Introduction - Week 14|07 Summary - Ensign's log, stardate 9437.65, Great week of growing! Wow what a good week! Growth in the main tent has all around been incredible! Submitted my first submission to the Global Grow Cup! Filmed a video of the solo cup container (marked with the ticket/order number) that will be used for the competition. Also had to fill and prove the solo cup holds 2 cups of soil. Now I need to root a clone (for the first time), transplant her into this cup, and submit my 2nd entry before the 30th of this month. As far as my first attempt at cloning, have already begun the rooting process! Managed to take cuttings from 3 out of the 6 phenos in the main tent (the first cutting was also my first time topping). Soaked the cuttings for two days before planting them into Coco Coins. So far everything has gone surprisingly well! The clones are now rooting under the propagation dome with the vents fully closed. Will check for roots soon! At the end of the week, growth was just raging! Was planning on flipping to flower in a week, but decided to begin the first week of flower next week! Thus this is the last week of veg. Plan to flip to 12/12 next Monday! Onwards to next week! [START OF WEEK 14|07] ========================================================== Garlic Budder #1 - WEEK 14|07 - Full Veg Wk5 Garlic Budder #2 - WEEK 14|07 - Full Veg Wk2 Garlic Budder #3 - WEEK 07 - Full Veg Wk5 Garlic Budder #4 - WEEK 06 - Full Veg Wk4 06/03/24 โ†’ 06/09/24 This Week's Estimated Goals ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DLI: ~26 mol/mยฒ/d PPFD: ~400 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s VPD: ~1.0 kPa This Week's Meter Readings & Averages [Lights On: 16:00 - 10:00] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DLI: 24.56 mol/mยฒ/d PPFD: 379 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s VPD: 0.91 kPa Soil %: [32.7, 37.6, 37.9, 34.1] ========================================================== Day 01 - Monday - 06/03/24 - Total Days: 098 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~23:00] - Temps: 80.7ยฐF [27.1ยฐC] - Humidity: 74.4% - VPD: 0.90 kPa - Soil %: [31, 34, 39, 35] ----------------------------------- - [09:57]: Quick morning check! --- #1 is looking a bit droopy, but almost lights off (at 10:00) so not concerned. --- Nice! Mainly wanted to check on #4 and she is looking great! Sheโ€™s perked back up and looking good! - [23:08]: Evening check. --- Wow! Itโ€™s a jungle in here! --- #1 has gotten too big? Nah!? Keep on growing girl! --- #2 is growing and definitely getting bigger! Growth just looking really weird. --- #3 has continued to get larger and is looking quite uniform in growth! --- #4 is growing and looking perky again! --- Even the original #1 and #2 phenos (in the back) are looking good! --- Wow! #4 is really getting close to the light. - [23:14]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- Both reservoirs were completely dry! - [23:27]: Checked the Ecowitt soil moisture sensor data: --- 30% - [CH01 EB1 - Garlic Budder #1] --- 34% - [CH02 EB2 - Garlic Budder #2] --- 39% - [CH03 GFP - Garlic Budder #3] --- 32% - [CH04 FPT - Garlic Budder #4] - [23:32]: Poured 4 cups of distilled water down EB1โ€™s fill tube. --- Poured 2 cups of distilled water down EB2โ€™s fill tube. - [23:38]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the 4X4โ€™s humidifier with distilled water. --- Tomorrow, plan to defoliate and start cloning for the first time! --- Going to take multiple cuttings from both #1 and #4 for sure, but still deciding on the rest. --- Getting hyped! Day 02 - Tuesday - 06/04/24 - Total Days: 099 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~23:00] - Temps: 81.4ยฐF [27.4ยฐC] - Humidity: 74.3% - VPD: 0.93 kPa - Soil %: [29, 35, 38, 32] ----------------------------------- - [11:59]: Time to film the first entry for the Global Grow Cup! --- Going to be using BuildASoil 3.0 potting soil. --- Filming the video using a stand and my phone. --- This video is mainly to establish the container that the plant will be grown in. Also to prove that the container is a 16oz container and that it can hold 2 cups of soil. --- The ticket (order) number also had to be written on the cup. - [12:36]: Done! --- The video had to be done in one continuous shot with no edits (my original submission does not have the logo). --- There was also a photo that needed to be shot which shows