Día 9 (10/06) N/A Día 10 (11/06) N/A Día 11 (12/06) Llueve mucho. Humedad alta por aquí. Eso les favorece Día 12 (13/06) Se empiezan a desarrollar las hojas verdaderas a una buena velocidad! Todo en marcha! 💨 Día 13 (14/06) Riego ligero 100 ml sólo H20 EC 0,5 en previsión del trasplante en el día 15 de la planta Día 14 (15/06) Se nota que estamos en el día 14 desde germinación y la mayoría de las plántulas van viento en popa! Día 15 (16/06) Hoy procedemos a trasplantar a las chicas a su maceta intermedia de 6,5 litros Se prepara con 5,5 Litros (85%) de sustrato PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS+MYCORRHIZAE + 1 Litro de Insect Frass (15%) + 65 gramos de Earth Vibes Super Soil (10 g/L substrato) Se llena la maceta de sustrato con las manos (limpias) y rompiendo los trozos más gruesos, para que el sustrato esté aireado y esponjoso, sin presionar Se coloca una maceta vacía de 1L para que quede la forma perfecta de la maceta donde están las plántulas (ver fotos) Se espolvorea la parte proporcional de la probeta de microorganismos sobre el agujero de trasplante Se saca la plántula de su maceta actual (bonitas raíces 😍) y se coloca en la maceta final Se riega muy lentamente hasta percolación profunda con H2O EC 0,5 pH 6,5 Se coloca mulch (acolchado) de paja para evitar traspiración excesiva y cuidar a los microorganismos del suelo A ver como reacciona al trasplante! 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
Could have let her ripe a little longer and let lower buds fatten up more, but I've decided it's time now. Harvested on 09.Nov.2023-Day 70 This little plant produced a lot of nice Business just 70 days. I am very happy with Gorilla Cookies and will definetly grow it again. Thé plant loves LST and its highly recommended to increse thé yield. It felt like flower starts in week 3 but the plant continues to grow until like week 9 or high yield in short time is not just possible but likely.
Well, well, well.. My first harvest! I'm very happy with how healthy the plants remained the entire time. I learned that growing outside is definitely easier than maintaining a tent environment, but you don't have as much control over the factors like amount of light the plants recieve and when they get their waterings! More fertilizer and better LST would be my takeaways from this grow. Excited to see how autoflowers perform in a tent next, otherwise I will say the amount I harvested from this plant was somewhat underwhelming.
These are between days 35 and 36. Really starting to see the buds come to fruition. Mainly just getting the bud sites clean from the bigger fan leaves. Man is there a lot of bud sites! I noticed they were getting nutrient toxicity so I'm only giving water until they tell me to give them something else. For this being my first grow I'm slowly starting to get to feel of it.
Number one in looks awesome I mean it's got flowers everywhere kind of smells like a sweet rotten apple almost kind of funky crazy butt structure though crazy bus structure number two and it looks like I'm coming across a nitrogen deficiency on it and try to fix it and root of tea for him this week so should be good too totally different see no type both California snow Fastbuds
Deutlich mehr als erwartet 😁 Ich bin sehr zufrieden damit und liebe diese Sorte freu mich schon auf den nächsten Grow ✅
Banana kush auto has all kinda potassium deficiency signs. My ph got out of control for too long, and she is showing it. She is starting to bulk, and outside of her new marks she is good size. I did a solution changed 4 days ago, and have been getting her stable since. Thank you Medic Grow, Athena, and Weed Seeds Express. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Purple Ryder is doing great. She is bulking and has a nice smell and frosty resin layer going. She is growing great under the Medic Grow Mini Sun-2, in Agrogardens nutrition. I did a solution change on her 4 days ago. Minor ph fluctuations, but it is mostly stable at the moment. Thank you Agrogardens, Medic Grow, and Doctor's Choice 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
*Recommendation: Open the images and see them that way* Day 36: To talk with human terms about this plant, she would be independent and move out at the age of 14. However, the conditions are not really great. Daytime temperature goes up to 29C° (84F°) and solution temp is like 25C° (77F°). The humidity levels are uncontrollable, airflow output of both fans (inline and outline) perfectly fit the tent size but the levels are still higher than they're supposed to be. Day 38: I did LST because the branches grew too tall. She's growing way too big and has at least 40 more days ahead. I think I will end up with supply of 2 years 😁 Day 39: I have no idea why the video quality is very bad Day 40 - 42: She's getting bigger and bigger day-to-day, I don't know what to do with the space, I suppose in about 10 days it will be totally impossible to fit her in the tent with my other plant. .
