Welcome to Bud Boutique Grow Diary - really appreciate all your love and support :) Dont forget to check out my other current grows! 🗓️ This Week: - Day 52: the end is near - fading out colors super beautiful - Day 53: Trichomes check - looking super good almost all cloudy, a few amber and clear. perfect point to chop - Day 54: this one is finished, let's chop them !! ✂️✂️✂️ - now its time to dry inside the tent at about 60%rh and less than 20°C/68°F trying to get it even lower for the next 10-14 days - in complete darkness Thank you for still staying with me 💚 ___________________________________________ --- 🌱 Strain (Sponsor) 🌱 --- 🏷️ Big Band by Kannabia Seed Company https://www.kannabia.com/en/feminized-cannabis-seeds/big-band --- 🥗 Nutrients and Feeding (sponsored by APTUS: APTUS Ambassador) --- 🍸 APTUS: full nutrient schedule extreme -- Regulator, N-Boost, P-Boost, CaMg-Boost, K-Boost, Allin1 Liquid, Startbooster, Topbooster, Enzym+ every feeding -- Fulvic-Blast, NutriSpray as Foliar each once a week 🔗 https://aptus-holland.com/ --- ♻️ Grow Control (Sponsor) --- TROLMASTER: TENT-X + LM14 Light Adapter to dim/sunrise/sunset lights + Temp & rH Sensor all remote on App 🔗 https://www.trolmaster.eu/ --- 🚿 PetraGrow (Sponsor) --- CannaFogger Foliar Spray 🔗 https://www.petratools.com/product/petragrow-cannafogger-atomizer-new-mini-fogger --- 🏭 Grow Setup --- 💡LUMATEK Zeus Pro 600 * 🏠🌿 Indoor: Homebox 120x120x200cm (4x4) * 📐🌀 PrimaKlima exhausting Fan 1180m3/h (running on 60-80%) * 🌀 Can Light Filter 800m3/h & 1x Fanbox 1x Dyson fan for Air circulation 🔗 https://lumatek-lighting.com/zeus-600w-pro-29/ 🔗 https://primaklima.com/de/shop/ventilatoren-de/ec-ventilatoren/pk160ec-tc/ 🔗 https://canfilters.com/products/filters/ All Likes and comments are highly appreciated!!! 👨‍🌾 don't forget to check out my Instagram for daily educational content: budboutiquee - Bud Boutique
Well! We are looking great! I filmed one time and it paid off! Will be doing more branches next run. (LONDON POUND CAKE) anyway got some good dark purple coming in strong!!
Well! We are looking great! I filmed one time and it paid off! Will be doing more branches next run. (LONDON POUND CAKE) anyway got some good dark purple coming in strong!!
Gracias al equipo de AnesiaSeeds, Marshydro, XpertNutrients y Trolmaster sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Sticky Boof: Prepárate para dejarte llevar por Sticky Boof, nuestra última obra maestra que está poniendo el listón muy alto para los amantes de las índicas. Nacida del legendario cruce de Super Boof y Cadillac Rainbow, Sticky Boof es una potente planta con un asombroso 80% de dominancia Indica que promete una relajación sin igual. Prepárate para un viaje épico con el asombroso 37,5% de THC de Sticky Boof. Sumérgete en una cosecha abundante con Sticky Boof, que produce hasta la friolera de 500 g/m² en interior y 800 - 900 g por planta en exterior. Esta variedad es generosa y está lista para llenar tu alijo de cogollos de la mejor calidad. Sticky Boof es todo rapidez y eficacia, acelerando el tiempo de floración en sólo 7 u 8 semanas. 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. https://marshydro.eu/products/mars-hydro-ts-3000-led-grow-light/ 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow https://marshydro.eu/products/diy-150x150x200cm-grow-tent-kit 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. https://marshydro.eu/products/ifresh-smart-6inch-filter-kits/ 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: https://xpertnutrients.com/es/shop/ 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. https://www.trolmaster.com/Products/Details/TCS-1 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: https://xpertnutrients.com/es/shop/ 📆 Semana 6: Buena semana, ha habido sol agradable y buenas temperaturas, empieza q tomar fuerza. Mantengo las dosis de nutrientes a 1/3 de lo recomendada por el fabricante al estar en suelo virgen ☘️🌲🌳.
