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Doing very well after repotting her 😍❤️ Very good and strong quality seeds by @supersativa seed club Try them outt
Well week 5 of bloom is complete, and this week brought a few challenges. Humidity in my area has been through the roof, close to 100%. My heavy-duty equipment was struggling to bring my tent to acceptable late flowering levels, sometimes reaching over 60% RH, especially at night when the plant was respirating more. Additionally, her pale yellow color, and leathery leaves didn't excite me too much. If you remember, we had a severe heat wave a couple of weeks ago, which contributed to that. But also, since I messed up the ScrOG training, and regrettably decided not to super-crop her, a fair share of the leaf problems were due to light stress as well, as I didn't want to sacrifice lower colas, so I let it go. My biggest mistake this grow, was not paying attention to her the one day she decided to stretch nearly a foot, and was unable to be weaved into the net the next day without being snapped in half. My second biggest mistake is NOT snapping it in half, and letting it repair itself. I wouldn't have had nearly as much bleaching of leaves I think. This week, and I'm assuming because nearly all chlorophyll was depleted from her fan leaves, I didn't notice much of any change from last week. Her buds seemed to be about the same mass, and the stigmas still had the same ratio of red to white coloration. I suspected she was dead, or dying, or just...done. Not all genetics will transform all of their stigmas from white, and not all genetics will have their trichomes turn amber. So, I did a few things to confirm that suspicion. First, I looked at her trichomes on various buds closely with a microscope. They were almost all cloudy, with very very few amber. That told me that she was at an acceptable level of ripeness, even if she could have went longer, assuming she was still alive. Next, I removed the pea gravel mulch I was using in the raised bed, so I could get a closer look at the soil she was growing in, and more specifically, her roots. The soil, although moist a few inches deep, was not at the level I expected, and I think I have not been watering her enough. I don't think I'll be using a gravel mulch again. On the plus side, it did help prevent fungus gnats, as there was zero the whole grow, apart from an early week when I placed some solo cups to germinate on top of the bed, but after removing them, the fungus gnats disappeared with them. Also while inspecting the soil, I carefully dug down to inspect some of her primary roots. They were actually dry, despite the surrounding soil being moist. This could explain why she wasn't drinking much if any for the better part of the week. So, given her dry foliage, dry roots, and ripe-enough trichomes, I decided it was time to harvest her, earlier than expected. Let's also not forget that I was frightened this week with some high humidity scares, so growing longer, and possibly for no reason if she was dead or barely alive, was not in the cards. I've dealt with my fair share of bud rot before, and I would rather try what I have of her now, than to wait the extra week or so for her to be fully ripe. So, that is what I did, on the last day of the week -- I chopped her down, cut off some larger fan leaves, and hung her upside down. This, of course, was after removing the raised bed. It took me a while to empty about 45 gallons of soil so I could move it, but in doing so, I noticed a lot of beneficial critters, and nothing bad. Such critters included small centipedes, which feed on other insects, and soil mites which eat dead organic matter. I set the tent to dry at around 72F and 55 RH. And now we wait for about a week before trimming. One thing is for sure -- I am very proud of this grow, despite all these flaws. She smells incredible -- like pure citrus emanating throughout my house. This is a very strong-smelling plant. As a bonus, I've included a time-lapse video of the entire grow from start to finish in the last media above. Check it out and let me know what you think. I'll be back for the harvest week for the dry weight in about a week or so, after we're done drying and trimming.
