week intel: we are going through slowly stresses : just a little E.C stress around 1.4 once a week feeding: i feed them 3 times this week with this order : day 1 : i feed them heavy with silicate +base nutrients(calcium & micros + Bloom) about 700 ppm - 1.4 e.c to cause a little stress. day 3 : i feed them low dose of Feeding Booster around 327 ppm - 0.64 e.c to let them recover a little but not fully recover still a little stress will caused. day 5 : i feed them with low dose of Top-Max + B-52 around 255 ppm - 0.5 e.c to let them recover the stresses to get ready for another stress next week. guide of the week : know your plant tolerance limit of E.C stress once you saw the very very little yellowing on tips of leaves , that's the sign to don't go further , never reach that limit if you want a high quality buds, in my case tolerance is 1.4 and i'll reach to that level only once a week to cause precision stress , love your plants and have a happy growing!
Pictures are from Day 91. Top Gun 2 is coming to the finish line, the whole tent reeks and starting to see good amounts of amber, although the buds aren’t as solid as I was hoping for. I could harvest as soon as today. This grow has been another great experience of learning about these awesome plants. Please also check out my gorilla cookies grow that went alongside these two topguns. Thanks!
Bud sites are getting ready now. I did a bit more LST and removed a few side shoots which never gonna make it due to lack of light. I replaced the light, under the TS 1000 she was praying all day long. On the previous run I had problems with the FC3000, it was turning itself off at random times. Mars Hydro was kindly sent me a replacement controller, so far it seems like this problem has been solved. However, I tried to use the app again and it’s still shite. 💩😂 So I just use the light in manual mode. Such a shame for the extra features I cannot use. For DLI I will use the following chart: AUTO FLOWER LED LIGHT INTENSITY Recommended LED PPF/PAR Values / DLI Based on 20 hrs. of light. Seedlings 150 - 200 umol / DLI 10.80 - 14.4 moles per day Veg up to 9" 450 umol / DLI 32.40 moles per day Early bloom 500 umol / DLI 36.00 moles per day Mid bloom 650 umol / DLI 46.80 moles per day Late bloom 750 umol / DLI 54.00 moles per day Ripen 400 umol / DLI 28.80 moles per day *** Use extreme caution going 700 umol or higher @ 20 hrs/day this could cause leaf burn*** The only difference is that I will keep this run in 18/6, so I ignore the PAR values above. IMO the best thing you can do is to read the leaves all the time and use the charts as a guidance.
Hello again, dear growers! 🌱👋 We’ve officially stepped into Week 10 of this wild and fragrant journey! Last week ended with a little makeover for the girls—I defoliated about 30-40% of the leaves again. ✂️ The Gorilla decided to keep me on my toes by showing some nutrient deficiencies on her leaves—guess she didn’t get enough food after the flush. 🍌🌿 (Lesson learned: don’t keep a Gorilla hungry!) Now, let’s talk about Runtz! 😍 She’s an absolute queen—so photogenic that even my struggling phone can’t capture her real beauty. 📸✨ She’s forming into one giant, luscious bud, and her fragrance is something else entirely! 🕵️‍♂️ The carbon filter is fighting the good fight, but if the room isn’t aired out every 8-9 hours, a little aroma starts sneaking through. But opening the tent… oh, my friends, that’s where the magic happens! 🌬️💫 The aroma is intoxicating—imagine diving headfirst into a field of flowers while bees whisper secrets in your ears. 🌺🐝 I just sit there, enchanted, savoring the smell, and staring at these beauties like a hypnotized gardener. Honestly, it’s hard to walk away. 😂 Here’s their menu for the week: 🍵 Feed: A+B 4ml/L, Micro Chum 1ml/L, Big Bud 2ml/L 📊 PPM: 1050 | pH: 5.8 💧 Runoff: PPM 1000 | pH 6.0-6.3 Now, for the not-so-great news… I’m struggling with humidity levels—daytime sits around 65-77%, and at night, it can climb to a stubborn 80%. 🌫️ Temperature-wise, it’s 23-25°C during the day and drops to a cool 16-18°C at night. ❄️🔥 Despite the challenges, the endgame is near, and I’m savoring every moment of this grow! 🌟 🙌 Happy growing, everyone! 🌱🔥
This is a must grow again . I immediately started 2 more in her place and I am glad I have 3 more that just went into flower
Its Week 9 , i flush them once with AN Flawless Finish, i will cut them when most trichomes are cloudy and a few amber , should be in 7-10 days ready