Day 51: The plant still maturing nicely, and the fade has slowed even though I have pulled nutrients. Buds are swelling and trichomes are continuing to cloud up; Leaves 90% cloudy, 5% clear, 5% amber. Buds 85% cloudy, 10% clear, 3% amber. pH is swinging wildly last few days (6.6-8). Keeping an eye on it and checking twice a day - adjusting as needed. Likely related to having no beneficial bacteria and no nutrients. Day 52: Leaves; 90% cloudy, 2% clear, 8% amber Buds; 90% cloudy, 7% clear, 3% amber Added back in 2mL of beneficial bacteria to the final gallon of top-off water to help with pH control these last few days and work out any remaining nutrient salts in the water or expanded clay. The plant is looking like it will be ready for harvest here in the next few days - maybe day 54/55 harvest. Day 54: Leaves: 85% cloudy, 1% clear, 14% amber Buds: 90% cloudy, 3% clear, 7% amber The plant is definitely looking like it is ready for harvest on 3/4 of the plant. Very top buds are still showing some white pistils - doesn't appear to be fox tailing but looks like the buds are filling out nicely. The colors on the fan leaves are finally starting to show up - some nice purples! Trichomes are turning nicely on most of the buds and leaves as well. Smell changed slightly - I think due to a pH drop in the reservoir (down to 5.0). Day 56: Harvest day I decided to harvest today as the buds were appearing about 10% amber on day 55. Some top nugs had white pistils but still had amber trichomes with the majority cloudy. Ended up with so much plant material for bubble hash, approximately 2 lbs worth wet - straight to the freezer. Nugs worth drying and curing are hanging in the tent. Scissor hash from light trim and cutting, the plant is super very resinous. The smell was incredible and quite potent during harvest until I got the tent sealed back up. Plan to hang for approximately 5-6 days depending on the stem snap test. Targeting 55-60% humidity, 65-68F. Looking forward to getting to taste some in the near future!
Critical · Royal Queen Seeds
VS1000E · Vivosun
Fission 300W · Custom
GT 32x32x63 · Vivosun
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Exotic Genetix: Event Horizon (x3) y Toasted Toffee(x3). Thug pug Genetics: Peanut Butter sunset(x3). Una ves sean transplantadas a su macetero definitivo(5 litros) se comenzará con riego automático, drip to waste, y protocolo Crop Steering. 20 Octubre(15:30): 9 semillas en remojo, solución de 2 partes de agua de ósmosis + 1 parte de peróxido de hidrógeno 3%, 5.8pH, 0.6EC, 28°C~30°C. Antes ser puestas a remojar se lijaron las semillas para favorecer la absorción del agua. 21:30: puestas en toalla de papel con la misma agua de remojo, dentro de un contenedor de vidrio hermético y sobre una alfombra de calor a 28°C~30°C, para aumentar la actividad metabólica. 21 Octubre: Pre carga del coco, con solución de nutrientes Athena en 2.0EC y 5.7pH, saturación hasta lograr drenaje, el drenaje fue de 1.5EC y 5.6pH. 21:50: Todas las semillas presentan radicula de distintos tamaños(1cm aprox) son inmediatamente pasadas al sustrato. 22 Octubre: 21:10, se aprecian todas ya brotando, se mantiene el ambiente en 26°C~28°C y 70%+ de humedad. 23 Octubre: 9/9 semillas brotadas, se ven algunos Cotiledones. 24 Octubre: (9:30)8/9 cotiledones abiertos, altura entre 3cm~5cm, etapa de plantula iniciada. Toffee n3 se atrofió por mala manipulación, espero que crezca aunque sea lento, si no, tendré que seguir solo con 8 plantas. 25 Octubre: Toffee n3 está viva!!! Estuve a punto de quitarla, y está mañana apareció sin su capucha, cotiledones afuera. Yujuuuu!! 26 Octubre: hoy tuvieron su primer riego con nutrientes Athena, 2.0EC y 5.8pH. Se regó hasta alcanzar drenaje, el drenaje fue de 1.9EC y 5.7pH. 27 Octubre: Se desarrollan a buen ritmo, algunas han estirado más que otras, alturas entre 4cm~7cm. 31 Octubre: Segundo riego, 120ml casa una, 2.0EC y 5.8pH, runoff de 2.3EC y 5.7pH. 2 Noviembre: Creciendo a buen ritmo, alturas entre 5cm y 9cm. 4 Noviembre: Riego 180ml cada una, 2.0EC y 5.8pH, runoff 2.8EC y 5.8pH, desde ahora se regarán más seguido, removí las primeras hojas, solo por comodidad para regar, de igual manera los primeros nodos y esas hojas se terminan podando pronto. 8 Noviembre: Riego 2.0EC, 5.8pH, 240ml cada una para aumentar el runoff, valores de runoff de 3.0EC y 6.0pH. Alturas entre 9cm y 14cm.