The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
The mind grows from observing failed attempts, The body grows from observing failed attempts, Topped mid-week both plants Often through our various senses, we receive impressions that bring the pleasure of nature's harmony into our thoughts. At other times we are aware that man has intervened in nature's processes to produce something by art, which to our highly evolved senses seems to rival even the best nature can display of beauty and harmony. We become aware at such times of man's wonderful ability to bring seemingly unrelated elements into harmonic balance, and receive a glimpse into a world where everything exists in conscious sympathetic attunement to everything else. When we listen to a piece of music that seems to strike a beautiful chord somewhere inside us, or view a painting that simply glows with harmonic awareness well executed, we probably do not spare much time to contemplate the wonderfully intricate combination of vibrations that our sensors make it possible for us to perceive. We tend to appreciate the relationship between the parts of something, by an awareness of the harmony or dissonance of the whole. This ability enables us to say "what a beautiful house!" instead of "analysis has proven that this collection of building materials exhibits certain elements of harmonic proportion." While this ability to instinctively appreciate the beauty of true harmony has an important role to play in evolution, a more analytical understanding of the laws involved can be most useful. This is especially so if we wish to create works of art where each part exists in true harmony, not only with the other part of that particular whole, but with the universe within which the creator and the created exist. Everything vibrates. From the most dense matter to the most subtle cosmic rays, everything which our senses allow our thoughts to become aware of, can be specified in terms of wavelength or frequency of vibration. These two terms define the same thing, but from different points of view. The following are the approximate wavelengths of various energy carriers: Cosmic rays 0.000,000,001 mm Gamma rays 0.000,000,1 mm X rays 0.000,500 mm Ultraviolet rays 0.003 mm Visible light 0.006 mm Infrared 0.01 mm Sound waves 1 meter Radio waves 300 meters Violet light 400 nm to 450 nm Blue light 450 nm to 500 nm Green light 500 nm to 570 nm Yellow light 570 nm to 590 nm Orange light 590 nm to 610 nm Red light 610 to 700 nm 1 nanometer (nm) = 0.000,000,1 cm = 1/10,000,000 cm If a guitar string is plucked and we hear a sound, it is not too difficult for the human mind to associate this sound with the vibration of the guitar string. With color it is quite different. It is difficult for us to conceive that the color of a substance is not an inherent property of the substance itself, but an indication picked up by our senses of that substance's ability to absorb or reflect the light which happens to be shining on it at that moment. Neither the matter nor the light is colored. What happens is that the brain learns to differentiate between the frequencies reflected or transmitted by the substance the eyes are focused on. The same thing happens with sound. When we say "Oh! Listen, they're playing my favorite song," what we really mean is: "My brain has stored within it a particular pattern of frequencies. I have compared the new information being received with this stored pattern and have deduced the answer that the two patterns are similar within certain specified tolerances." The 'pleasure' involved could have something to do with our running the pre-recorded pattern at the same time, in 'sympathy' with the new pattern as it is received. The word sympathy describes very well our ability to appreciate color and sound. It also describes the reason behind certain elements of harmony. For instance, if a substance vibrating at 100 cycles per second (tone 1) is in the proximity of another substance vibrating at 200 cycles per second (tone 2), we could perceive, if we had the right equipment, a certain sympathetic relationship between the two. If our equipment was a wave form plotter, we may have a drawing like illustration 2. We will see from this that there is a uniform doubling of the first tone seen in the second. At various points along the waves, the two are the same in amplitude. At other points, they are at opposite poles to each other. This doubled frequency has more points of similarity to the original than any other frequency except the original itself. If the equipment we had available for measuring these two frequencies was a soundboard amplifier and a pair of ears, then we would hear what would sound to us like one tone. If we had the opportunity to hear one at a time, we would hear that although they sound the same, one is higher in pitch than the other. This characteristic of 'the same but different in pitch', musicians have called the octave. Any two tones produced where one has exactly doubled the frequency of the other is called an octave. Speaking in ratios, an octave would appear then as the ratio 2:1 or 1:2, depending on whether we are talking of an octave up or down. A single note produced by almost any instrument will contain more than one wavelength or frequency. It will have a dominant frequency, the wavelength of which we would call the note's 'fundamental' or 1st harmonic. It will also have a varying number of upper harmonics, gradually fading