the cup filled with 2 cups of soil (just like the video, the original image submission did not have the logo). --- I think I did everything correctly, but also sent an email for verification of submission and validation. --- Getting hyped! --- [*smokes a bowl] --- Going to defoliate today along with for the first-time, going to take cuttings for clones! --- After a bit of online research, decided to split the cloning process into two days. --- Today going to take cuttings and will soak them in a solution of aloe for 24hrs. Afterwards will change the water out and use straight distilled water. --- Then in a couple days, plan to transplant into coco plugs (Coco Coins) for rooting. --- For optimal results, also be using a rooting hormone (Clonex). --- Well.. Here goes nothing! - [17:01]: Evening check. --- Wow! #1 is looking huge! Her main top is stretching above the lower canopy which is continuing to bush out. --- #2 is growing along. Growth is gnarly and a bit droopy, but sheโ€™s getting taller! --- #3 is looking great! Still a bit small, but she is continuing to get larger. --- #4 looks like she needs a watering. --- Both plants in the back are also looking surprisingly great as well! - [17:05]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- Both reservoirs were completely dry! --- As far as today's defoliation, going to leave #2 and #3 alone and will focus my defoliation and cloning on the rest of the plants. --- This will be my first attempt at cloning, also going to try topping for the first time today. --- No pressure Ensign. What can possibly go wrong right? - [17:27]: Time to start the cloning and defoliation process! --- Filled a measuring cup with 3 cups of distilled water. ------ Added 3/4tsp of Horticultural Aloe ------ Added 1 more cup of distilled water --- Mixed the solution and poured an even amount into three separate solo cups. --- Made sure to mark two of the cups (#1 and #4). The unmarked one will be for any other clones from amongst the 6 phenos (if any at all). - [17:43]: Time to top and defoliate #1! --- Using a pair of brand new trimmers (AC Infinity), --- Gently cut the main stalk to even out the canopy. --- Then trimmed and cleaned most of the nodes leaving the top node or two. --- Also trimmed the leaf fingers a bit before placing the top cutting into the cup of aloe solution. --- Now for the rest of the cuttings! --- [~45 minutes later] - [18:32]: Managed to finish defoliating and cutting the rest of the clones. --- Took two more lower cuttings from #1 (3 clones total). --- Took 3 lower cuttings from #4 --- While defoliating, decided to try and clone the original #2 pheno as well. Took 4 small cuttings. --- Similar to the top cutting, trimmed and cleaned each lower node for each cutting before placing them into the cups. --- Before finishing up the 2nd cutting, I noticed the first cutting (the top cut that was also trimmed) was drooping. --- So I did not trim and the leaf fingers for the other cuttings. --- In total there were 10 cuttings taken for potential clones. --- My main focus was to take cuttings and to clean up all the lower growth from both #1 and #4. --- Defoliated and cleaned up the back original phenos as well (also trimmed back the cover crop). - [18:35]: Temporarily placed the cuttings onto the floor of the 4x4 tent. --- Took the trimmings (about 3 cups) and spread them onto the top mulch of #1 and #2. --- Time to set the environmental controls for the 3x3 veg tent. - [18:43]: Within the AC Infinity App, --- For the Veg Tent [3x3] controller, --- Adjusted the 'Vegetative [18/6]' Schedule for the grow light. ------ Set the Mode to โ€˜On Modeโ€™ ------ Set the START/END times to 04:00PM/10:00AM ------ Set the MAX to 1 --- The IonBoard S33 is now utilizing around 60.8W (at intensity 1 out of 10). --- Adjusted the 'Vegetative [18/6]' Schedule for the exhaust fan. ------ Increased the Humidityโ€™s HIGH trigger value from 81% to 87% --- Adjusted the 'Vegetative [18/6]' Schedule for the humidifier. ------ Decreased the VPD target value from 1.5kPa to 0.8kPa - [18:52]: Moved the cuttings into the 3x3 veg tent. --- It begins! I think. --- Going to let these cutting drink some aloe for a day before switching to straight distilled water. --- Hmm. Could be the white floor of the 3x3 veg tent, but have noticed the S33 has a whiter spectrum whereas the FC-6500 seems to be warmer in color. --- Anyways, - [18:58]: Poured 