Día 9 (10/06) N/A Día 10 (11/06) N/A Día 11 (12/06) Llueve mucho. Humedad alta por aquí. Eso les favorece Día 12 (13/06) Se empiezan a desarrollar las hojas verdaderas a una buena velocidad! Todo en marcha! 💨 Día 13 (14/06) Riego ligero 100 ml sólo H20 EC 0,5 en previsión del trasplante en el día 15 de la planta Día 14 (15/06) Se nota que estamos en el día 14 desde germinación y la mayoría de las plántulas van viento en popa! Día 15 (16/06) Hoy procedemos a trasplantar a las chicas a su maceta intermedia de 6,5 litros Se prepara con 5,5 Litros (85%) de sustrato PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS+MYCORRHIZAE + 1 Litro de Insect Frass (15%) + 65 gramos de Earth Vibes Super Soil (10 g/L substrato) Se llena la maceta de sustrato con las manos (limpias) y rompiendo los trozos más gruesos, para que el sustrato esté aireado y esponjoso, sin presionar Se coloca una maceta vacía de 1L para que quede la forma perfecta de la maceta donde están las plántulas (ver fotos) Se espolvorea la parte proporcional de la probeta de microorganismos sobre el agujero de trasplante Se saca la plántula de su maceta actual (bonitas raíces 😍) y se coloca en la maceta final Se riega muy lentamente hasta percolación profunda con H2O EC 0,5 pH 6,5 Se coloca mulch (acolchado) de paja para evitar traspiración excesiva y cuidar a los microorganismos del suelo A ver como reacciona al trasplante! 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
Eccoci qui… Tutto procede per il meglio ci sono bellissime piante che verranno mostrate singolarmente solo alla fine per non spostarle ogni volta. Grazie a tutti per il supporto 💚🔥🌲
Eccoci qui... Non ho più parole per giudicare questa meraviglia!!! Strain 1 è la migliore varietà che io abbia mai coltivato, nel processo di maturazione delle cime ho visto qualcosa di assurdo in quanto questa piccola ha una maturazione totalmente diversa rispetto a tutte le altre erbe!!! Sono davvero soddisfatto, peccato che Strain 2 sia cresciuta storta, ma poco importa anche essa ha cime che sono dure come sassi, e sono solo 4 settimane di’ fioritura, NE VEDREMO DELLE BELLE!!! Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics e @xpertnutrients per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
Eccoci qui... Non ho più parole per giudicare questa meraviglia!!! Strain 1 è la migliore varietà che io abbia mai coltivato, nel processo di maturazione delle cime ho visto qualcosa di assurdo in quanto questa piccola ha una maturazione totalmente diversa rispetto a tutte le altre erbe!!! Sono davvero soddisfatto, peccato che Strain 2 sia cresciuta storta, ma poco importa anche essa ha cime che sono dure come sassi, e sono solo 4 settimane di’ fioritura, NE VEDREMO DELLE BELLE!!! Grazie a @KhalifaGenetics e @xpertnutrients per la collab e a tutti per il supporto🔥🌲❤️
1st week of 12/12 light going beautifully. They are doing really well. Although I still experienced root issues. I think this spot is cursed :P
1st week of 12/12 light going beautifully. They are doing really well. Although I still experienced root issues. I think this spot is cursed :P
1st week of 12/12 light going beautifully. They are doing really well. Although I still experienced root issues. I think this spot is cursed :P
Sticky beast is waiting for some good sunrays so she can break out of my garden!!😎👏👏👏 Garden is smelling real sweet too, thanks to her 😵👌 I love her structure, i have topped her, but LST was not that necessary.. only defoliation, a lil bit.. i love that bc i hate LST, (im not that good in it..😳) She turned out great, she grew open and wide.. just by herself. 😇👍(maybe also becouse i let her dance in the wind 😎 and move her around a lot) Lots of bad weather this week(cold and wet, she is in greenhouse a lot).. but luckily her buds are still healthy👌 And dont forget: FOR ALL MY GROWBRETHREN/SISTREN IS A DISCOUNT CODE: ZAMMIGD2023 happy growing for all ✊
Sticky beast is waiting for some good sunrays so she can break out of my garden!!😎👏👏👏 Garden is smelling real sweet too, thanks to her 😵👌 I love her structure, i have topped her, but LST was not that necessary.. only defoliation, a lil bit.. i love that bc i hate LST, (im not that good in it..😳) She turned out great, she grew open and wide.. just by herself. 😇👍(maybe also becouse i let her dance in the wind 😎 and move her around a lot) Lots of bad weather this week(cold and wet, she is in greenhouse a lot).. but luckily her buds are still healthy👌 And dont forget: FOR ALL MY GROWBRETHREN/SISTREN IS A DISCOUNT CODE: ZAMMIGD2023 happy growing for all ✊
Everything fine. She likes to eat what she get and she is on the way to build up many flowers. I‘m really waiting for this one. Wanted to buy this strain in my cannabis pharmacy, but it was always sold out. I grow up Tropicana Cookies Auto, too. Tropicana Cookies I could buy one time in the pharmacy and this was one of the best strains I ever vaped, perfect balance between body and head feeling. So let’s see if I can grow my own quality medicine.
Wieder eine Woche ist rum und den Pflanzen geht es gut. Ich wundere mich nur dass GG#4 erst jetzt nach Tag 63 in die Blütephase übergeht. Sie ist wirklich sehr buschig und groß, während Runtz F1 nur halb so groß ist aber schon sehr weit vorangeschritten. Einen so starken Unterschied hätte ich nicht erwartet.
Wieder eine Woche ist rum und den Pflanzen geht es gut. Ich wundere mich nur dass GG#4 erst jetzt nach Tag 63 in die Blütephase übergeht. Sie ist wirklich sehr buschig und groß, während Runtz F1 nur halb so groß ist aber schon sehr weit vorangeschritten. Einen so starken Unterschied hätte ich nicht erwartet.
Diese Woche haben die Ladys einen schönen Wachstums Schub bekommen , sowie ihre ersten schönen Gesichter angefangen zu zeigen, Habe noch einmal schon entlaubt und 2 scrog artige Netze installiert um die gesamte Fläche zu nutzen. Frisches Futter gab es auch und sie entwickeln sich einfach wundervoll . Wünsche euch eine wundervolle Woche growdiary Community
Day 42 flower 12 12.06. Oh, nice, das Teil. Unten vergilben ein paar Blätter. Sie trinkt viel, und es wird Zeit für Dünger. Ich habe jetzt die Marshydro TS 1000 am laufen.