in intensity into infinity or silence. Natural harmonics always have the same pattern of intervals between them. The interval between the 1st and 2nd harmonic is a perfect octave; between the 2nd and 3rd a perfect fifth; between the 3rd and 4th a perfect 4th; and so on, the intervals becoming smaller and smaller until they lose any relationship with the western 12 tone scale as it exists at the moment. Just as an octave has certain elements of sympathy with its fundamental, so some intervals have been noted to be more perfectly in sympathy with the fundamental than others. The ratio of the 'perfect 5th' or interval of 7 semitones, as it occurs in the harmonic series, is 3:2 or 2:3, while that of the 'perfect fourth" is 4:3 or 3:4. All the tones in the western 12 tone scale can be expressed in terms of the ratio between the upper tone and its fundamental. This would seem to be an ideal way of generating a scale from any given fundamental and several attempts have been made to do this, the Pythagorean system being probably the most well known. Although when working with a single tone instrument playing on its own, the Pythagorean formula works wonderfully well, if we had several instruments tuned this way together and asked them to play almost any western music, we would find that at times they sounded quite out of tune to each other. The lack of flexibility of the various scale systems based on the harmonic series has led to what is known as the 'tempered' scale. This uses as its primary unit of interval the ratio of the octave or 2:1. It then proceeds to divide the interval between any fundamental and its upper octave into 12 smaller intervals by applying the ratio: two to the one-twelfth power, to one (21/12:1). This equals 1.059463094, so by multiplying any frequency by this number, we will obtain the tempered semitone next up from our fundamental. We will also find that any tone twelve semitones up from any other tone, in a scale generated in this way, will have exactly double the frequency. If we took the note middle C on a piano and halved the wavelength, we would have the note C one octave above. If we halved this, we would have the C above, and so on. However, within about 6 octaves, we would find that although a 'sound' was being produced, no human ear could perceive it. If we kept on going, halving and producing upper octaves of our fundamental C, we would proceed through the infrared band, into the visible light spectrum. If we happened to be outside during the day, we would, for one octave only, see the note C with our eyes. The next octave above would already be in the ultraviolet band, and outside the eye's sensitivity range. If we can think of color as being an indication of a substance's vibratory rate or wavelength, we may begin to see a relationship that could exist between the color and sound spectrums. The logical extension of what has so far been said is that there exists a scale in the color spectrum that coresponds exactly to the scale in the sound spectrum, each color tone being an octave of the equivalent note in the sound range. This is not the end of the story but only the beginning. If we can for the moment accept that any wavelength in one band has upper and lower octave stretching out to infinity, then tne next question is 'fine, but what shall we use as our fundamental? A particular color? A particular sound frequency?' The musicians among us will probably say 'A 440'. This means that the note A should vibrate at 440 Hertz, or 440 times per second. They would tell us that this is standard pitch has been adopted by most orchestras around the world; pianos are tuned to it, instruments are constructed to formulas based on it, and so to them it would probably seem the most appropriate place to begin. Some of these musicians may know of the battle that is still raging with regards to this being the standard, but few would know why A = 440 Hz was chosen except that it werned when it was set to be a suitable compromise between the many different pitches in use at the time. There is also a scientific standard of pitch of C= 512 Hz which, although not in common use in nusic, has a lot of theoretical followers, as it is generated from the lower octave of C = 1 cycle per second and has certain advantages of numerical simplicity in mathematical research. A scale built upon either of these standards will yield an upper octave scale in the color spectrum. However, with the A = 440 Hz scale, we end up with a color series which, although interesting, is hard to relate to any color system or set of values in current use. The C = 512 Hz system, on the other hand, seems a more obvious choice at first sight, having 12 definite color tones and containing the strongest and most pure colors in the spectrum. Further research showed that there were still things not quite right with this system, and has led to a modified version in which correspondences with other systems seemed to fit into place. Of course the proof of the pudding is in the eating and before being accepted this system will need further research to substantiate the correspondences and prove its value to mankind. What follows is a summary of the process used in drawing up this modified scale. The upper octave color of a fundamental of one cycle per second is found to be exactly emerald green, which is recognized as having a wavelength of 511 nanometers (this is at 20o in air). 