4 cups of distilled water down EB1โ€™s fill tube. --- Poured 2 cups of distilled water down EB2โ€™s fill tube. - [19:06]: Filled a pump sprayer with 5 cups of distilled water. --- Focused mainly on the straw mulch of #4. --- But also misted the straw mulch for the rest of the plants a bit. - [19:12]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the humidifiers with distilled water. - [19:44]: Going to be using Clonex rooting gel before planting the cuttings into Coco Coins (pre-soaked with microbes and aloe). But before that begins, going to transfer the Clonex gel into a squeeze bottle. --- Gently peeled back the seal on the original Clonex bottle. Just enough make a tiny opening, --- Then slowly and carefully poured the gel into an empty squeeze bottle. --- Also removed the sticker from the original bottle and placed it onto the new one. - [19:54]: Perfect! --- Instead of applying the gel to the cutting, going to be applying the gel to the Coco Coin. --- This squeeze bottle will make applying the gel a lot easier. --- Will take PPFD readings tomorrow. --- Also will change out the aloe solution to distilled water. --- I really hope I didnโ€™t screw things up before they could even begin. --- Donโ€™t die on me ladies! --- Please. Day 03 - Wednesday - 06/05/24 - Total Days: 100 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~23:00] - Temps: 81.9ยฐF [27.7ยฐC] - Humidity: 75.5% - VPD: 0.90 kPa - Soil %: [29, 36, 38, 36] ----------------------------------- - [09:40]: Quick morning check! --- #1 is looking a bit droopy, but looking okay. Topping is a high stress technique so going to take some time to recover. Donโ€™t plan on flipping the main 4x4 tent to flower for a good week or so which should be enough time. --- #4 looks great! The defoliation seems to have no effect on growth. Nice! - [09:41]: Also quickly checked on the 3x3 veg tent, --- Nice! The cuttings are looking great! --- No yellowing and they all seemed to have turned up towards the light. --- So far so good! - [22:53]: Evening check. --- #1 is continuing to dominate this grow! She has spread wide and looking incredible! --- #2 is looking gnarly, but getting there. --- #3 is getting larger! But still a runt. By far, her leaves are the darkest of the bunch, but she is still growing! --- #4 looks happy and growing along beautifully! Wow! - [22:55]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- Both reservoirs were completely dry! - [22:59]: Poured 5 cups of distilled water down EB1โ€™s fill tube. --- Poured 2 cups of distilled water down EB2โ€™s fill tube. - [23:05]: Checked on the 3x3 veg tent. --- Ooo yea! The cuttings are still green! Nice! - [23:07]: Took PPFD readings. --- The cuttings were around 121 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s which gives a DLI of 7.84 mol/mยฒ/d --- Nice! These levels are on the lower range for seedlings (~100-300), perfect! I think. - [23:14]: Swapped the aloe water out to straight distilled water. --- Going to let these cuttings soak for one more day before planting. --- Please donโ€™t die girls! - [23:15]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the humidifiers with distilled water. --- Ooo yea! --- Tomorrow is the big rooting day! Day 04 - Thursday - 06/06/24 - Total Days: 101 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~23:00] - Temps: 81.9ยฐF [27.7ยฐC] - Humidity: 75.2% - VPD: 0.91 kPa - Soil %: [32, 38, 38, 34] ----------------------------------- - [16:20]: Evening check. --- #1 is a bit droopy, but growth is looking green and healthy. --- #2 is looking bigger! Sheโ€™s also looking sort of droopy. --- #3 is growing along nicely! Looking good girl! --- #4 is looking great! A bit droopy but plan to water today. - [16:23]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- EB1's reservoir still has some water. --- EB2's reservoir was completely dry! - [16:23]: Checked the Ecowitt soil moisture sensor data: --- 28% - [CH01 EB1 - Garlic Budder #1] --- 36% - [CH02 EB2 - Garlic Budder #2] --- 37% - [CH03 GFP - Garlic Budder #3] --- 30% - [CH04 FPT - Garlic Budder #4] - [16:30]: Using a pump sprayer, --- Misted the straw mulch of #4 with 6 cups of distilled water. --- Focused mainly on the straw mulch. --- Also misted the straw mulch of #3 (in the grassroots fabric pot) a bit. - [16:43]: Poured 5 cups of distilled water down EB1โ€™s fill tube. --- Poured 3 cups of distilled water down EB2โ€™s fill