epsom Salt across all strains helped address minor nutrient imbalances seen as vein thickening and changes in leaf coloration. Environmental Control: Slight increases in temperature and adjustments in humidity levels were monitored to ensure optimal growth conditions. These adjustments were crucial as the plants transition from seedling to more mature vegetative stages. Conclusion: The second week showed promising growth and stability across all strains. While minor issues were quickly addressed through targeted interventions, the overall health of the plants remained strong. Moving forward, the focus will be on maintaining this momentum and carefully monitoring environmental parameters and plant responses to optimize growth. The increase in PPFD will be particularly interesting to follow in terms of its impact on growth rates and overall plant vigor. In week 3 we'll also start with LST-Training the Ladies. Cheers,
Knospen sehen langsam saftig aus. Ab nächste Woche gibt es Trichom Fotos. Upgrade seit 2.7 Growbox auf 100x100 vergrössert. Jetzt hat die Dame mehr platzt als sie braucht. Geruch ist bis jetzt sehr Pinie. Der Geruch wechselt nach mehr mal riechen in eine süße kush Richtung. Quasi alles wie erwartet. Bis jetzt einer der besten seeds die ich in meinem Leben hatte. Vielleicht nicht der außergewöhnlichste Strain , aber ein Solider (Cali) Klassiker
Knospen sehen langsam saftig aus. Ab nächste Woche gibt es Trichom Fotos. Upgrade seit 2.7 Growbox auf 100x100 vergrössert. Jetzt hat die Dame mehr platzt als sie braucht. Die kleine sieht unglaublich frosti aus. Geruch ist bis jetzt sehr Pinie. Der Geruch wechselt nach mehr mal riechen in eine süße kush Richtung. Quasi alles wie erwartet. Bis jetzt einer der besten seeds die ich in meinem Leben hatte. Vielleicht nicht der außergewöhnlichste Strain , aber ein Solider (Cali) Klassiker
Well, this grow has come to an end. I have mixed feelings about that, as I enjoyed the journey, but at the same time I can't wait to try this stuff. 😁 Man, I knew from the start it was likely I was going to get addicted to opium. 😶 But hey, what the hell, I'm in! She was a bit of a job to trim, many breaks to clean the scissors, but me and my grow neighbor plus another bro got her done in about 3.5 hours. She's hanging pretty in the infamous spare bedroom and I can't wait for her to dry up and go into the Grove bags for a cure. Of course, strictly for quality control purposes, a sample will be tested by our expert panel of esteemed judges prior to the cure. 😉
Well it's safe to say the foop will work with legit strong good bacteria! But the focus has to be on the root health when it comes to how much food you can add and still maintain healthy roots. But the game changer for me has been switching to a air stone, 1st and for most. The recirculation pump suggested by foop when running foop in dwc ran the solution temps into the high 70's around 77°F and anything over 75°F has been where root rot sets in for me. Even switched to way smaller recirculation pump with same results. So switching to running a air stone was big! But also found that running one Vivosun 317GPH Air Pump 15W split to 4 plants was not enough air for the roots to be happy in the foop plants. So I moved to a 2nd air pump, same size per tent. So now it's only split to 2 plants on the foop plants. And that made a big difference! But found after a few weeks that I had to bleed a slight amount of air off because there soo much extra air the humidity was sky rocketing in the tent to high 80%. So there's a sweet spot where they get extra air but not soo much that the humidity is affected. But the 2nd most beneficial thing I've done is start running Orca. It has made such a huge difference. I think I need to go up with how much I'm using or find something that works even better if possible. But the sweet spot now is 8 to 9ml total of each foop veg/bloom 1,2 and sweener. When I go to 12ml with foop 1,2 the roots take a noticeable hit. So idk how I would go to the recommended 20 to 50ml per gallon as suggested on the foop grow chart. I tried going to 10ml foop 1,2 on this one but the roots didn't like it and it shows they have never turned back to a blonde or white color again Currently running around 6 to 10ml orca total per feeding. And adding 2 to 4ml when I add foop 1,2 mid week and got happy roots! Also the Seaweed extract has made a difference in the smell the plant puts off. Last few grows have been really muted with smells and this grow I actually get hit in the face when entering grow room. So has made a difference forsure!! I'm soo excited!! Currently has issues getting the humidity below 55% in the grow room. I was running 6 damprids 1 on intake(outside tent) to tent, one on inside of tent(at inlet) and 1 on exhaust(outside tent) for 2x4 tent and 2 hanging at 4x4 tent exhaust and one hanging by ac unit. That brought it down like 5% over all but now I'm running 12 damprids to try and get the room down humidity in the mid 40's. We will see. The house runs a swamp cooler and that basically makes the whole house pressurized. So even tho I sealed the grooe room door and the window with ac the best i can. it's a uphill battle! Once swamp cooler comes on the humidity in grow room climbs like 10%. So here's to hoping🤞🤞🤞🤞 6/25 added 2L 6/26 added 1.5L, 10ml Seaweed extract, 4ml orca, 4ml foop bloom 1&2, 4ml foop sweener, 3ml cal mag 6/28 added 2L 6/29 added 1.5L 6/30 added 1L, 20ml Seaweed extract 7/1 refreshed, gave 20ml hydroguard, 15ml orca, 25ml Seaweed extract, 9ml foop bloom 1&2. 10ml foop sweener, 6.5ml cal mag Records kept here: 👋👋👋 Hello, Thanks for checking out my grow!! Please like and follow I really appreciate it!🤟 Please feel free to leave questions and comments below!!👇 I really appreciate all advice!!! Check out my Instagram, you can message me there too! And check out my youtube for more content! Mistakes were made, but what better way then to live it and learn it yourself!!!!