511 nm is also the color of malachite, or hydrous carbonate of copper occurring as a mineral. It would seem reasonable, given the teachings in the QBL, to associate this with the planet Venus. If we take 1 Hz or its upper octave 512 Hz as our fundamental, then build a scale upon it using our tempered scale 'formula', we will have the following 12 color tones: 723 nm = infrared 682 nm = deep red 644 nm = orange red 608 nm = orange 574 nm = yellow 541 nm = yellow green 511 nm = emerald green 482 rim = green blue 455 nm = royal blue 430 nm = indigo 406 nm = violet 383 nm = ultraviolet There are certain immediate correspondences that become apparent between some of these colors and our teachings in Parachemistry. The yellow here is the color of chromate lead and zinc yellow, the most 'yellow yellow', for want of a better description, to be found in the spectrum. It seems rather logical, if we follow the Queen scale of color, to call this the Sun, or Vulcan, depending on which system we choose to look at. The orange here is exactly the frequency of sulphide of mercury or cinnabar. It would seem appropriate to relate this to the planet Mercury on the tree of life. If we then call the deepest red in our scale Mars and the Royal Blue Jupiter we find a pattern beginning to form. The ultraviolet here is outside our range of color vision and would appear black to us. If we call this Saturn, as Saturn is described as either black or violet, then we have six tones out of the twelve named. Through want of skill and reason's light Men stumble at noon day; Whilst busily our Stone they seek, That lieth in the way. Who thus do seek they know not what Is it likely they should find? Or hit the mark whereat they aim Better than can the blind? No, Hermes' sons for Wisdom ask, Your footsteps she'll direct: She'll Nature's way and secret cave And Tree of Life detect. Son and Moon in Hermes' vessel Learn how the colors show; The nature of the elements, And how the daisies grow. Great Python how Apollo slew, Cadmus his hollow oak: His new raised army, and Jason how The fiery steers did yoke. The eagle which aloft doth fly See that thou bring to ground, And give unto the snake some wings, Which in the earth is found. Then in one room sure bind them both, To fight till they be dead, And that a Prince of Kingdoms three Of both them shall be bred. Which from the cradle to his crown Is fed with his own blood; And though to some it seems strange, He hath no other food. Into his virgin mother's womb Again he enter must; So shall the King by his new birth, Be ten times stronger just. And able is his foes to foil, The dead he will revive: Oh, happy man that understands This medicine to achieve!
Holy god ... brothers .... I was growing of the magnificent raw diamonds of Sierra Leone and I didn't realize it !!!! Magnificent look gems covered with a huge frosted layer of resin so pearlescent to make them look from white appearance. Of course it was not at all easy to grow them given their multiple ramifications and not having a containment network installed. In a short time they filled all the cultivation sweats, even the little ones and this to ensure that the lower gems did not have the same compactness as the upper ones, but they still came very resinous! My advice and to contain this very powerful plant and try to concentrate all its exposure with a scrog technique and remove all the lower bulbs
2 plants showing different results. One has been flowering for 1 week and the other one looks stagnating. The one flowering is 38cms tall and new growth on top looks yellow and leaves on the bottom are stained. The other one has bigger stains at the bottom. Don't know the deficiency. Watering with 1ml Byron Bay Gold stage 2 per litre of RODI water. Am I missing calmag? Water ph?
Day 14 from planting directly in substrate. Do my plants look healthy? i don't know cause this is my first grow.
Added some extra nutes today 😁 Will be topped in the coming week.
Added some extra nutes today.. 🤦 Development is good ;) Plant is loving the light ;) Zamnesia 10% discount voucher for seeds: GROWITGD
100% power now on the ts2000 @ 24inchs. Trying to follow this rough guide of DLI for autoflowers, stumbled across on it on a random forum, seems to have worked great so far; AUTO FLOWER LED LIGHT INTENSITY Recommended LED PPF/PAR Values / DLI Based on 20 hrs. of light. Seedlings 150 - 200 umol / DLI 10.80 - 14.4 moles per day Veg up to 9" 450 umol / DLI 32.40 moles per day Early bloom 500 umol / DLI 36.00 moles per day Mid bloom 650 umol / DLI 46.80 moles per day Late bloom 750 umol / DLI 54.00 moles per day Ripen 400 umol / DLI 28.80 moles per day *** Use extreme caution going 700 umol or higher @ 20 hrs/day this could cause leaf burn***
Well it's dry and cureing in jars. I ended up with 78 grams of dry sticky buds. Growing this cultivar was a breeze! I mailined her for 8 main kola's and I would say that it was a success. I did however end up with more larf than I would have liked, but I'll be using that for fresh flower rosin in my Rosineer press. This particular pheno did not like her nutrients above a mild strength at all !!! I did flush her 3 times during her life and with good results. The first was to clean and build up of veg nutrients , primarily nitrogen. And the other two times were during flower. I wanted a good transition into flower. I've had a bad habit of thinking that a super dark green plant is what I want in flower. All in all she was a delight to grow. Not to finicky and a forgiving strain imo.