tube. - [16:52]: Checked the Ecowitt soil moisture sensor data: --- 56% - [CH01 EB1 - Garlic Budder #1] --- 44% - [CH02 EB2 - Garlic Budder #2] --- 40% - [CH03 GFP - Garlic Budder #3] --- 45% - [CH04 FPT - Garlic Budder #4] - [17:01]: Took general PPFD readings. --- #1 was around 379 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s which gives a DLI of 24.56 mol/mยฒ/d --- #2 was around 333 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s which gives a DLI of 21.58 mol/mยฒ/d --- #3 was around 293 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s which gives a DLI of 18.99 mol/mยฒ/d --- #4 was around 378 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s which gives a DLI of 24.49 mol/mยฒ/d - [17:09]: Took the weekly height and light distance measurements. --- #1 was about 21" tall. --- #2 was about 13.5" tall. --- #3 was about 9.5" tall. --- #4 was about 19.25" tall. --- Hmm.. - [17:19]: Adjusted the right oscillating fan a bit. --- Re-angled the CloudRay S6 oscillating fan upwards. Been noticing that the air has been hitting the tops of the plants so easing off a bit (#1 is still getting hit, but sheโ€™s huge so not too worried). - [17:23]: Back to the measurements! --- #1 was about 9.5" away from the grow light. --- #2 was about 17" away from the grow light. --- #3 was about 17.5" away from the grow light. --- #4 was about 11.5" away from the grow light. - [17:46]: Checked on the 3x3 veg tent. --- Cuttings are still green! They do look a bit droopy but no signs of yellowing. --- Okay! - [17:55]: Time to begin the rooting process! --- For my first attempt at rooting, going to be using Coco Coins pre-soaked in saponins, microbes and aloe. --- To further help with rooting, going to also be using Clonex rooting gel. --- Filled a measuring cup with 4 cups of distilled water. ------ Added half of 1/64tsp of Quillaja Saponaria Extract [60] ------ Added 1/16tsp of Horticultural Aloe ------ Added 1/8tsp of Mycrobe Complete --- Mixed the solution thoroughly. --- Time for the Coco Coins! --- 10 cuttings means 10 Coco Coins. - [18:09]: Dropped 10 Coco Coins into the measuring cup. --- The coins immediately started to expand. --- A bit too much.. Oops! --- Poured the solution and Coco Coins into a pitcher. --- Added 2 cups of distilled water to the solution (now at 6 cups). --- Great! The coins are pretty much fully expanded, but going to wait a bit longer to fully saturate each coin. --- [~20-30 minutes later] - [18:42]: Great! --- Took the seedling and flood tray from the AC Infinity propagation dome and placed all 10 Coco Coins into the slots. --- Gave each Coco Coin a quick shake to remove excess solution. The coins were not dripping with solution but still pretty saturated. --- Arranged them into 3 groups with the cuttings in mind. --- Also tried to keep the pre-made holes intact. --- Time to inoculate the Coco Coins! - [18:54]: Using a squeeze bottle, --- While keeping the nozzle from making contact with the coco, gently filled each pre-made hole with Clonex rooting gel. Just enough gel to fully cover the hole of each coco coin. - [19:00]: Time to plant the cuttings! --- Gave each cup a misting of distilled water. Focused on wetting the top growth with water. --- Okay! --- To avoid mixing cuttings up. - [19:01]: Starting with the original #2 pheno cup, --- For each cutting, --- Using a pair of clean trimmers, made a final 45ยฐ cut about 1/2" from a bottom node. --- Then stripped away and scared the protective membrane below the node before planting. --- Made sure the node was about 1/2" below the surface of the coco. --- To help with planting, while inserting each cutting, gave the Coco Coin a gentle squeeze to loosen the coco. This also helped to ensure the coco and gel was in good contact with the cutting. --- Once the cutting was planted into the Coco Coin, made sure to place back in the same spot (made sure to keep the cuttings in their groupings). --- Once a cup was complete, made sure to keep the label with the group. --- Re-misted the top growth as needed to keep it wet. --- Also wiped the trimmers with isopropyl alcohol in between cuttings (plan to use 10% bleach solution for next time). --- Repeated this process until all 10 cuttings were cut, planted, and in the tray. --- The coco coins fit perfectly into the tray and donโ€™t reach the bottom. Nice! --- The bottom air gap is important. --- Poured a bit of distilled water through one