Día 36 (25/11) Aplico ligero LST a LSD-25 Auto Parece que OG Kush Auto se ha ralentizado un poco tras el Lollipopping y la defoliación Riego H2O RO CBD Auto 20:1 #1 1000 ml H2O RO CBD Auto 20:1 #2 250 ml H2O RO LSD-25 Auto 500 ml H2O RO OG Kush Auto 750 ml H2O RO Día 37 (26/11) CBD Auto 20:1 #2 & LSD-25 Auto han parado el stretch y se dedican a engordar los cogollos LSD-25 Auto sigue generando unos colores preciosos con todas las hojas inundándose de color morado / purpura OG Kush Auto está empezando la floración en todos los nodos CBD Auto 20:1 #1 es un monstruo que no para de crecer! Le hago un ligera defoliación (3-4 hojas) y Lollipopping en un par de nudos inferiores CBD Auto 20:1 #1 1000 ml H2O RO CBD Auto 20:1 #2 250 ml H2O RO LSD-25 Auto 250 ml H2O RO OG Kush Auto 250 ml H2O RO Día 38 (27/11) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 sigue imparable hacia el cielo! Empieza a formar tímidamente los nodos... CBD Auto 20:1 #2 muestra pistilos rosas en el ápice! 😍 CBD Auto 20:1 #1 750 ml H2O RO CBD Auto 20:1 #2 250 ml H2O RO LSD-25 Auto 250 ml H2O RO OG Kush Auto 500 ml H2O RO Día 39 (28/11) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 non stop! 🚀 Elimina algunas hojas que tapan a los brotes inferiores LSD-25 Auto empieza a generar tricomas! 😍 Elimino un par de hojas que tapan los cogollos de la zona media CBD Auto 20:1 #1 1000 ml H2O RO CBD Auto 20:1 #2 - ml H2O RO LSD-25 Auto - ml H2O RO OG Kush Auto - ml H2O RO Día 40 (29/11) No riego. Solo fotos! Día 41 (30/11) Día sin riego. Todas las plantas presentan el sustrato húmedo CBD Auto 20:1 #2 empieza a engordar muchos los cogollos y a mostrar pistilos entre morado y rosa 😍💥 Día 42 (01/12) CBD Auto 20:1 #1 non stop! 🚀 Elimino algunas hojas que tapan a los brotes inferiores LSD-25 Auto tiene unos colores preciosos. Im in love OG Kush Auto la floración está a tope! Elimino algunas hojas que tapan a los brotes inferiores CBD Auto 20:1 #1 1000 ml H2O RO CBD Auto 20:1 #2 750 ml H2O RO LSD-25 Auto 750 ml H2O RO OG Kush Auto 750 ml H2O RO 💦Nutrients by Bio Tabs - www.biotabs.nl/en/ 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en-us/products/pro-mix-hp-biofungicide-plus-mycorrhizae "GDBT420" 15% DISCOUNT code for the BIOTABS Webshop https://biotabs.nl/en/shop/
It has been another slow week for growth. I've been working to optimize the environment. This is my first indoor grow in Europe during winter and with this equipment. There are a lot of variables that I have to figure out. I've added an oil heater on a temperature controller and have been gradually raising temps over the last few days. I also think I underestimated how much moisture my soil mix retains and maybe I've had humidity in the tent a bit too high. Both seedlings look a bit waterlogged. To try and fix this I'll keep RH at 50% for the next few days and let the soil get properly dry before watering again. Hopefully this gets things back on track and there's some strong growth this week! 💪
She gets bushy quick, led me to tying down some branches, caused me to snap a branch. I tied it back with a good fit and 2 days in its still alive, going to monitor and prune it off if necessary...just starting to get open amd see some decent growth but might have to up the nitrogen
Week 4 update! 🌱 Week 3 is done, and the ladies are now three weeks into their flowering phase. So far, everything has gone really well. However, one bud and the plants in the front showed slight signs of potassium overfertilization, which likely caused a calcium uptake issue and led to minor necrosis. No worries, though – today I completely flushed the entire system and replaced it with a fresh solution. With this reset, everything should be back on track 💪💧. On top of that, I decided to bring out an old Cree& Osram LED lamp as a booster. This will provide the two smaller front plants with more light intensity so they can metabolize the higher nutrient levels more effectively 💡🌿. Everything is looking great so far! Stay tuned, follow along, and let’s see how this journey continues 🌺📸. Woche 4-Update! 🌱 Woche 3 ist geschafft, und die Ladies sind jetzt drei Wochen in der Blütephase. Bis jetzt lief alles super. Eine Bud und die Pflanzen vorne zeigten jedoch leichte Anzeichen von Kalium-Überdüngung, was wahrscheinlich zu einer Kalzium-Aufnahmehemmung geführt und leichte Nekrosen verursacht hat. Kein Grund zur Sorge – heute habe ich das komplette System gründlich durchgespült und die Lösung durch eine frische ersetzt. Mit diesem Reset sollte jetzt wieder alles reibungslos laufen 💪💧. Außerdem habe ich beschlossen, eine alte Cree& Osram LED-Lampe als Booster herauszuholen. Damit bekommen die beiden kleineren Pflanzen vorne eine stärkere Lichtintensität, damit sie die höheren Nährstoffwerte besser verstoffwechseln können 💡🌿. Es sieht alles richtig gut aus! Bleibt dran, folgt mir, und lasst uns schauen, wie sich die Reise weiterentwickelt 🌺📸.
Unknown 1 has come to it’s end going a total wet weight of 288.44g with stems see what the end result is same as the other had a haircut then will tidy up once dry want to dry a slow as possible thanks for viewing.