Gracias al equipo de Zamnesia, Marshydro, XpertNutrients y Trolmaster sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Frosted Guava: La Frosted Guava es una cepa índica dominante y súper resinosa, que es un cruce de la Guava y la Frosted Skywalker. Con unas características de cultivo muy versátiles, un aroma exótico y afrutado, y un subidón relajante y lúcido, la Frosted Guava es ideal para cualquier plantación de marihuana. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: Código Descuento 20%: ZAMMIGD2023 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. https://marshydro.eu/products/mars-hydro-ts-3000-led-grow-light/ 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow https://marshydro.eu/products/diy-150x150x200cm-grow-tent-kit 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. https://marshydro.eu/products/ifresh-smart-6inch-filter-kits/ 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: https://xpertnutrients.com/es/shop/ 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. https://www.trolmaster.com/Products/Details/TCS-1 📆 Semana 3: Muy buena semana, esta dando un estiron como ninguna, he aplicado un riego solamente con agua de manantial para reducir la cantidad de sales acumuladas en el sustrato y se ha notado una mejoria . Creo que le quedan unas dos semanas por estirar, parece que va a ser una buena cosecha. Se mantiene un buen control del cuarto de cultivo gracias a @marshydro y @trolmaster. Mantengo las dosis de 1/3 de nutrientes recomendados por el fabricante. Potencia del foco 80%
Gracias al equipo de MSNL Seeds, Marshydro, XpertNutrients y Trolmaster sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁RS11: RS11 es uno de nuestros nuevos híbridos 50/50 perfectamente equilibrados. Creamos RS11 cruzando Pink Guava x OZK x Sunset Sherbet con la intención de crear una variedad que ofrezca medidas iguales de efectos edificantes y relajantes. Aclamada como una de las variedades más sabrosas del mercado, su sabor agrio y dulce a bayas viene con un potente rango de THC del 27% al 31%. 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. https://marshydro.eu/products/mars-hydro-ts-3000-led-grow-light/ 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow https://marshydro.eu/products/diy-150x150x200cm-grow-tent-kit 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. https://marshydro.eu/products/ifresh-smart-6inch-filter-kits/ 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: https://xpertnutrients.com/es/shop/ 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. https://www.trolmaster.com/Products/Details/TCS-1 📆 Semana 3: Muy buena semana, he aplicado un riego solamente con agua de manantial para reducir la cantidad de sales acumuladas en el sustrato y se ha notado una mejoria . Creo que le quedan unas dos semanas por estirar, parece que va a ser una buena cosecha. Se mantiene un buen control del cuarto de cultivo gracias a @marshydro y @trolmaster. Mantengo las dosis de 1/3 de nutrientes recomendados por el fabricante. Potencia del foco 80%
Veg Week 7 Day 49 to 55 - 4/8 to 4/14 This week is primarily test training recovery and stretch setting for flower. Follow-up on the breaks confirms the last statement: So as I said, little to no damage will produce average branches (prone to weight breaks later in flower as discovered in my first grow) Small to slightly moderate break of green and evenly crushed stem can create heavy knuckles with large waterways through hardwood. This provides great support without hindering growth and actually seems to encourage it. Moderate to heavy rips with no back support will runt growth and support; if not die off from lack of attention to the issue. However if back supported immediately, it can recover with a little extra time but lost days of growth will be replaced with recovery days instead. Feed this week was again an auto pot reservoir feed at 500ppm total before add-ins. I used 400ppm Veg concentrate mix (recipe week 2) and introduced 100ppm Bloom concentrate mix (recipe week 5). I also added 1ml/gal of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and ph balance this week was for 5.9 Video HST Branch crushing and bending to train waterways for stretch in flower. The more I do here, the less I have to do later. Next week I plan to monitor the training of the branches and feed 500ppm at 5.8ph. All I am trying to do now is set the growth of the colas/branches to where I want them to flower and stretch from now that I can see which are going to be more productive in size.
Flower Week 1 Day 0 to 6 - 4/22 to 4/28 Flip week and same day extreme defoliation to encourage top stretch. (flip day was actually 4/24) The defoliation of everything below the bottom two nodes really shows the difference of breakage on these. I'm glad I ran these through to the end as you can see the difference more directly on the same plants rather than 2 separate plants. (although Im sure you can gather the same information that way too) Feed this week was an auto pot reservoir feed at 600ppm total before add-ins. I used 450ppm Veg concentrate mix (recipe week 2) and increased to 150ppm Bloom concentrate mix (recipe week 5). I also added 1ml/gal of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and ph balance this week was for 5.8 as it will be for the rest of the grow Videos Defoliation before and after Next week I plan to train the stretch and lowest branches for Schwazze defoliation on day 21 of flower. Feed next week will increase to 650ppm and it will be the first reduction of Veg Mix.
Flower Week 1 Day 0 to 6 - 4/22 to 4/28 Flip week and same day extreme defoliation to encourage top stretch. (flip day was actually 4/24) The defoliation of everything below the bottom two nodes really shows the difference of breakage on these. I'm glad I ran these through to the end as you can see the difference more directly on the same plants rather than 2 separate plants. (although Im sure you can gather the same information that way too) Feed this week was an auto pot reservoir feed at 600ppm total before add-ins. I used 450ppm Veg concentrate mix (recipe week 2) and increased to 150ppm Bloom concentrate mix (recipe week 5). I also added 1ml/gal of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and ph balance this week was for 5.8 as it will be for the rest of the grow Videos Defoliation before and after Next week I plan to train the stretch and lowest branches for Schwazze defoliation on day 21 of flower. Feed next week will increase to 650ppm and it will be the first reduction of Veg Mix.
Flower Week 4 Day 28 to 34 - 4/15 to 4/21 Seeing some purple on the leave and they are really pointing up now... They both look extremely healthy this week. I cant really say enough about the autopot system, the once a week effort is a game changer for me. Feed this week was an auto pot reservoir feed now at 750ppm total before add-ins. I used 750ppm of Bloom concentrate mix (recipe week 5). However, I also added 1ml/gal of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and ph balance this week was for 5.8 where Io plan to maintain it until harvest. Next week nutes will decrease in Bloom mix again. The signs of trichomes, pistols, and calyx are all about 3 weeks from harvest now, so feed will be 400ppm before add-ins for with 5.8ph before feeding.
FBT2403 is growing really good. I just lollipopped the canopy today. Selectivity defoliated the canopy as well. She is starting to go into bulking. She has been eating good and drinking a lot. Nothing else to report. Thank you Medic Grow, Agrogardens, and Fast Buds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g If anyone needs to purchase fastbuds here is a link for my affiliate program https://myfastbuds.com/?a_aid=60910eaff2419