of the empty slots into the bottom of the tray. Just enough to fill the bottom of the tray, but not enough to reach any of the Coco Coins (~1/4cup). - [19:35]: Placed the propagation tray with cuttings into the 3x3 veg tent. --- Placed the first layer of the propagation dome on before giving the sides a misting of distilled water. --- Also sprayed the top of the propagation dome before covering the cuttings. --- Vents are all fully closed. - [19:40]: Placed the bar lights onto the top of the dome before configuring the controller. ------ Set the START/END times to 04:00PM/10:00AM ------ Set the bar lightโ€™s intensity to 2 (out of 10). --- Also made sure the propagation light controllerโ€™s time was in sync with the Controller 69 Pro. - [19:47]: Took PPFD readings. --- The cuttings were around 136 ฮผmol/mยฒ/s which gives a DLI of 8.81 mol/mยฒ/d --- The PPFD levels are similar to the floor. --- Perfect! --- Going leave the IonBoard S33 on during this rooting process. --- Will check back tomorrow to cycle the air under the dome. - [19:56]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the humidifiers with distilled water. - [20:17]: Quick night check! --- Ooo yea! Growth is raging and looking perky! --- Mainly checked on #1 and #4 which were looking incredible! --- Keep on growing ladies! Day 05 - Friday - 06/07/24 - Total Days: 102 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~23:00] - Temps: 82.7ยฐF [28.2ยฐC] - Humidity: 76.2% - VPD: 0.89 kPa - Soil %: [37, 40, 38, 35] ----------------------------------- - [10:03]: Decided to increase the ambient temp in the 3x3 veg tent. --- Within the AC Infinity App, --- For the Veg Tent [3x3] controller, --- Adjusted the 'Vegetative [18/6]' Schedule for the heater. ------ Increased the Temp target value from 78ยฐF to 82ยฐF --- Hopefully this will help to keep the veg tent at a more consistent temp. - [22:26]: Evening check. --- Ooo yea! The garden is looking incredible! --- #1 is looking perky and just bushing out! Wow! --- #2 is getting big! Growth is weird and leaf fingers are huge! Just going to let her grow. --- #4 is looking happy and growing along like a champ! Nodes are starting branch out and she is turning into a bush! - [10:28]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- Both reservoirs were completely dry! - [22:33]: Poured 5 cups of distilled water down EB1โ€™s fill tube. --- Poured 3 cups of distilled water down EB2โ€™s fill tube. - [22:40]: Checked on the propagation dome (inside the 3x3). --- Ah yea! Looking great ladies! --- Lifted the top of the dome to let some fresh air in for a bit. --- Wow! --- Leaves still look nice and green! --- So far everything looks great! --- Just going to continue on! - [22:53]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the humidifiers with distilled water. - [11:01]: Decided to adjust the humidifier for the 3x3. --- Within the AC Infinity App, --- For the Veg Tent [3x3] controller, --- Adjusted the 'Vegetative [18/6]' Schedule for the humidifier. ------ Increased the VPD target value from 0.8kPa to 1.5kPa --- The higher VPD level will essentially turn the humidifier off. --- I wonโ€™t be needing the humidifier for a good week so might as well save the water. Day 06 - Saturday - 06/08/24 - Total Days: 103 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~23:00] - Temps: 81.6ยฐF [27.6ยฐC] - Humidity: 74.9% - VPD: 0.91 kPa - Soil %: [35, 40, 37, 31] ----------------------------------- - [07:40]: Quick morning check! --- #1 and #4 are looking perky and happy! --- Also checked on the propagation dome, --- All cutting still look green! Hyped! - [20:02]: Evening check. --- Wow the garden is raging with growth! --- #1 has blown up! She has clearly recovered and growth is ramping up again! --- #2 is stretching upwards! --- #3 is now the smallest of the 4, but still getting larger! --- #4 is looking incredible! Wow! Growth looks perky and happy! - [20:05]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- Both reservoirs were completely dry! - [20:10]: Poured 6 cups of distilled water down EB1โ€™s fill tube. --- Poured 2 cups of distilled water down EB2โ€™s fill tube. - [20:16]: Checked the Ecowitt soil moisture sensor data: --- 35% - [CH01 EB1 - Garlic Budder #1] --- 40% - [CH02 EB2 - Garlic Budder #2] --- 36% - [CH03 GFP - Garlic Budder #3] --- 27% - [CH04 FPT - Garlic Budder #4] - [20:19]: Using a pump sprayer, --- Misted the straw