Wow, growing this beauty was amazing. She totally changed my perspective on autoflower cannabis plants! As well Seedsman! You guys rock! Seriously, I loved growing her from start to finish she took off in her living soil set up. The only thing I would change is having a bigger pot next time and being more watchful of my watering. But all in all she grew great threw veg, nice and strong branches, deep green and lush growth, and she followed that with a beautiful flower cycle. What more can I say?!? Will be looking forward to the next Seedsman competition 😉
She's doing great. Heats been giving me a little problem still but no more fungus I can see an the bugs havent bothered her much. I've noticed that I let her go kinda long 😅 I still would like too flush her before cutting down so like what 2-3more weeks? Should I go ahead an start flushing?
What up Growmies, this one grew hella fast maturing in 9 weeks from seed to harvest fast. Buds is true to their name. This one has some serious resin on the flowers reminding me of some sort of a gelato Gorilla glue cross, but we shall see when it's released! I could be far off lol. I had no problems growing her. She was really easy and happy her whole life. She's a great one for extractions! Thank you grow diaries and thank you fastbuds for the opportunity to show the world my organic gardening skills! I appreciate all the support from the growing community here on grow diaries. Big thanks for my followers!
RIP!!! This week we went up to check on her 3 days after the was moved into her new home and she was looking very healthy. Then when we went to check on day 4, SHE WAS COMPLETELY GONE!!! We don’t know what happened, however we assume that a wallaby or another animal ate her. As we are guerilla growing, it is very difficult to manage things such as pests. And our location has a lot of frequent wallabies, so it was only a matter of time. This is a very sad day indeed, but now we can learn from our mistakes and put a cover over the rest of our batch. RIP!!!
Esta semana una de las plantas presentó rápidamente un amarilleo de sus hojas debido a unos ácaros de raíz que se le estaban pegando y un estrés de golpe, eso hizo estresar la planta y no quise que el problema llegara hasta los cogollos, le faltaba más o menos 1 semana, pero están olorosos y resinosos, aún faltan 2 plantas en el armario esas van por una 12 semana, y son los cogollos con mas tricomas de la cosecha 😮‍💨
Notes. Week 18 (week 11 flower) Light settings 12/12 on at 9.00am off at 9.00pm Viparspectra Light power= 75% 165w VPD aim 1.0-1.2 DLI aim 35 Extractor settings temperature 23c with 0c steps Humidity 30% with 0% steps Max speed 10 Min speed 4 Monday 17/7/23 Day 120 (day 74 flower) Looking good. Tuesday 18/7/23 Day 121 (day 75 flower) Defoliate Wednesday 19/7/23 Day 122 (day 76 flower) Harvest #3 338g Hung to dry. Extractor settings temperature 20c with 0c steps Humidity 50% with 0% steps Max speed 10 Min speed 2 Thursday 20/7/23 Day 123 (day 1 dry) Removed some fan leaves. Friday 28/7/23 Day 132 (day 9 dry) Trim #3 FBPHP14, dry 38g. Larf 4g. Saturday 29/7/23 Day 133 (day 1 cure) Saturday 5/8/23 Day 140 (day 8 cure) Put humidity packs in the jars. Friday 11/8/23 Day 146 (day 14 cure) Stop using auto burping system now and burp less frequently for a bit. Saturday 12/8/23 Day 147 (day 15 cure) Sunday 27/8/23 Day 162 (day 30 cure) Sampled Stats for the grow #1 377g #3 338g #4 276g #5 393g #6 312g Total wet weight =1696g #1 FBPHP12, dry 40g. Larf 4g. #3 FBPHP14, dry 38g. Larf 4g. #4 runtz, dry 29g. Larf 2g. Rot 5g. #5 Pink Rozay, dry 38g. Larf 6g. #6 Candy Rain, dry 34g. Larf 0g. Total dry weight. 179g Total dry larf weight 16g Loads of trim so going run some hash.
