Day 40: I returned from a weekend, finding now (luckily) much slower height but an impressive bud growth. Nothing special to report except for I lowered lady #2’s lights a bit. She is now some visible cms behind her sister (who has 83 cm), and maybe that helps to compensate her (still very nice) growth.
Gave them another round of fertilised water, still with some HPE, during day 40. I could see in timelapse video they immediately gained fuller leaf positions and some progress. But sadly, as it’s quite warm here, main blower kicked in often, ruining the video to be much too shaky to show.
Day 42: Nothing special again. Slow height gain (84 cm), steady bud growth.
Day 43: I noticed the lowest leaves getting a bit pale. While this is perfectly ok on one hand – not much light to collect there anyway –, I think I will increase fertiliser portion a bit next time they are thirsty. At the end 85 cm in tallest main bud.
Day 44 concludes this week. Not much to report except for what was already said. Slow but steady growth, a tiny bit of yellowing on the very lowest leaves and thirst about 1 l/day. This week was very hot, but the last day brought some cooling. Would be nice to have a timelapse video again that does not look like camera Raspi had Parkinson’s (when main blower is active).