mulch of #4 with 5 cups of distilled water. --- Focused mainly on the straw mulch. --- Also misted the mulch of #3 a bit (in the fabric pot). - [20:27]: Checked propagation dome (in the 3x3), --- To cycle the air under the dome, lifted the top off for a bit. --- Ooo yea! Everything is still green and looking great! --- Keep on rooting ladies! --- Oops! - [21:45]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the humidifiers with distilled water. Day 07 - Sunday - 06/09/24 - Total Days: 104 ----------------------------------- Daily Averages [~23:00] - Temps: 81.5ยฐF [27.5ยฐC] - Humidity: 74.8% - VPD: 0.91 kPa - Soil %: [36, 40, 37, 36] ----------------------------------- - [08:18]: Quick morning check! --- Nice! The main tent is looking great! #1 and #4 are both raging with growth! --- Checked on the propagation dome (inside the 3x3) and the clones are still looking green! --- Wow! Everything is going almost too well! Just keep on growing! - [19:08]: Evening check. --- Garden is just exploding with growth! Seems everyone has fully recovered from the defoliation and topping! --- Wow #1 is bushed out and looking incredible! --- #2 is growing really starting to get large! Growth still is funky, but stoked none-the-less. --- #3 is starting to fill in the pot! Getting larger! --- Wow! #4 is getting taller and looks healthy and green! - [19:12]: Checked down both fill tubes. --- Both reservoirs were completely dry! --- Wow the canopy is really starting to get taller and closer to the light. May need to raise it up soon. --- Absolutely surprised how low the light levels have been throughout this entire cycle. Barely moved the light and have not increased the intensity past 2 (out of 10). Less is really more. --- Anyways! - [19:18]: Checked the Ecowitt soil moisture sensor data: --- 36% - [CH01 EB1 - Garlic Budder #1] --- 41% - [CH02 EB2 - Garlic Budder #2] --- 37% - [CH03 GFP - Garlic Budder #3] --- 34% - [CH04 FPT - Garlic Budder #4] - [19:19]: Poured 6 cups of distilled water down EB1โ€™s fill tube. --- Poured 3 cups of distilled water down EB2โ€™s fill tube. - [19:24]: Checked propagation dome (in the 3x3), --- To refresh the air, lifted the top off for a bit. --- Sweet! Still green! Wow! --- Using a spray bottle, misted the top growth with distilled water. - [20:35]: Checked the humidifiers. --- Refilled the humidifiers with distilled water. --- Wow what a week! --- Growth has been just insane in the 4x4 tent! All plants have fully recovered and have just exploded with growth. --- I think itโ€™s time to flip to flower! --- Also, Iโ€™m absolutely baffled about how well the cloning process has been going. --- So far no issues! --- Not complaining, but just surprised. Keep on growing ladies! --- If all goes well, should have fully rooted clones soon ready for transplanting (into solo cups of course). --- Absolutely hyped for next week! --- Maximum warp Ensign, Engage! [END OF WEEK 14|07]
W16 (15-5 to 21-5) 15-5 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 43% (lowest) As its very hot outside i decided to turn down the light's strength to 50% so the temps will not be so high anymore. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 16-5 Temperature: 26.7 degrees (lights on) 20.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 47% (lowest) Dry weight: Kush #1: 4.9 kg. Kush #2: 5.1 kg. 17-5 Temperature: 26.4 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 51% (lowest) No pictures. 18-5 Temperature: 26.7 degrees (lights on) 22.6 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 56% (highest) 43% (lowest) No pictures. Dry weight: Kush #1: 4.3 kg. Kush #2: 4.6 kg. 19-5 Temperature: 27.5 degrees (lights on) 19.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 42% (lowest) No pictures. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 20-5 Temperature: 27.8 degrees (lights on) 21.8 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 44% (lowest) No pictures. 21-5 Temperature: 27.4 degrees (lights on) 21.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 58% (highest) 47% (lowest) Dry weight: Kush #1: 4.5 kg. Kush #2: 4.9 kg. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. (Only watering the Gorilla Kush #1)
