So.. She's now just over 12 weeks old with 8 weeks flower and 4 veg, I did the last feed on Friday just gone, and will now flush for a week+ up until she starts showing me Amber's,
I know she's a sativa dominant but, there is Indica genes in there somewhere and I would like around 10-20% Amber if possible, it is going to be a precarious balancing act between prime potency, amber and degradation of the plant as its been around for a long time she's going to go over DP timing cycle by about 5 weeks haha,
As soon as I see Amber's appearing I am going to give it about 36hrs as normal then whack it in the dark for 24hrs (everyone seems to do it so I will try with this one then do two the next time with the same strain put one in the dark and one not and see if there is any difference,
I am thinking that there is now about 1to2 weeks left before harvest (I know I said that last week aha) but what do I know, hmhm
So looking forward to seeing what she's like, I have put so much care love and attention into making her the best she could be and not stressing her, and has received very little stress, a bit of burn on the tips of leaves (bout 4 weeks ago appeared overnight, cut down food and it seemed to fix. The issue) and the heat for the last week and a half or so crept up to about 31 ish all the time at night aswell, but I was running about trying to keep her cool and moist, well it seemed to have paid off as there is very very minimal foxtailing on 2 of the bud sites the majority remain prestine,
I would really appreciate a few guesses as to harvest weight (dry) I could expect, (I won't hold anyone to there word, I know it's an educated guess, haha),
Sorry about the missed weeks and lack of quality pictures, I will endeavour to make up for that with a good final post and roundup 👍👍
Thanks for poking your head in,
Please remember to close the door when you leave 😜