Has been a good week, back to full nutrients after running out of bloom and top max so should hopefully see alot of growth this week from my lemons and some bud fattening on my pineapple 😁 I think the pineapple has a couple weeks left til I do a flush but gonna try to resist chopping her down too early wanna get this one right 🤞 Hope everyone's having a good week ✌️
👉 ( Floração ) 👈 📅 Total de Dias 71 (F 41) - 12/10/2021 / 💦 Rega com nutrientes apenas planta 4 ( Plantas 1,2,3 e 5 não foram regadas ) 📅 Total de Dias 72 (F 42) - 13/10/2021 / 💦 Rega com nutrientes plantas 1,2,3 e 5 ( Planta 4 não foi regada ) 📅 Total de Dias 73 (F 43) - 14/10/2021 / 💦 Rega apenas com agua planta 4 📅 Total de Dias 74 (F 44) - 15/10/2021 / 💦 Rega planta 2 apenas com agua. Plantas 1,2,3 e 5 não foram regadas 📅 Total de Dias 75 (F 45) - 16/10/2021 / 💦 Rega de todas as plantas apenas com agua 📅 Total de Dias 76 (F 46) - 17/10/2021 📅 Total de Dias 77 (F 47) - 18/10/2021 / 💦 Rega apenas com agua (apenas a planta 4) 1,2,3 e 5 não foram regadas 👉 MARSHYDRO 👉 CODIGO PORMOCIONAL : Grow3rPT 👉 Em 3% de desconto em qualquer produto
👉 ( Floração ) 👈 📅 Total de Dias 71 (F 41) - 12/10/2021 / Crescimento normal 😀 📅 Total de Dias 72 (F 42) - 13/10/2021 / 💦 Rega com nutrientes 📅 Total de Dias 73 (F 43) - 14/10/2021 📅 Total de Dias 74 (F 44) - 15/10/2021 / 💦 Rega apenas com agua 📅 Total de Dias 75 (F 45) - 16/10/2021 / 💦 Rega apenas com agua 😀 📅 Total de Dias 76 (F 46) - 17/10/2021 📅 Total de Dias 77 (F 47) - 18/10/2021 / 💦 Rega apenas com agua 👉 MARSHYDRO 👉 CODIGO PORMOCIONAL : Grow3rPT 👉 Em 3% de desconto em qualquer produto
Holy god ... brothers .... I was growing of the magnificent raw diamonds of Sierra Leone and I didn't realize it !!!! Magnificent look gems covered with a huge frosted layer of resin so pearlescent to make them look from white appearance. Of course it was not at all easy to grow them given their multiple ramifications and not having a containment network installed. In a short time they filled all the cultivation sweats, even the little ones and this to ensure that the lower gems did not have the same compactness as the upper ones, but they still came very resinous! My advice and to contain this very powerful plant and try to concentrate all its exposure with a scrog technique and remove all the lower bulbs
Lovely colours coming and packing on the weight. 17 days since first pistils,flowering fast. No issues so far 🤞🍁
Welcome growers We are in the last day of week n°4 in bloom for this little but gorgeous CREAM CARAMEL 🍬🍭🍫 Very impressive strain Super fast in developing buds with already some nice sweet notes Also the trichomes are come in a good amount and still increase The defoliation last week dosen't stop her job 💪 I think she can be like i want in maximum in another month, so eight week of flowering in total. But we will see.. Anyway.. In this last week i have only put some sticks in the ground, where I will go to tie the branches, to mimic more solid branches in order to increase the biomass 🌳 About nutrients 👇 I still using organic/veganic nutrients at any watering 💧 A little bit of silicium (Bionova) / Crescita (Biomagno) / Activera (Biobizz) / Grow vegan (Bionova) / The Missing Link (Bionova) / X-Cell (Bionova) / Bioheaven (Biobizz) , a little bit of P-K 3-5 (Bionova) /Fioritura (Biomagno) / Bloom vegan (Bionova) / Biomassa (Biomagno) / Florastimo (Biomagno) and i started to use some enzymes present in the Sensizym (Advanced Nutrients) That's it for the week.. See you at the next upgrade 📆 Thanks for stopping and watching this grow cycle 😎👍👍 FC ✌️ 🇮🇹
