I fed today and did a little training. They're "sardined in" pretty well, so I'm limited as to how much I can do, but I worked on a couple of #4's since they were already bushy, and supercropped my tallest auto, and a tall one that's either a #2 or a #3.
After seeing them beginning to flower, I have reached the conclusion that I have 4 different varieties of the FFT clones growing!
There are definitely 4 x #10
There are definitely 5 x #4
There are probably 4 x #2, but maybe only 2
There are probably 2 x #3, but maybe really 4
The #3 in the outdoor garden was a seedling (my last FFT bean) grown outdoors and pathetic looking, so I'm not sure what it would have looked like when looking at the clones.
The #2 in the outdoor garden was viciously attacked by hoppers and mites so it didn't have much foliage to compare with, and died this past weekend before budding up enough to compare with.
I fed them today, and started them on Beastie Bloomz.
They're doing great. Fattening every day. Not bad for 2 weeks of flower.
That's it for week 6!