
Maine outdoor 2024

2 days ago
Room Type
weeks 1-2, 6-23
weeks 11-24
weeks 4
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 21
16 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
8+ conditions after
General hydroponics cal mag
0.98 ml/l
Liquid kool bloom0-10-10
1.3 ml/l
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom
2.6 mll
1+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
masterofsmeagol masterofsmeagol
23 days ago
9/3 Shook the plants off this morning and took a few pics and did a video. Let's see if it uploads. Plants are doing good. Toasted toffy is due for another plant doctor application tonight. It seems like I'm losing lots of leaves. Looking back on my other diaries I guess it's normal. BUT I could've had pest/pathogen problems then. I'm over thinking it. Toasted toffy only needs a few more weeks. It will definitely outvrun the disease. The nugs are super dense too. The plant in the 50 is loosing leaves faster than I'd like. It is also one of the furthest along. The big leaves that turn yellow look like it's a calcium/magnesium issue. The stalk and branches are all bright green and healthy looking. So are the flowers. It could be something below the soil. I couldve been overwatering but last time I waited until it drooped. It will be fine though. I'm happy with my results so far. Not my best or biggest year but I'm going to put in the work and Mae these plants produce the best quality cannabis that im able too. Also I think plant doctor may kill insects. K bicarb with dawn does too. I've found a few dead bugs like flies and pillars. Pillars actually seem to be gone. Not many moths either. Unless I see them I'm not going to treat them for it. This is that magical time where you get to watch the plant produce those beautiful flowers. Despite some small problems I'm very grateful for what I have. I've worked hard for it. 9/4 Watered everything but the sherb pie which was still heavy with leaves yellowing. It's tied for the furthest behind in flower with the seed in the 10. I treated the toasted toffy with 1/4 gallon (4tsp/gallon) of plant doctor. I avoided flowers as much as possible and tried to just get a few leaves. I used the rest on the soil. I just wanted it to absorb a little faster. That's why I sprayed the foliage. It's not 4 days it's 14 days when tje plant doctor just leaves behind a bunch of potassium and phosphorus after it's done its job. Can't be used in a 14 day interval with copper and I think that's what treats septoria best. I dontvknow if I can use that in flower. Doesn't really matter. Things are looking good. Plant Doctor and the K bicarb seem to be doing there job effectively as long as i stick to the application times. I made a short video but didn't upload. I'll try again but I may have some medical emergencies that need to be dealt with. If not I should defoliate and tie down some event horizon branches. I thought about treating the other event horizon as well. I'm not positive it has septoria but it wouldn't hurt anything to be practice. It AT LEAST has a couple suspucuous spots. I smelled a skunk as soon as I got out of my car. It can't get in my grow but I might put out traps to catch it. We'll see how it goes. Video seems to be uploading. It's at 31% so I'll wait for it. I think I've got like four or five weeks on my toasted toffy and one event horizon and the one in the 50 that I THINK is red runtz. That's good that I'll have different plants to harvest at different times. It's seeds from here on out though. It was hard to find info on some of the strains I'm growing but they all have ONE thing in common. They are EXOTIC and they are at least MODERATELY DIFFICULT to grow. AT LEAST lol. Last year I picked the right seefs and strains and it greatly helped. Still, if these are difficult strains to grow, then I'm doing a good job. EDIT: I WAS STONED BUT IM PRETTY SURE I TREATED THE PLANT IN THE 50 WITH PLANT DOCTOR. DIDNT SPRAY BUDS. TRIED TO GET THE LEAVES THEN USED THE REST ON THE SOIL. I REMEMBER BECAUSE A STREAM ACCIDENTLY HIT A COUPLE LEAVES ON THE HUGE PLANT IN THE 10. 9/5 Sherb Pie was light and drooping. It's not to far in flower and still seemed moist yesterday with a little bit of weight. I watered it a gallon. I defoliated a little but I need to go through that plant. I have a bunch of plants that need a little work. The 50 gal seed is losing lots of leaves. I must not be feeding it enough, overwatering or maybe theres some sort of lock out. The plant looks nice and healthy. Leaves just turn yellow and die. Looked like a calcium or magnesium deficiency but i saw a septoria spot. I wouldn't think I've over feed or locked out using the small amounts of nutes I've used. It will be time to feed again soon. It's in the middle of flowering and still has leaves. I'm hoping things work out. I just have an anxiety disorder and worry too much. I'm GOING To have a great harve! I just need to keep moving forward and putting in the work. 9/6 What a fucking shitty morning. I did research on how to keep skunks out of your garden. Because I smelled it and the neighbors shot a few. Dad put traps out and it caught one. It wasn't a no spray trap so I approached it with him. Both had tarps. I kept telling him to throw it while I was distracting