9/3 Shook the plants off this morning and took a few pics and did a video. Let's see if it uploads. Plants are doing good. Toasted toffy is due for another plant doctor application tonight. It seems like I'm losing lots of leaves. Looking back on my other diaries I guess it's normal. BUT I could've had pest/pathogen problems then. I'm over thinking it. Toasted toffy only needs a few more weeks. It will definitely outvrun the disease. The nugs are super dense too. The plant in the 50 is loosing leaves faster than I'd like. It is also one of the furthest along. The big leaves that turn yellow look like it's a calcium/magnesium issue. The stalk and branches are all bright green and healthy looking. So are the flowers. It could be something below the soil. I couldve been overwatering but last time I waited until it drooped. It will be fine though. I'm happy with my results so far. Not my best or biggest year but I'm going to put in the work and Mae these plants produce the best quality cannabis that im able too. Also I think plant doctor may kill insects. K bicarb with dawn does too. I've found a few dead bugs like flies and pillars. Pillars actually seem to be gone. Not many moths either. Unless I see them I'm not going to treat them for it. This is that magical time where you get to watch the plant produce those beautiful flowers. Despite some small problems I'm very grateful for what I have. I've worked hard for it. 9/4 Watered everything but the sherb pie which was still heavy with leaves yellowing. It's tied for the furthest behind in flower with the seed in the 10. I treated the toasted toffy with 1/4 gallon (4tsp/gallon) of plant doctor. I avoided flowers as much as possible and tried to just get a few leaves. I used the rest on the soil. I just wanted it to absorb a little faster. That's why I sprayed the foliage. It's not 4 days it's 14 days when tje plant doctor just leaves behind a bunch of potassium and phosphorus after it's done its job. Can't be used in a 14 day interval with copper and I think that's what treats septoria best. I dontvknow if I can use that in flower. Doesn't really matter. Things are looking good. Plant Doctor and the K bicarb seem to be doing there job effectively as long as i stick to the application times. I made a short video but didn't upload. I'll try again but I may have some medical emergencies that need to be dealt with. If not I should defoliate and tie down some event horizon branches. I thought about treating the other event horizon as well. I'm not positive it has septoria but it wouldn't hurt anything to be practice. It AT LEAST has a couple suspucuous spots. I smelled a skunk as soon as I got out of my car. It can't get in my grow but I might put out traps to catch it. We'll see how it goes. Video seems to be uploading. It's at 31% so I'll wait for it. I think I've got like four or five weeks on my toasted toffy and one event horizon and the one in the 50 that I THINK is red runtz. That's good that I'll have different plants to harvest at different times. It's seeds from here on out though. It was hard to find info on some of the strains I'm growing but they all have ONE thing in common. They are EXOTIC and they are at least MODERATELY DIFFICULT to grow. AT LEAST lol. Last year I picked the right seefs and strains and it greatly helped. Still, if these are difficult strains to grow, then I'm doing a good job.
Just chop her down in 75 days from seed Veg 21 days Bloom 54 She produce very dense nugs alot better than before I think without bloombastic won't happen I let her dry in 23° for 32 hour then 24°for 3 days then ready this is quekest way you can dry your bud without test or smell like grass its take max 5 days
Out of the two plants, I only harvested one of them. I dried and cured the gassy Fino. It is curing right now. I’ll do a report a little later as far as the girl in the back right she she just sucked. Extremely large fee and just didn’t grow good, so I’m going to turn her into bubble hash chopped her down in frozen. The gassy Fino on the other hand did yield very well. I got 7 ounces off of her of all solid buds and there was probably about 2 ounces of large fat, I just threw in the trim bin
Great grow from start to finish. Chopped on day 77 and very happy with the yield.
The only bottled nutrient I use is silica's 5ml per gal every other week. Other then that I use the EM-1 and ferments I make my self to water and spry the plant. I’m mainly relying on what’s already in the soil and what I’ll be top dressing the plants with as they grow and need more food.
Going to miss her but man her babies are amazing!!
Dried the flower for 10 days, and got 184.9 grams (roughly 3.3 ounces per plant which is smaller than I expected, but it is what it is) Curing now and i'm sure the quality will be amazing.
Here we are at the end of my plant's wonderful eleventh week of flowering, another week full of exciting developments and new discoveries. The constant and unstoppable growth of the plant has come to an end, showing a beauty and vitality that are a true spectacle for the eyes. 😎 The abundant layer of resin that has formed is a clear sign of the health and well-being of the plant, once again confirming the benefits of the premium nutrients used throughout the entire growth cycle. TrollMaster's "TENT-X" environmental control system continues to prove its worth, precisely maintaining optimal temperature and humidity levels to promote vigorous plant growth. The combination of advanced and precision technologies ensures that plants can thrive in a controlled and conducive environment😎 I am thrilled to share with you the latest video showing the temperature, humidity and VPD trends of this last week of flowering, providing further demonstration of the extraordinary performance of the TrollMaster control system and its synergy with the other elements of the grow room.With each week that passes, the anticipation for the new discoveries and challenges that await us continues to grow. With the constant support of Plagron nutrients, trust in the TrollMaster control system and the excellence of MEDIC GROW LED lighting, I am sure that I am always ready to face any challenge! Thank you again for being by my side in this extraordinary adventure, dedicated to exploring the wonders of plant cultivation. Together we continue to look to the future with confidence and enthusiastically anticipate the successes that each new week holds for us. 💪👽🌱✨ REVIEW TENT-X: I was pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness and functionality of the TROL MASTER! This device is simply amazing, as it has allowed me to monitor the environments I use it in accurately and efficiently. One of the most impressive features of this device is its ability to operate LED lights easily and intuitively. Thanks to its user-friendly interface, I could easily customize the lighting of my rooms according to my tastes and different situations. I particularly appreciated the possibility of programming the sunrise/sunset simulation, thus creating a more natural situation.But that's not all: the device goes further and manages to keep me constantly informed about the humidity and temperature of the surrounding environment. This feature has proven to be very useful, especially in times when I am not present. I was able to set humidity limits, so that the device would immediately alert me if the levels exceeded the desired threshold. This allowed me to intervene promptly and avoid excessive oscillations. The accuracy of the temperature measurements was another welcome surprise. The device is equipped with a high precision sensor that allows me to constantly monitor the temperature of the rooms. Here too I was able to set temperature limits, allowing me to be notified immediately if they were exceeded. Overall, I was really satisfied. The TENT-X exceeded all my expectations. Its ease of use, precision of measurements and possibility of customization make it an indispensable tool for those seeking to monitor and optimize environmental conditions.
… just moved into my new home by @original_homebox and lads i can tell: the climate controlled by the growbase makes me so happy. Its so much nicer here than in that shady chamber. I also had my first „real“ simulated sunrise today . Omg its so cozy living at my new place. And i also have a training appointment with @le_rouge._ soon. I‘m so exited. Can‘t wait to show you more growth. Unsere privaten Growprojekte die wir mit freundlicher Unterstützung von unseren Partnern @original_homebox @mars.hydro @biotanicpro & @purolyt realisieren starten! 🌿