Welcome growers This is the last day of the firsmonth in blooming for the PINK KUSH 🌳 She dosen't suffered to much after the defoliation But i think isn't a good technique using with her I mean...maybe a light defoliation can be great, but not too much 🙌 Anyway. The flowers are forming well and she already has rich of sticky trichomes 💯 Also a very particular aroma is coming...i have never smells some similar I cant wait the end for enjoy it 😍 This will be my 2022 first flowers 🎉🎉 About nutrients 👇 I still using organic/veganic nutrients at any watering 💧 A little bit of silicium (Bionova) / Crescita (Biomagno) / Activera (Biobizz) / Grow vegan (Bionova) / The Missing Link (Bionova) / X-Cell (Bionova) / Bioheaven (Biobizz) , a little bit of P-K 3-5 (Bionova) /Fioritura (Biomagno) / Bloom vegan (Bionova) / Biomassa (Biomagno) / Florastimo (Biomagno) and i started to use some enzymes present in the Sensizym (Advanced Nutrients) That's it dor the week.. And that's all... See you next.. Thanks for tge support 😎👍👍 FC ✌️ 🇮🇹
Last week of Veg I might actually flip to flowering mid week.
Seeds are in a Container/ Dome , Sitting between 80-90 Percent humidity , Using 600w Air cooled vent with fans to keep temperature around 75-80 . Day 3 , all seeds show signs of sprouting, The wifi X zombie kush is moving along well! The 1 purple punch x animal cookies is having a hard time coming out of the cube! but should push up Tonight/tomorrow morning! Once i see some roots on the bottom of the cubes i will be transfering into my pots and starting the ebb n flow.
____________________________ ~Seedsman Fuel D.O.G.~ ____________________________ 'Fuel D.OG Feminized was bred by crossing two highly celebrated and popular strains from the USA - Chemdawg (Sour Diesel x OG Kush) and Fuel OG (Diesel x Headband). Fuel D.OG is a 70% sativa, 30% Indica plant with very good potential yields both indoors and outdoors. Resin and THC production is also at a very high level. Fuel D.OG improves on Chemdawg, being a much more robust plant with a much more intense flavor while also developing a larger calyxes than Chemdawg. Its robust appearance is typified by a thicker central stem that is so strong that it does not need to be supported during the later flowering stage in spite of the high degree of sativa stretch it undergoes once flowering has been initiated. Large spear-shaped buds surround the main stem like a crown. Outdoor cultivation produces plants that can grow up to 350 cm. tall in optimum conditions. When cultivated indoors Fuel D.OG produces yields of 450 - 600 gr/m2 in a 65 - 70 day flowering period with generous quantities of resin already noticeable in the nascent buds during the third week. Its height can be controlled indoors by switching to the flowering light-schedule once plants are established and also by the use of the SCRoG technique whereby plants are trained horizontally. Outdoors, each plant can yield 700 - 800 gr. of large, sticky buds with harvests in the northern hemisphere ready at the beginning of October. Its large trichomes, concentration of terpenes and the sheer quality of resin make this a very serious proposition for extract/concentrate makers. Fuel D.OG has more intense OG Kush flavors than the Chemdawg parent, with increased diesel emphasis and with citric, lemon and grapefruit scents. THC content is very high with low proportions of CBD. The effect experienced by consumers is one of intense relaxation evolving into a long-lasting narcotic stone that makes Fuel D.OG more suitable for evenings unless there are no important tasks to be completed.' *description credit to Seedsman Seeds __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -Characteristics- BREEDER/BRAND: Seedsman GENETICS: Chemdawg (Sour Diesel x OG Kush) and Fuel OG (|Diesel x Headband) VARIETY: Mostly Sativa FLOWERING TYPE: Photoperiod SEX: Feminized THC CONTENT: 20% Plus CBD CONTENT: <1% YIELD: Indoors: 450 - 600 gr/m2; Outdoors: 700 - 800 gr/plant PLANT HEIGHT: Up to 350 cm. outdoors GROWS: Greenhouse, Indoors, Outdoors FLOWERING TIME: 65 - 70 days HARVEST MONTH: Beginning October TASTE / FLAVOR: Citrus, Diesel, Grapefruit, Kush, Lemon EFFECT: Powerful, Relaxing, Sedative, Stoned __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE SETUP: ~Planted into Jiffy Peat Pellets that were hydrated with de-chlorinated water with SuperThrive added then ph'd to 6.0 @ 80℉ ~Grown 100% organic in 10g fabric pots with Mother Earth 70/30 Coco/Perlite medium amended with 2tbs/g of Down To Earth 4-4-4 / 2 cups/g of Earthworm Castings / 1tbs/g of Dr. Earth Flower Girl 3-9-4, 1tbs/g of Dr. Earth Bat Guano, 3/4 cup of Down To Earth Azomite and 1 tsp/g Down To Earth Fish Bone Meal. ~24hr light cycle during Germination / 19/5 light cycle for Vegetation and 12/12 for Flower ~Straight water ph'd @ 6.2-6.8 when needed and weekly Compost Tea's. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Updates: 10/11- Week Nine! Here we go on our way to sticking a fork in this run! She's starting to fade and she's putting out trichomes like crazy! Possibly by week's end she'll be hanging after she spends a couple of nights in the dark. I watered today using straight water that's ph'd to 6.5-6.7 @ 72℉. I gave her a little over 1.5g to keep her flush going and then turned her pot. Trichome status: 70% milky / 30% clear 10/13- I watered today with 1.5g of straight water that was ph'd to 6.5-6.7 @ 72℉ and gave her pot a turn. She's progressing in her fade and is still bulking up. Her trichomes aren't quite where I like them yet, so more than likely she'll be going in the dark by next weekend! She's absolutely one beautiful cultivar! 🤩💚 10/15- My routine of watering every other day continues. Yesterday I watered her with her usual 1.5g of straight de-chlorinated water that was ph'd to 6.5-6.7 @ 72℉ and gave her pot a turn. Today was just spent checking her over, turning her pot and doing a quick check of her trichomes which are close, but not quite ripe enough yet! 10/17- Wow!... Nine weeks of flower DONE! 😎👍 Now my sights are set on getting this girl finished up and on her way to 48 hours in the dark before she's hung to begin drying. I went ahead and watered her with her usual 1.5g of straight de-chlorinated water that was ph'd to 6.7 @ 72℉ and checked her trichomes, which are looking just about right! This journey is coming to a close in the next couple of weeks with her harvest, drying and trimming up. I so appreciate you following along with me , it's been a blast sharing with you all! 😎🙏 ~Thanks so much for checking out my diary! This epic run is in the home stretch with harvest fast approaching...Stay lifted and be Blessed! 😎🙏~ This week promises to be exciting so don't forget to check in! Harvest time will be here before you know it and I'm getting stoked to see the results! 😎🙏💚 ~Thanks for stopping in! This epic run is in the home stretch with harvest fast approaching...Stay lifted and be Blessed! 😎🙏~
------------------------------------ ~SEEDSMAN PEYOTE ZKITTLEZ~ ------------------------------------ Description Peyote Zkittlez is an Indica-dominant hybrid strain bred by pollinating Peyote WiFi with the sweet-tasting Zkittlez. Peyote WiFi is itself a cross of Peyote Purple and the US Indica WiFi strain. Zkittlez is a 3-way cross of Grape Ape, Grapefruit and a third, top secret, strain. Peyote WiFi is an Indica-dominant strain which is a cross of Peyote Purple, derived from a single purple phenotype which was back-crossed for several generations to cement its qualities, and WiFi, a US Indica strain created by crossing The White with Fire OG. This plant is medium-sized with large, broad leaves and takes around 75 days of flowering before it is ready to harvest producing very generous yields of highly potent weed - up to 650 gr/m2 indoors and 1500 gr/plant when cultivated outdoors. The THC potential of this strain is very high with plants attaining 26 - 28%. Zkittlez is a sweet-tasting Indica-dominant (80%) cannabis strain which produces high yields boasting high levels of THC. This is a very colorful strain displaying green and purple colors with bright orange pistils. Zkittlez is a 3-way cross between Granddaddy Purple, Grapefruit and Afghani. It