###English below### Die Blรผten werden dicker! Sonst, passiert nicht viel; Die ersten Blรคtter bleichen aus und die Pflanzen zeigen Phosphormangel (lila Stiele und ein paar braune Flecken) und evtl. auch Kaliummangel (gestreckte Blรคtter). Das vermute ich jedenfalls. Eventuell Mittlerweile betrachte ich die Trichome jeden Tag. Heute konnte ich die ersten Braunen entdecken. Es geht dann doch zu schnell. Heute ist die jรผngste Pflanze 7 Wochen alt, die anderen beiden sind 2-3 Tage รคlter. Quick One benรถtigt laut Datenblatt 8-10 Wochen. War ich zu sparsam mit dem Dรผnger? Muss ich in Zukunft mehr auf den PH-Wert achten und evtl auch den EC-Wert ins Spiel bringen? Im GroรŸen und Ganzen bin ich zufrieden mit meinem ersten Grow. Ich freue mich jetzt auf die Endphase (Wie lange wohl noch bis zur Ernte? 1-2 Wochen?) und in meinem Kopf spuken schon jede Menge Ideen fรผr meinen nรคchsten Grow. Ich freue mich auf eure Anmerkungen. =) ###English### The buds become thicker! Otherwise, not much happens; the first leaves are fading and the plants show phosphorus deficiency (purple stems and a few brown spots) and possibly also potassium deficiency (stretched leaves). At least that's what I suspect. I now look at the trichomes every day. Today I spotted the first brown ones. It's going too fast after all. Today the youngest plant is 7 weeks old, the other two are 2-3 days older. According to the data sheet, Quick One needs 8-10 weeks. Was I too frugal with the fertilizer? Do I need to pay more attention to the pH value in future and possibly also bring the EC value into play? All in all, I'm happy with my first grow. I'm now looking forward to the final phase (how much longer until harvest? 1-2 weeks?) and I already have lots of ideas in my head for my next grow. I look forward to your comments. =) Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
End of week 6; Day 42 So far so good, Frost is setting in on the strawberry Gorilla. The cookies is stretching beyond belief and is about 55in tall from the floor up. The strawberry has stayed shorter and bushier than the cookies. Smell is also coming pretty strong. Happy Growing y'all
the girl is growing a little bit, it's getting better, but the weather is not in her favor so far... the weather forecast doesn't show anything good either... but she's growing a little bit, and she looks healthy:).
the girl is growing a little bit, it's getting better, but the weather is not in her favor so far... the weather forecast doesn't show anything good either... but she's growing a little bit, and she looks healthy:).
the girl is growing a little bit, it's getting better, but the weather is not in her favor so far... the weather forecast doesn't show anything good either... but she's growing a little bit, and she looks healthy:).
18.5. - Entering new week, probably the last one with feeding. I've ran out of Biobizz juice, so I have already fed them the new mix with Advanced Nutrients and it seems they like it. Buds are ripening, smell is strong. I just think that Apricots and Gorillas will need some more time than Jack and Lemon. 20.5. - Last feeding for Jack and Lemon. Only water, from now on and harvest next week โœ‚๏ธ Others still have one or two more weeks to go. Watered ๐Ÿ’ง 22.5. - Jack and Lemon are fully matured based on the looks of trichomes. Very yummy looking and smelling buds. Very dense too. I'm flushing them tomorrow and I'm super excited for the harvest ๐Ÿ˜Ž 23.5. - This day marks exactly 10 weeks from the day all seeds sprouted through soil. I have flushed Jack and Lemon. Those plants are looking stunning. Watered ๐Ÿ’ง 24.5. - Week wrap-up: Very successful week. After I switched to Advanced Nutrients my plants exploded. Next week, when Jack and Lemon are dried out after flushing, I'll harvest them. Others will still go at least one more week with feeding. 18.5. - 24.5.2024
#seedsman420growoff and #SeedsmanSeeds ๐Ÿ“† Week 4, 18-24 May 2024 18 May - Observed and let the plant grow. 19 May - Cut off lower suckers from main branches (see video). 20-24 May - Observed and let the plant grow. ๐Ÿ“‘ This plant is growing remarkably even and fast with very little training. Next week a scrog ring will be going on to spread and open her up just before flowering. ๐Ÿถ 18 May nutrient solution changed ๐Ÿฝ๏ธ 18 May feeding schedule updated ๐Ÿ’ง Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0 ๐Ÿ‰ Nutrient Solution EC 2.1 at 72 degree F ๐Ÿ”† Light power at 60%, DLI 25 canopy coverage at 18hrs ๐Ÿ˜ค Using General Hydroponics, HGC728040, Dual Diaphragm Air Pump, 320 GPH That is it for this week. Thanks for the look, read and stopping by.