it bur he got a cramp and only got it over half. The half away from my garden. It's pretty far and down in a field but still. We had talked all morning about how to release it. I offered to drive their dog to take it for a walk so his alcoholic girlfriend wouldn't spiteful put the dog on its run. It wouldn't be sprayed but I made it out like it would ruin my plants. Picked dad up and got him to the bathroom. In that 30 seconds the stupid bitch grabbed the dog and brought it outside despite me YELLING "Can't you wait 5 minutes!? We've been dealing with this all morning. I heard fuck you in my head and she did it anyway. Dog ran at the skunk barking and it sprayed. Not a lot but I was fucking pissed. She's a full blown alcoholic and doesn't like me around early or the fact that my old man's 80 and house is mine. Anyway I got back and there was NO SKUNK SMELL. AT ALL! I WATERED EVERYTHING BUT SHERB PIE AND FED EVERYTHING BUT SHERB PIE. ILL FEED AND WATER THAT TOMORROW. WATERED A GALLON WITH A QUART OF FEED. Researched my strains found out they were all "difficult" to grow. One year ago to the Day I cut my first tenth planet. I got a couple close to a few weeks but the others will be later. If I can pull this off though I'll have some crazy quality! Grateful for what I have that's for sure! I doubled beastie bloom this time. We'll see how it goes.nothings uploading. I did some vids a pictures but I'll have to upload today. 9/7 I think it rained last night. I forgot to water and feed the sherb pie but I'll do it when I get back. I shook off the plants the best I could. I need to get the leaf blower out now and put it to use. Buds are swelling like crazy. GMOs are very tight flowers. Same with the event horizon. Rock hard nugs. With the gmo's I'm not worried. The were monster cropped so they have enough leaves even if some do die off. The toasted toffy only has like four weeks left. Same with the event horizon. The plant in the ten is the furthest behind but it's extremely healthy. I removed some leaves from the bottom and large fan leaves. The plant in the 50 I hope finishes before it loses all its leaves. I treated it with plant doctor and SOME people strip their plants but I don't. I'm grateful for what I've got. Won't be the biggest harvest but WHEN I make it to the finish line I will have some incredibly potent strains. I'm proud of myself to even get these to finish seeingvthe level of difficulty on cultivation. I'm trying to upload some stuff. We'll see. 9/8 Apparently it rained pretty hard last night. Took forever to go through and shake everything off and defoliate what needs it. Sherb pie is praying to the sky and almost totally purple. It's flowering so much more in the last couple days. Everything has. Even the one in the ten is stacking up! I defoliated most of what needed it and I was soaked. I noticed a branch on the middle gmo that was getting heavy and starting to break away from the trunk. It wad wobbly but I don't think there was a break un the Cambrian. I made a sling with rope (couldn't find zip ties) and I pulled it tight amd secured that branch to the tomato cage. GMO buds are hard as rocks. Everything is in overdrive. They liked that beastie bloom. I have cha ching but nothings ready for that yet I don't think. We'll the event horizon and toasted toffy might be I'll have to check. It's been beautiful today but not too hot. Lots of wind which is good. I'll upgrade supports as needed. Flowers are progressing at an amazing rate. Weather is supposed to be great the next few days. I'll keep this updated. 9/9 Had to shake the plants off. WATERED EVERYTHING BUT THE SHERB PIE WHICH WAS REALLY HEAVY. It's also lost a lot of leaves and the majority of leaves have turned purple. Toasted toffy and event horizon and red runts are pretty far into flower. I tried to take some pictures. Even the ten is blowing up! That looks like I'm going to switch to cha ching when flower gets further. Trichs are developing nicely on the ones further in flower. This year it's going to be quality over quantity. All these strains are ranked HARD to grow but have insane cannabinoid profiles and high THC %'s. So if I can keep it together for another month I'll be golden. Looking forward to it. This is the fun part. It's also the anxiety provoking part. I've learned a lot just since joining grow diaries.
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Grow Questions
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 5 months ago
First time using led to hold plants until outdoors. I have only veg switch on. Bright blue with white. I read you can use both switches from the start. Should I? Clones are hardening well. I don't want to burn them. I'm using Tatu 1000 grow light. Clones in 1 gal soil for
SCAR17sanswered grow question 2 months ago
It doesn’t matter. Just keep it on longer than 12.
SCAR17sanswered grow question 2 months ago
It doesn’t matter. Just keep it on longer than 12.
Krisisanswered grow question 5 months ago “Has nothing to do with leaf shape or size that is dictated more by light intensity and the distance from light source , the plant creates bigger leaves when there is less light available in order to catch more of the scarce photons passing through the chloryphyll” You were saying?