Moin moin ihr growmies! Die Woche war von der Entwicklung her echt Top die Damen werden fetter und fetter das einzige was mir Sorgen gemacht hatte war das dadurch das die buds zu legen an Gewicht die Äste sich zur Seite und nach innen gebogen haben deshalb habe ich mich dazu entschieden meinen Rahmen des ScroG netzes zu installieren und die Äste dort dran zu befestigen damit sie sich nicht gegenseitig beschatten oder gar schlimmer noch abbrechen. Ich Weiss sieht scheisse aus aber es hilft werde in der nächsten Woche noch einmal leicht die schere schwingen damit auch die untersten buds noch die Chance haben aus zu Reifen sonnst war diese Woche wieder nicht viel los 😂👍 ich muss sagen ich bin echt begeistert von der Bio tabs Palette super einfach in der Handhabung und das ich den Ph Wert mit green buzz nutrients fahre war genau die richtige Entscheidung die beiden Produkte funktionieren 1 a zusammen ich mein die Bilder zeigen das es funktioniert und dabei noch so einfach....! Ich hatte kaum Arbeit beim düngen und trotzdem meiner Meinung nach bis jetzt ein bomben Ergebniss euch allen ein schönes Wochenende und Happy growing!
Notes. Week 18 (week 11 flower) Light settings 12/12 on at 9.00am off at 9.00pm Viparspectra Light power= 75% 165w VPD aim 1.0-1.2 DLI aim 35 Extractor settings temperature 23c with 0c steps Humidity 30% with 0% steps Max speed 10 Min speed 4 Monday 17/7/23 Day 120 (day 74 flower) Looking good. Tuesday 18/7/23 Day 121 (day 75 flower) Defoliate Wednesday 19/7/23 Day 122 (day 76 flower) Harvest #4 276g Hung to dry. Extractor settings temperature 20c with 0c steps Humidity 50% with 0% steps Max speed 10 Min speed 2 Thursday 20/7/23 Day 123 (day 1 dry) Removed some fan leaves. Thursday 27/7/23 Day 131 (day 8 dry) #4 runtz, dry 29g. Larf 2g. Rot 5g. Saturday 29/7/23 Day 133 (day 1 cure) Saturday 5/8/23 Day 140 (day 8 cure) Put humidity packs in the jars. Friday 11/8/23 Day 146 (day 14 cure) Stop using auto burping system now and burp less frequently for a bit. Saturday 12/8/23 Day 147 (day 15 cure) Sunday 27/8/23 Day 162 (day 30 cure) Sampled Stats for the grow #1 377g #3 338g #4 276g #5 393g #6 312g Total wet weight =1696g #1 FBPHP12, dry 40g. Larf 4g. #3 FBPHP14, dry 38g. Larf 4g. #4 runtz, dry 29g. Larf 2g. Rot 5g. #5 Pink Rozay, dry 38g. Larf 6g. #6 Candy Rain, dry 34g. Larf 0g. Total dry weight. 179g Total dry larf weight 16g Loads of trim so going run some hash.
Excellente culture, du début à la fin. Les rendements sont monstrueux, des grosses têtes énormes pleines de trichomes.Je pense avoir 800gr a sec sans les petites têtes que je ne m'embête pas a faire. Je recommande à tout le monde cette variété qui en vaut vraiment la peine. Le prix est également très correct.
18.08.23- 49 дней от каски и все еще нет признаков цветения …. Из тренировок только лст и максимум 1-2 больших листа в мусорку ) Получает 1000 ppm grow . Немного передозировал ее удобрениями ,это заметно на кончиках листьев . Если она не начнет цвести , буду переводить ее вместе с лсд 22.08.23- 53 день жизни ! Признаков цветения нет , от слова воообще ! Делаю вывод что это фотопериод и начал проводить несколько серьезных обрезок , потому-то он растет очень кустистым с огромными листами . Из проблем была перебазировка питательными веществами, которую я нейтрализовал с помощью flash clean и добавив новый менее концентрированный раствор . В остальном это здоровое и очень пышное растение 🌱