Pineapple OG Feminised ยท Seedsman
XS1500 ยท ViparSpectra
Spider Farmer 2'x2'x5' ยท Spider Farmer
TriPart Micro ยท Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow ยท Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom ยท Terra Aquatica
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH CaliMagic ยท
Fulvex ยท Botanicare
Hydroguard ยท Botanicare
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Flora Nectar ยท
GH Liquid KoolBloom ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Flora Nectar ยท
GH Liquid KoolBloom ยท
#seedsman420growoff and #SeedsmanSeeds ๐Ÿ“† Week 4, 18-24 May 2024 18 May - Observed and let the plant grow. 19 May - Cut off lower suckers from main branches (see video). 20-24 May - Observed and let the plant grow. ๐Ÿ“‘ This plant is growing remarkably even and fast with very little training. Next week a scrog ring will be going on to spread and open her up just before flowering. ๐Ÿถ 18 May nutrient solution changed ๐Ÿฝ๏ธ 18 May feeding schedule updated ๐Ÿ’ง Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0 ๐Ÿ‰ Nutrient Solution EC 2.1 at 72 degree F ๐Ÿ”† Light power at 60%, DLI 25 canopy coverage at 18hrs ๐Ÿ˜ค Using General Hydroponics, HGC728040, Dual Diaphragm Air Pump, 320 GPH That is it for this week. Thanks for the look, read and stopping by.
Pineapple OG Feminised ยท Seedsman
XS1500 ยท ViparSpectra
Spider Farmer 2'x2'x5' ยท Spider Farmer
TriPart Micro ยท Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow ยท Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom ยท Terra Aquatica
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH CaliMagic ยท
Fulvex ยท Botanicare
Hydroguard ยท Botanicare
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Flora Blend ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Flora Nectar ยท
GH Liquid KoolBloom ยท
GH Diamond Nector ยท
GH Floralicious Plus+ ยท
GH Rapid Start ยท
GH Cali Magic ยท
Europonics Silicate ยท
Europonics Fossil Fuel ยท
GH Flora Nectar ยท
GH Liquid KoolBloom ยท
I could talk to you for hours about this strain, it has many qualities and I always get excited talking about it because it has brought me so much luck and I am very, very fond of it and therefore I always look for the right words as if to describe my best friend or a person I love so well. It's not purple this time, anyone who frequents this site should know by now the famous purple plant I made, famous for its beauty, it amazed everyone first. Color does a lot for beauty and impact on the public but take a good look at this plant. Very compact flowers, with that super density that I like, lots and lots of resin, super beautiful pistils to look at. Let's understand each other well, it vegetated very little, just over two weeks, but very little and it grew very well and with a lot of quality. She had a hermaphrodite nearby, she didn't even inseminate herself like many others, truly a super strain guys, try it! Go to the official website and buy it if you haven't seen it, take a look at the photos with which it is promoted, it's her in all her beauty and majesty... https://www.zamnesia.io/it/9484-zamnesia-seeds-biscotti.html Site description ZAMNESIA SEEDS - BISCUITS: DELICIOUS BISCUITS TO EAT AND SMOKE Spice up your grows and add the Biscotti strain to your cannabis seed collection. It offers the best qualities of marijuana: potency, productivity and intense flavors. Biscotti is made up of South Florida OG and Gelato genetics and contains 22โ€“25% THC, enough to make your body vibrate from head to toe. The genetic profile of this strain is 80% indica and 20% sativa, with effects that will make you feel relaxed and creative at the same time. Plants of the Biscotti variety produce dark green leaves and numerous pistils, while the buds tend to be small and compact. Towards the end of the flowering phase, when nighttime temperatures drop a few degrees, you may also notice purple hues. GROWING BISCUITS: FAST FLOWERING Biscotti won't test your patience. You can break out your scissors and start harvesting her after about 8โ€“9 weeks of flowering indoors. The plants are robust and vigorous and grow well both outdoors and indoors. Under the sun, you can expect heights of 130โ€“170cm and yields of 800g/plant ready in October. Some experienced growers have reported achieving higher yields. So, the results will depend on your skills. Indoors, Biscotti typically reaches a respectable height of 130โ€“150cm and offers yields of 550โ€“650g/mยฒ. FLAVOURS, FLAVORS AND EFFECTS OF BISCUITS: DELICIOUS AND COMPLEX Once the drying and curing is finished, you will finally be able to taste the fruits of your labor. Biscotti is definitely one of our tastiest varieties, producing aromas of vanilla and honey biscuits contrasting with the classic diesel notes. A great addition to the kitchen where you can prepare delicious baked desserts. Being very potent and producing effects that can overwhelm the user, we advise you to consume it with caution to avoid becoming overwhelmed. This strain offers a relaxing high for the body, while the creative juices will start flowing in the mind. www.zamnesia.io