Die GorillaZkittlez wurde an Tag66/45F abgeschnitten und ging in den einzelnen Trieben zum trocknen in einen Karton wo ein kleiner PC-Lüfter verbaut ist um die Luft in Bewegung zu halten. Ich musste leider wärend dem ernten wieder einiges wegschneiden. Das nasse Wetter hat etwas schimmel in die Blüte gebracht. Insgesamt sind dadurch bestimmt ⅓ - ¼ der Buds im Müll gelandet. War bei dem Wetter der letzten zwei Wochen auch zu erwarten. Um den Rest der Buds safe in die Gläser zu bekommen, gab es für die buds einen ordentlichen wet-trim um weiteren schimmel zu vermeiden. Nach 5 Tagen waren die buds ferig um ins Glas zu kommen. 20.5g kamen am Ende trocken raus. Bei ca 10g die schimmel hatten, ist das Ergebnis für die kurze Zeit und die erste outdoor-ernte halbwegs zufriedenstellend. Der Geschmack und die Wirkung trösten allerdings über den Verlust bei der Ernte hinweg. Das würzige dominiert den Geschmack. Allerdings kommen fruchtige untertöne im Abgang zum Vorschein. GorillaZkittlez kam wärend des Wachstums gut mit dem wechselhaften Wetter zurecht. Nur die Buds nicht🤣 Allerdings hatten die Ladys auch keinerlei Schutz vor Regen und waren dem Wetter komplett ausgeliefert. Der strain wird trotzdem wieder sein weg in den Garten finden💚
In der Woche hat es wieder scheiße geregnet. Ich musste zwar nur einmal gießen, allerdings mussten nach der Woche ⅓ vom Mainbud und zwei Teile der sidebuds weg, weil sich dort schimmel bemerkbar gemacht hat. Kann man sicht viel machen wenn die Ladys der Witterung komplett ausgesetzt sind. Ich hatte die Woche nur einmal gegossen. Zusätze waren 1g/L BioEnhancer von GreenHouseFeeding, 1ml/L PowerBuds, 0.3ml/L GreenSensation von Plagron und 0.8ml/L BioBloom von BioBizz. Das ganze auf einen ph-Wert von 6.8 gebracht. Jede Lady bekam unterschiedlich viel. Je nach Gewicht des jeweiligen Topfes. Ich hoffe das sich das Wetter langsam an den Sommer anpasst und die restliche Zeit ohne schimmel verläuft und mit mehr Sonne als Regen🍀💚
Honestly i was thinking about this girls gonna grow big i mean BIG because all branches grow about 2-3cm everyday i put a stuck to make sure how much they grow every day! I think i should put a second layer of net . Guys if you want use silicon for your plants make sure its mono silicic acid not potassium silicate or other silicate nutrients because they need months to absorbs by the plant,silicone can be absorbed by plant in mono silicic acid form
This week went pretty well, other than she stretched like crazy and I am now getting worried about running out of vertical space. I also had a few of my bottom leaves get a few brown and yellow spots on them. I did post some pics and asked a question, thank you for the responses, much appreciated! I am thinking about adding my Spyder Farmer LED 100 Watt light into the tent for the nebula auto because it is about 23 inches shorter than the sour diesel. I believe it would only raise my temp about 2 degrees, and possibly lower the humidity by one or two percent. I must say my dehumidifier has been a freaking stud, running 24X7 and not complaining. I should look into adding another unit, it has been in the mid 90's and muggy for about a week. So far I have to say I am super impressed and excited with this setup, the genetics, and with growing this wonderful plant in general. Already planning ahead to my next grow, and what I can do better. I have been enjoying myself and I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to answer my questions! I am having a blast and am excited to see what this lady will give up in a few weeks!
They grew a lot this week or so it seems to me, because i was on vacation and havent seen them the last 5 days. SQ#1 and Blue cheese are now my biggest plants Even though i germinated 1 week later and also from the other strain there was one plant that was always bigger than the Rest and now its the second smallest. So far everything was nice, no issues with nutrients, desease or bugs, every plant develops hairs and is female. I think i give them 1 more week to grow and then i‘m changing the light cycle and start the flowering Phase, really excited for that :)
Week 10, 8-14 July 2024 8-14 July - Observed and let the plant grow. 9 July - Did a light defoliation of older leaves. Pablo continues to stack and swell in bud growth. I’m impressed with just how big her buds are getting. Devine Seeds has some really good genetics here, and she still has about 5 more weeks to go. I see no problems what so ever up to this point. 🍶 8 July nutrient solution changed 🍽️ 8 July feeding schedule updated 💧 Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0 🐉 Nutrient Solution EC 2.7 at 74 degree F 🔆 Light power at 80%, DLI 40 canopy coverage at 12hrs 😤 Using PYPABL, Air Pump, 400GPH That is it for this week. Thanks for the look, read and stopping by.
