🏆 Last chance to vote!
Aug 31: now done six weeks of flowering. Started force flowering by putting her in the dark garage for 10 h plus two hours of bonus darkness by using a 730 nm far red light at dusk as a bloom booster. After three weeks of moving in and out of garage I’ve just been using the red light at dusk. I use Civil Twilight as listed on dateandtime.com for my location. Civil Twilight is getting earlier by about 3 min per night and will be at 9 pm tonight. Awesome plant should be 2-3 weeks to finish and the weather forecast is perfect for next two weeks. Should be a strong finish, and we’re still in August. Awesome. Sep 1: flowers are huge and progressing quickly. The top buds seemed to change colour a bit today. Overnight temperatures are still above 10 C so no purple colour showing yet. Maybe right at the end in a couple of weeks she’ll show some extra colour. Sep 3: buds are getting big, dense and sticky. Perfect. Sep 4: flash pics are okay if using the 730 nm far red light right after. If you don’t have a red light, don’t take flash pics of your photoperiod plants. Nice big buds are quite hard too. Very nice. #seedsman420growoff #seedsmanseeds
Its going good 3 of them have Some smaller buds. The smell is amazing
Green tiger la mejor en resina y gusto 🤩
Cut the plants down on the 24th of April, drying room levels are 72°F and around 60%RH, I'm currently on Day #14 of drying and the buds don't feel fully dry yet, the main tops feel crunchy and dry but the lower smaller buds are still quite moist and smell like chlorophyll, I think I may harvest the main tops so I don't overdry and leave the rest in the tent for another few days, either that or put the rest of the buds in a brown paper bag to finish drying. Finished dry trimming the plant ended up with 200 grams dry weight not including trim there's another 2 ounces of trim which if you want to include that would bring the total weight from this 250W LED to 256 grams. I'm super happy with the result of this especially for my first grow and from one autoflower, it can only get better from here on out. FYI Not sure why I can't edit the lights I used but the bloomgro 600W LED is PULLING AN ACTUAL 250W FROM THE WALL so the gram/watt should be .8g/W
noticed a little rust spotting on #2 and the purple so hit them with some epsom 1tsp/G in the resi...also top fed another dressing of Gaia Bloom 1tsp/G and watered in compost tea. They loved it ! Insane smells off #1 exactly what i want crazy candy lemon rindes terps...i get cakey / pie terps off #2 really sweet and the purple lemonade i get a pine nose and koolaid mix goin on ...blu-mats for the win too 💧💧💧light defo on blocked budsite and dead yellowing bottom leaf✌️
Pondering grow techniques.... I like low maintenance 🤣 I'm really bad at time🤦‍♀️🤣 I also joined grow with Jane n that says zkittles is at 19 days So somewhere in there 4/25 wedding cake 5ml of nutrients 4/27 Gemma 😍
70 days in for these girls and they are progressing the way they should be and getting fatter , there are a few dried up taco leaves from a bit of heat pumping out of the HPS so I changed the air flow to be more directly blowing the cold air up and the hot away from the buds and out the exhaust. I had to recalibrate the ph meter also , luckily I did as it was about .8 out of calibration but I haven’t seen any signs of abuse on the plant yet hopefully I caught it in time . I harvested a top bud off one of the smaller bud arms off the pineapple as we haven’t had fresh bud in over a year and honestly you can’t even tell where it’s missing , weighed 12g wet so hopefully we get an eighth or something to chop up . Maybe two weeks left for the pineapple and 4 for the GZ .
70 days in for these girls and they are progressing the way they should be and getting fatter , there are a few dried up taco leaves from a bit of heat pumping out of the HPS so I changed the air flow to be more directly blowing the cold air up and the hot away from the buds and out the exhaust. I had to recalibrate the ph meter also , luckily I did as it was about .8 out of calibration but I haven’t seen any signs of abuse on the plant yet hopefully I caught it in time . I harvested a top bud off one of the smaller bud arms off the pineapple as we haven’t had fresh bud in over a year and honestly you can’t even tell where it’s missing , weighed 12g wet so hopefully we get an eighth or something to chop up . Maybe two weeks left for the pineapple and 4 for the GZ .