is suitable for growing in all environments and takes between 60 - 65 days to complete flowering indoors. Outdoors it will be ready to harvest during late September in northern latitudes. Yields are very good and vary between 450 - 600 gr/m2. Zkittlez' scent is very sweet and entices with ripe tropical fruits and candy which also follow through in the taste as well. THC production is in excess of 20%. The effect is very uplifting, especially for an Indica strain. Therapeutically it is used to combat stress, depression and anxiety as well as for those with ADHD. Peyote Zkittlez will make a superb, highly potent and high-yielding Indica-dominant addition to all seed collections which is certain to become a growers' favorite. Get yours from Seedsman now. *description credit to Seedsman Seeds __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BREEDER/BRAND: Seedsman PRODUCT TYPE: Seeds THC GENETICS: Peyote WiFi (The White x Fire OG) x Zkittlez VARIETY: Mostly Indica FLOWERING TYPE: Photoperiod SEX: Feminized THC CONTENT: 20%+ YIELD: Indoors: up to 650 gr/m2; Outdoors: up to 1500 gr/plant GROWS: Indoors, Outdoors FLOWERING TIME: 60 days MEDICAL CONDITIONS: Anxiety, Depression, Stress MEDICINAL PROPERTIES: Yes EFFECT: Powerful, Relaxing __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE SETUP: ~Planted into Jiffy Peat Pellets that were hydrated with de-chlorinated water with SuperThrive added then ph'd to 6.0 @ 80℉ ~Grown 100% organic in 10g fabric pots with Mother Earth 70/30 Coco/Perlite medium amended with 2tbs/g of Down To Earth 4-4-4 / 2 cups/g of Earthworm Castings / 1tbs/g of Dr. Earth Flower Girl 3-9-4, 1tbs/g of Dr. Earth Bat Guano, 3/4 cup of Down To Earth Azomite and 1 tsp/g Down To Earth Fish Bone Meal. ~24hr light cycle during Germination / 19/5 light cycle for Vegetation and 12/12 for Flower ~Straight water ph'd @ 6.2-6.8 when needed and weekly Compost Tea's. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEEKLY UPDATES: 10/11- Week Nine! Here we go on our way to sticking a fork in this run! Her fade is in full swing and she's putting out trichomes like crazy! By the end of this week she'll be hanging after she spends a couple of nights in the dark. I watered today using straight water that's ph'd to 6.5-6.7 @ 72℉. I gave her a little over 1.5g to keep her flush going and then turned her pot. Trichome status: 70% milky / 30% clear 10/13- I watered today with 1.5g of straight water that was ph'd to 6.5-6.7 @ 72℉ and gave her pot a turn. Her trichomes are almost where I like them and more than likely she'll be going in the dark by the weekend! What a beautiful cultivar she is! 🤩💚 10/15- My routine of watering every other day continues. Yesterday I watered her with her usual 1.5g of straight de-chlorinated water that was ph'd to 6.5-6.7 @ 72℉ and gave her pot a turn. Today was just spent checking her over, turning her pot and doing a quick check of her trichomes which are close, but not quite ripe enough yet! 10/17- Wow!... Nine weeks of flower DONE! 😎👍 Now my sights are set on getting this girl finished up and on her way to 48 hours in the dark before she's hung to begin drying. I went ahead and watered her with her usual 1.5g of straight de-chlorinated water that was ph'd to 6.7 @ 72℉ and checked her trichomes, which are looking just about right! This journey is coming to a close in the next couple of weeks with her harvest, drying and trimming up. I so appreciate you following along with me , it's been a blast sharing with you all! 😎🙏 ~Thanks so much for checking out my diary! This epic run is in the home stretch with harvest fast approaching...Stay lifted and be Blessed! 😎🙏~ This week promises to be exciting so don't forget to check in! Harvest time will be here before you know it and I'm getting stoked to see the results! 😎🙏💚 ~Thanks for stopping in! This epic run is in the home stretch with harvest fast approaching...Stay lifted and be Blessed! 😎🙏~