I am dropping a Grand Daddy Purple auto. I scuffed both seeds ends. I dropped it in water. It will stay there for 24 to 48 hours until a tap root shows. I will then drop it in coco, and dome till it sprouts. Thank you ILGM, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
In week 4 the plant kept growing to a real dense bush so I continued the LST and did some little defoliation every 2-3 days like in week 3. Additionally I started giving some Alg-A-Mic to help the plant handling the high temperatures (up to 35-36°C) inside my box.
Just in time for the start of the 5th week, the first pistils appeared, so I started adding Bio-Grow to the fertilizer. The plant now takes up almost the entire surface area of the grow box, but fortunately it has stretched a little and gained some height. The LST was adjusted again and again and a few leaves were removed from time to time so that as many shoots as possible received enough light.
In week 3 I continued with the LST, but the plant showed more and more of its namesake genetics and grew into a kind of lettuce head. So towards the end of the week I started to remove a few leaves to improve aeration and light exposure. Additionally i slowly started incresing the power of the LED to about 75%.
One of the targets for that grow is to keep the height of the plant as low as possible, because i only have about 80 cm from the bottom of the box to the LED lights as available space for the plant, so i thought i will a give that LST a try. Additionally i slowly started incresing the power of the LED to 60%. By now (a few weeks later) I already know that i started the LST a little bit early, but the plant was reacting well and kept growing. Furthermore I added a cheap webcam to my setup to create some timelapse videos. It's not a high res camera, but I still find it very interesting to watch that plant grow in timelapse 😁
Week 11: Pineapple Poison - The Neverending Leafpocalypse! ☔️✂️ Yo growmies! Mother Nature decided to play catch-up with the rain this week, and let me tell you, the Pineapple Poison took full advantage! Over 20mm of rain in seven days, and this girl exploded like a popcorn kernel in a microwave! We're officially at 138cm now, which is basically towering over my raised bed. It wasn't just height, though. New shoots and leaves popped up like green confetti. So, guess who spent most of the weekend playing hairdresser again? This gal! It was a mainlining marathon. As Bobolancetti put it wisely in the comments: we need to start thinking support for those colossal colas. Less foliage also means better wind resistance, which is crucial here in Brandenburg, land of the giant wind turbines. We can't have our Pineapple Princess getting blown over by a rogue gust! The only thing missing? Flowering. Still nowhere to be seen. *insert cricket noise* Listen, this growth spurt is awesome, but the weekly deleafing routine is getting a little…well, lengthy. My arms are feeling it! Maybe next week, the flowering fairy will finally take pity on us and get this party started? A girl can dream…. S Stay tuned, growmies, because next week, we'll see if the Pineapple Poison finally decides to show us her flowers (and give my arms a break)! High fives all around!
👇 This week: --- Watering 1l-1.5l every day. PPFD at canopy height approximately 900 (increase slowly), VPD ~1.3 Big defoliation, lollipopped some plants at day 21, will wait for the last 2 till day 28 Ladys got 500ml compost tea each (biotabs recipe from kees) from now on every week - Recipe: 15gr compost PK/L, 5ml orgatrex/L, 1gr bactrex/L - brew for 24-36h) --- Happy growing and thanks for checking out my report! I really appreciate you! 😁💪🙏
Popped the last 3 seeds I had and got 2 plants. I hope I get one of the special phenos from last
Approximately day 72 since seed touched soil. Such a relief is this part of garden. All girls will be harvested next friday, only one weakest Trainwreck is about a month behind, but she was looking sad and weak all the time, catches up others, still underdeveloped and small buds. Other two Trainwrecks are very nice, one is forming huge top, fat, sparkling, did few photos of her even. Both cheeses run nice too, rainbow smells so sweet, should be lovely smoke. We had huge rains , almost like summons, no signs of bud rot, but bottom branches are covered in soil and sand, will have to wash them before hanging. Sun was still raising, i was blinded by it, so quality of photos is very poor. They sparkle !!! and smell is around the forest, really sweet and i cant wait to try them out !!! Last 10 days or so left till chop. Happy Growing !!!!!
Day 100 Day 57 Flower 06/07/24 Saturday Flushed with de-chlorinated tap water today pH 6.0. Flushing using 10L of water with Flawless finish- I'll be using this every other flush. , getting 50% run off, I can't measure ppm, I have ordered the tool to start learning this way also. I haven't measured run off ppms before so will be interesting to see. Smelling pungent, deep greens of colour coming through, hoping over the next 2 weeks she swells as she is not as dense as I was hoping 😅 Day 10day 58 Flower 07/07/24 Sunday No feed /water today letting her dry off a little more. Updated with a short 🤩💚 Day 102 Day 59 Flower 08/07/24 Monday De-chlorinated tap Water 5L pH 6.0 + 3L Water +calmag 5ml to keep her from deficiency during 1st week of flush. Updated a short video 😁 She's getting there. Day 103 Day 60 Flower 09/07/24 Tuesday No water, letting her dry off again ABIT, noticing a huge amount of trichome production, updated a short to see 😍. Day 104 Day 61 Flower 10/07/24 Wednesday Another 10L flush today , de-chlorinated tap water pH 6.0 with flawless finish. 10ml flawless finish to 10L water. Updated pictures and video. Day 105 Day 62 Flower 11/07/24 Thursday Last day of the week, another big flush today! 10L de-chlorinated tap water pH 6.0 with 10ml Flawless finish 👌 Trichomes...😍 She maybe a 21 day flush we'll see how she goes next week with ripening. Video updated.
Hey guys, did some defoliation yesterday because it was Flower day 21. I got rid off the lower branches and flowers with little to no chance of receiving enough light. I snapped off the leaves which were looking a bit old. I’m pretty happy with the result, since it is my first grow I didn’t know how or how well it will go. After defoliating her I gave 5L with around 20ml of Hesi root complex to help her get fit after the operation. I feed her once a week with bloom nutrients 50ml / 10L. I also attached new wires to the twigs to continue with the LST and to improve light penetration. So far no problems and I’m pretty happy. Also I haven’t smoked weed for 3 Weeks now and I am excited to wait till harvest with my break. If I trust sensi seeds she needs around 50-60 days to complete flower, so let’s say we have 1/3. My SanLight evo 4-120 is running on 80% power which is 212W and I have 30-35cm distance to the canopy, depends on which buds you measure. Thanks for reading. Have a nice day
The cheesey goodness has started coming through now, smelling lovely. Nothing to complain about, nothing to worry about, maybe 2/3 weeks from harvest now for 5 of them, one seems to be roughly 2 weeks behind in my opinion, most likely be dropping her from the gene pool unless she turns into something special