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos y también a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 Se ha completado la octava semana desde el paso a floración, veo a la planta una vez al día, pues permanece todo el tiempo en la carpa de cultivo, ya que los días están siendo muy nublados, poco trabajo sobre el cultivo, apenas me preocupo, sólo regar en el momento justo, para esto, peso todas las macetas una vez al día y llevo el control de consumo de agua y riegos en una hoja de excell. La planta ayuda mucho, fagocitando, poco a poco, las hojas más viejas, capturando los últimos minerales que estas hojas generosamente dejan, y además, dejando más espacio libre para que la luz entre hasta el centro de la planta. He seguido cortando ramas bajas que no prometían nada. Sigo nutriendo a la planta con cada riego, creo que es adecuado para engordar al máximo las colas, controlando la concentración de mis preparados solubles no corro el riesgo de sobre fertilización, de todos modos, en estas últimas semanas baso mis mezclas de riegos en el aporte de fósforo y potasio, ácidos húmicos y Microorganismos de Montaña Activados (MMA). El productor habla de una etapa de floración entre 8-9 semanas, la planta va a cumplir, tal vez llegue a las 10 semanas, ya que el paso a floración fue más lento de lo normal, pues me empeñé en un horario de 14/10h y retrasó la pre flora, al menos, semana y media. • DATOS: 👨‍⚖️🤷‍♀️ Cultivo clandestino de marihuana en el norte de España 🌲 Cepa: https://es.seedfinder.eu/strain-info/Double_Strawberry_Diesel_Jones/Connoisseur_Genetics/ 🌼 Maceta textil de 15l 🌍 Sustrato personalizado con 14 minerales y etc... Ver la mezcla: https://growdiaries.com/diaries/127088-grow-journal-by-defharo 💡 Luces del dosel: Mars TS 1000 al 100%, Vipar P1000 al 100%. 💡 Luz lateral: - Panel LED 30x30cm (36w) 3000K + 660nm, proporción 3/1. - Panel LED 20x20cm Samsung LM301B (50w) 2700K + 660nm. proporción 12/1. - Tled SJ Blooming (23w) 3000K, 2100K, IR, proporción 1/1/1. - Led COB (50w) a 2800K con lente de 90°. 🌞💡 Horario: 12 en interior. 🏠 Carpa de cultivo compartida con 3 plantas y otras 4 plántulas: 60x120x178cm. 🥗 Nutrición soluble 3M, hecha en casa con Materia orgánica, Minerales y Microbiología. Hasta pronto... SALUDOS CULTIVADORES!!🖐️👨‍🌾💧💦🌞💡 =================================
Una pinta increible BSF nunca defrauda
I defoliated way to heavy and she got stressed
Omg. Ha delle tonalità pazzesche. Anche questa bimba ha prodotto delle gemme di prima qualità. Gelide, puzzolenti, compatte e Cremose. La sto appena fumando e anche se deve stagionale, il suo sapore ed odore è pazzesco. Non vedo l'ora che diventi qualcosa di ancora più buono 🙏🏽💣 aspettando con impazienza la stagionatura.. Grazie per essere passati amici, fratelli.
Omg. Ha delle tonalità pazzesche. Anche questa bimba ha prodotto delle gemme di prima qualità. Gelide, puzzolenti, compatte e Cremose. La sto appena fumando e anche se deve stagionale, il suo sapore ed odore è pazzesco. Non vedo l'ora che diventi qualcosa di ancora più buono 🙏🏽💣 aspettando con impazienza la stagionatura.. Grazie per essere passati amici, fratelli.
No es una genética que crece mucho en altura. Quizá por el lst continuo que tuvo, pero tenía una estructura ideal
Sufrió stress por sofocacion a caus de rotura de cooler. Se corrigió indoor intracción y extraccion... Solucionado en el día Ventilando la maceta