week intel: everything is perfect! stresses : just a little E.C stress around 1.7 once a week feeding: i feed them 3 times this week with this order : day 1 : i feed them heavy with silicate +base nutrients(calcium & micros + Bloom) about 818 ppm - 1.7 e.c to cause a little stress. day 3 : i feed them low dose of Feeding Booster + Karbo Boost around 382 ppm - 0.7 e.c to let them recover a little but not fully recover still a little stress will caused. day 5 : i feed them with low dose of Top-Max + B-52 around 250 ppm - 0.5 e.c to let them recover the stresses to get ready for another stress next week. guide of the week : know your plant tolerance limit of E.C stress once you saw the very very little yellowing on tips of leaves , that's the sign to don't go further , never reach that limit if you want a high quality buds, in my case tolerance is 1.8 and i'll reach to that level only once a week to cause precision stress , love your plants and have a happy growing!
Well it's safe to say the foop will work with legit strong good bacteria! But the focus has to be on the root health when it comes to how much food you can add and still maintain healthy roots. But the game changer for me has been switching to a air stone, 1st and for most. The recirculation pump suggested by foop when running foop in dwc ran the solution temps into the high 70's around 77°F and anything over 75°F has been where root rot sets in for me. Even switched to way smaller recirculation pump with same results. So switching to running a air stone was big! But also found that running one Vivosun 317GPH Air Pump 15W split to 4 plants was not enough air for the roots to be happy in the foop plants. So I moved to a 2nd air pump, same size per tent. So now it's only split to 2 plants on the foop plants. And that made a big difference! But found after a few weeks that I had to bleed a slight amount of air off because there soo much extra air the humidity was sky rocketing in the tent to high 80%. So there's a sweet spot where they get extra air but not soo much that the humidity is affected. But the 2nd most beneficial thing I've done is start running Orca. It has made such a huge difference. I think I need to go up with how much I'm using or find something that works even better if possible. But the sweet spot now is 8 to 9ml total of each foop veg/bloom 1,2 and sweener. When I go to 12ml with foop 1,2 the roots take a noticeable hit. So idk how I would go to the recommended 20 to 50ml per gallon as suggested on the foop grow chart. Currently running around 6 to 10ml orca total per feeding. And adding 2 to 4ml when I add foop 1,2 mid week amd got happy roots! Also the Seaweed extract has made a difference in the smell the plant puts off. Last few grows have been really muted with smells and this grow I actually get hit in the face when entering grow room. So has made a difference forsure!! I'm soo excited!! I had skipped a feeding because I had been feeding a few tines mid week. And that's when all the yellow edges showed up I've been trying to get her back on track feeding mid week 4 to 6ml foop 1,2 and has made a difference forsure! I also added a Exhale C02 bag. So hoping that kicks her in high gear, but she already seems to be doing better! I also need to get back to trying to master the art of getting the ph to stabilize and not climb every 24hrs. Currently I have to ph daily 6/24 added 1L, 10ml Seaweed extract 6/25 added 2L 6/26 added 1.5L, 10ml Seaweed extract, 4ml orca, 4ml foop bloom 1&2, 4ml foop sweener, 3ml cal mag 6/28 added 2L 6/29 added 1.5L 6/30 added 1L, 20ml Seaweed extract 7/1 refreshed, gave 20ml hydroguard, 10ml orca, 25ml Seaweed extract, 9ml foop bloom 1&2. 10ml foop sweener, 5.5ml cal mag Records kept here: 👋👋👋 Hello, Thanks for checking out my grow!! Please like and follow I really appreciate it!🤟 Please feel free to leave questions and comments below!!👇 I really appreciate all advice!!! Check out my Instagram, you can message me there too! And check out my youtube for more content! Mistakes were made, but what better way then to live it and learn it yourself!!!!
Oh us this plant is doing Great!! Winner winner!!