Pablo Escobar · Divine Seeds
XS2000 · ViparSpectra
GT 60x60x140cm(2'x2'x4.5') · Mars Hydro
TriPart Bloom · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro · Terra Aquatica
Fulvex · Botanicare
Hydroguard · Botanicare
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
Europonics Silicate ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Cali Magic ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Day 78. A bit forced by bud rot chop. Hot and humid summer, not the best ... Girls still ended up nice with almost 0 care. Happy Growing !!!
RSV11 is growing good. She had the light times switched 4 days ago to flower. She also had a solution change 2 days ago. She was defoliated some and is ready to start stretching. Thank you Terpyz Mutant Genetics, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Late to update this week. Was out of town and finally I found some time to update. I started giving them a healthy dose of KoolBloom to start finish this grow off. Temperature is getting higher and I wish I started these girls 2 weeks earlier, but hindsight is 420. I think these should be ready by week 9, so i’ll be looking at those trichomes at this stage of the grow. I like mine cloudy. What do you all prefer?
The temperatures, humidity, height, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil to be spread evenly on top of the soil. Day 1 we had high temperature of 87°F with partly cloudy to cloudy skies. I watered 3-4 gallons from the hose. I added 100 ml of blood meal spread evenly across the top of the soil. Day 2 We had a high temperature of 85°F. It rained the previous night and intermittently raining and thunderstorms today. I did get these trained a little this morning. It's not finished, but I took some foliage off and opened them up by tying the branches to stakes arranged on the outside of the pots. I finished topping off these pots with soil that is premixed with nutrients. The rain is watering today. Day 3 we had a high temperature of 73°F and all day rain. The rain was what remained of hurricane Beryl. There was a lot of wind up to 20 miles per hour. These girls handled it and loved the rain. Day 4 we had clear sunny skies and a high temperature of 85°F. I fed 150 ml feather meal , 30 ml Plant Tone, and 50 ml Coop Poop. I watered 3-5 gallons from the water hose. Day 5 we had a high temperature of 86°F and partly cloudy skies. Plants #2and #3 developed powdery mildew on their lower leaves. I'm going to treat for the next 5 days with Arber organic biofungicide. I ran the fertilizer a little hot the girls are clawing and super dark green this evening Day 6 we had a high temperature of 85 with partly cloudy skies. Day 7 we had a high temperature of 86°F. This morning we had plenty of rain and wind. No need for watering. The skies were mostly cloudy to partly cloudy in the evening. This week was a success. We had lots of rain, cool nights and humidity. This caused the #2 and #3 plant to develop powdery mildew. This is the challenge here on the Ozark Plateau. We are strictly organic. We use no systemic fungicides and the only pesticide we use is occasionally is organic pyrethrin spray. That said, now that we've identified the plants that don't have immunity, we'll treat with Arber bio fungicide. This treatment will last 5 days then they have to make it with what they were born with. Also the nutrients ran a little hot on them. That and the several hours of rain depriving them of iron has their centers looking rough. They'll be better next week.
Día 48. El frío ha afectado bastante el crecimiento. Pero aún así va a salir algo interesante. Creo que la mala genética puede tener mucho que ver. Por el momento falta poco para que los cogollos se terminen de cerrar. Calculo que en una semana cuando se cierran ya paso a usar el overdrive. Entre tanto, ya está abriendo la semilla para la próxima madre. Calculo que en 3 días ya va a estar para poner en el sistema hidropónico. Seguiré viendo que sucede.
Gorilla Jealousy F1 is doing good. I did a solution change on her 2 days ago. She is in her own space to flower now. I cleaned out some of the lower portion of the plant. I will do more as she stretches. I will likely have to do some hst on her. I feel she will try to get too close to the light.tge pest are gone. New growth is praying. She is looking great. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Seedsman. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 This is my affiliate link to seedsman. Thank you Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