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question 2 months ago
Have any of you successfully used umbrellas to shelter plants from hard rain? I can get a good deal on umbrellas () and could theoretically attach them to the garden poles attached to grade stakes. I'll have to check the size of the umbrellas but figured I'd ask.
BusyBeeFarmeranswered grow question 2 months ago
No, and I wouldn't recommend it because umbrellas are not designed to withstand high wind speeds and could end up damaging your plants if they get blown away. My best experience has been with a clear tarp stretched over wooden posts and a frame. It requires some DIY skills, but it's more durable if you use a good-quality tarp and it's also cost-effective.😊
masterofsmeagolstarted grow question a month ago
For those of you that have used fungicides organocide plant Dr specifically how much of the mixed product do you use? Specifically for leaf septoria? I do a foliar spray and a root drench. The first time I used between a qtr and 1/2 gallon on the on I treated today I used + .5
Leaves. Other

Show by Week
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masterofsmeagolweek 5
I've gotten 150 views on this diary but not one "like". Come on growmies you can do better than that!
Ghrimweek 20
GREAT outdoor grow!! Good luck and happy growing 🌱
@Ghrim, hey, thanks growmie! It's a tough climate but I work hard and try to do my best with it. It feels good when someone recognizes the hard work put in. I appreciate the positive vibes.🙏 Happy growing!
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masterofsmeagolweek 1
I've tried to start this diary numerous times. The site was down once. It took all the information I had used and went back to anearlier point and I had to start again.
Grow_Shack_Kevweek 22
Blow the dew off of them with a leaf blower or blow dryer on cool setting and it will prevent powdery mildew from forming. Really helps to prevent it
@Grow_Shack_Kev, I shake them every morning before I hit them with the leaf blower. I got a battery powered and it works great! I do have p.m. on that big gmo in the middle but I've been treating it. That will either get a Cervantes wash or go to concentrates.
Blaarweek 18
slick man, outdoor farm setup.
@masterofsmeagol, dream space. and probably some dope toke. 😍😋
@Blaar, thanks growmie!
Suemchenweek 17
Nice looking plants you have 🤗
@Suemchen, thank you!
@Suemchen, Thank you!
BigBudGuyweek 13
I am not seeing any pistils. Nice garden!
@masterofsmeagol, I see them now. They are clones so they are already sexed and will show hairs periodically during veg. It is not an indication they have started to flower. Best of luck getting them to the finish line.
@BigBudGuy, go to last week. I took pictures but it's progressed a lot since then. With all the rain it's been hard to stay current with pics.
KushPartyweek 18
Looks awesome
@@KushParty, Thank you!
Legendaryseedthumbweek 18
Hello, nice to see your page! Good luck with everything! If you have any time to spare please come by my page I just started a new journal!!🙌🏼
@Legendaryseedthumb, Thank you! I'll swing over and say high.
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Northern_Entweek 13
Separation anxiety can be quite real for cannabis growers. Cheers, and good luck. Plants will be fine for a week as long as they’re watered.
@Northern_Ent, Thank you. I already have an anxiety disorder so this just compounds it. I monitor over my cams and dad's FaceTime. They've been fine every other time I've come here. I still worry though. Thank you for the words of encouragement! Makes it easier to relax!
groenweek 11
Watching along :) wishing you best of luck
@groen, thanks bud! I appreciate that!
Northern_Entweek 10
Good luck in the heat. Not that it’s been a thing this year, but in high heat I find that misting the air during peak sun helps take the edge off the heat with evaporative cooling (swamp cooler) and spraying the black grow bags (or shading them) helps keep the roots cool. Also potassium silicate keeps the stems tough. Good luck.
@Northern_Ent, Thanks! Luckily hey made it through the heat with no problems!
yOlzzzweek 9
Bon courage mon pote ça a l'air bien !! Bon courage pour la suite !! Je suis ton journal à partir de maintenant !
@yOlzzz, Thank you! Happy growing my friend!
TurbineJunkieweek 6
Good luck with the grow! Seems like a good start to me!
@@TurbineJunkie, thanks bro!
KushPartyweek 18
Looks awesome
KushPartyweek 18
Looks awesome
Ghrimweek 18
Amazing plants!!! Happy growing 🌱
Organic_Gweek 23
Whats up Growmie, nice Grow keep up the good work 👌🏽🍀 check out mine, maybe you got some tipps 🙏🏽 don‘t forget to Like & follow if you like my organic grows 💯
Grow_Shack_Kevweek 22
Take a leaf blower or blow dryer and blow them off when the temps
masterofsmeagolweek 21
I know there are some great outdoor growers on here. If any of you have time to look through my diary amd share constructive criticism that would be awesome. Thanks in advance. Not doing clones again. Seeds are where it's at. You knowcexactly what you're getting. Every strain I have is "hard" difficulty growing.