9/8/2024 Plant B showing signs of female with hairs coming from the pre-flower formations. Looks to be stretching and starting to push into flower as well. Plant A is growing insanely well! Continuing to defoliate daily by removing larger fan leaves here and there to continue to open up the canopies on both plants. No complete water change yet since a few weeks ago. I have continued to add fresh nutrient water with an occasional pH-adjusted gallon of filtered water + cal mag. 9/10/2024 Both plants and stretching nicely and developing great canopies! Plant A is an absolute monster, plant B is small and compact but has really good node spacing already. I am expecting some nice flower development over the next few weeks! Topping off the reservoir with about 1 - 1.5 gallons per day of nutrient water at this point. Continuing to prune a good handful of leaves and smaller growth from the plants to open up the canopy leading up to day 21 final trim. Trying to stay ahead of a huge stress event for the plants. 9/12/2024 Continuing to defoliate handful of leaves and prune smaller undergrowth. Cutting only 2-4 stems per day to avoid over stressing. 9/13/2024 Raised lights over plant A a few inches as it continues to stretch. Also trying to keep the lights low enough for plant B without burning the side branches of plant A. 9/14/2024 All week I have been adding nutrient water to the system. No water change or replacement. However today, I decided to introduce just pH-balanced water to drop the nitrogen concentration in the system as we transition into week 3 flower. Highest PPM throughout the week was around 900, average 800, low in the PM after pH water 700. Had a minor flow issue with a root plug in one of the drain lines. Blew them out and flow returned. Humidity in the tent has been slightly higher than ideal this week, although VPD has been around 1 - 1.4 with the lights on. Likely due to the volume of plant matter in the tent. Doing my best to keep up with defoliation and trimming. Day 21 flower will be much needed!
Second week of the flowering period 😻😻😻 This week on DAY 8 of the flowering period I started replacing the wooden sticks with bigger plastic plantsticks. 👌 The plants grew like crazy the rest of the week 😵😵😵 And they drank a lot of water 😱😱😱 I did a bit of pruning this week; I removed some lower and smaller branches. 👉👉 My ceiling slopes from left to right, so on DAY14 I moved the largest plants (Triple G) on the left side. 👍 On DAY14 I also reattached the branches to the plant sticks 👌 and again bending (LST) of the branches to get a flat canopy. 🙌 👆 Largest plants = Triple G = 90cm 👇 Smallest plants = Wedding Gelato = 70cm
JOANNE'S CBD / ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS WEEK #16 OVERALL WEEK #4 FLOWER This week she's doing good no issues thus far. She's starting to grow her buds and she's still stretching a little. Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! BUDTRAINER.COM BUD CLIPS ROYAL QUEEN SEEDS / JOANNE'S CBD
Bueno , es increíble como a pesar de equivocaciones , esta genética se desarrolla sin problemas . Si bien una de las 3 plantas por error mio , quedo un poco mas chica que las demás , tienen un poder de recuperación sorprendente , no esperaba menos de este banco tan reconocido. Datos : [25/9] : Se regaron las 3 plantas con 600ml pH: 6.4 / solo agua . Hr : 40% y °C 25. [27/9] : Se rego con Amazonia 3 plantas pH: 6.5 / 350 ml x planta [1/10] : 1/10 ph perfect x 2ml bud candy x 1ml big bud x 1ml ph 6.40 planta 3 ph perfect x 1.5ml bud candy x1.5ml big bud x 1ml 6.5 ph
The stretch is slowing down and the buds are starting. The one I topped has lots of bud sites 👍 we will see witch has a better yield. It has a fruity smell with a diesel after smell. 🔥🔥
She went from being the smallest to being the second tallest in just about 2 weeks she has been stretching real nice and looks like she is gonna start to bud. Starting to get lots of bud
today was the day 🙏 time was running out and i have to harvest "Hilde" 😏 summary of "Hilde" 92 days in under 3 min. enjoy 😅🙏 I dry the plant in the boiler room because the climate there is very good. I also darkened the room so that no sunlight disturbs the drying process.😏 "Darkroom" Day 2 for "Hilde" 😏😄😜
Rimettiamo il telone ma questa volta trasparente, la pianta continua a crescere e fare fotosintesi ma sopratutto sono al sicuro se piove, non vorrei rischiare di rovinare tutto proprio alla fine, anche la più stupida pioggiarella a questo stadio della pianta potrebbe fare tantissimo danno.
Foi feito amarras no final da semana buscando um melhor aproveitamento da luz, hoje foi preparada uma solução nova com a quantidade padrão para a vega para este fertilizante. foi colocado no vaso também uma colher de bokashi, Notado que depois da rega as platas levantaram um pouco e seguem levantando, acompanhar nos proximos dias,
I am still having slight burning of leaf tips more so on the right side of the tent. Otherwise, growth is good. Stratiolaelaps scimitus are now abundant in the soil. Very much alive. Note: As gibberellic acid is not soluble in water you need to dissolve in alcohol first, Mixed 0.75g Gibberellic Acid 90% with 50ml of 99% Isoprponal alcohol +1 crystal of sodium tetraborate, (Any alcohol will do but a higher % works better) also warmer alcohol helps dissolve the gibberellin. Mixed with 1000ml =1L of distilled water, bringing the concoction to 400ppm. 2000ml = 200ppm etc Every plant has a different threshold required to elicit a response, 400ppm is on the high end of the scale I've read to be careful with dosage as it's easy to over-apply, let's find out if it does anything like it described. Added bunch of enzymes, aminos, 5 or so different kelp. Can be kept for 1 week in the refrigerator. Nutrients for the week are recipe foliar application. The speaker (containing a 3 KHz signal and nature sounds) is played at high volume with high treble and medium bass for 10 minutes before spraying the plants. The plants are then sprayed while it's playing and the sound is continued for another 20 minutes after spraying. Both sides of the leaves should be saturated. Treatment is best performed early in the morning/daylight, preferably in foggy 65+RH% dew. On cold mornings, spraying should be delayed until late afternoon if outdoors. Do not spray plants when the temperature falls below 50o F. The formula also can be administered in the regular weather supply, by drip-feeding, hydroponics, etc.. The nutrient solution should be applied once somewhere in first 4 weeks, then twice weekly thereafter. Once a plant has sprouted past the surface of the soil, the endosperm is long gone. The plant must now rely on photosynthesis for food. However, the role of gibberellin does not stop at the seed. Gibberellin is responsible for many aspects of plant development. Further, plants produce many forms of gibberellin molecules, which act on different parts of the plant. In the image below, you can see the effects of a specific gibberellin applied to a plant. In number 1, no gibberellin was applied. Plants 2 and 3 both had gibberellins applied, with plant 3 receiving the highest dose. Gibberellin here encourages the plants to increase their internode length or the length between their leaves. In many plants, the regulation of gibberellin is an important natural process that regulates their height due to this process. At the cellular level, gibberellin is influencing the balance of proteins. In doing so, it encourages cell growth and elongation in the stems and between nodes. In some species of plants, gibberellin is involved in many more processes. These include flowering, fruiting, and senescence, or the natural death of leaves and other plant parts. Interestingly, many genes that regulate and adjust gibberellin levels are influenced by the temperature. Thus, when the temperature changes during seasonal change, the plants react to this as gibberellin levels change. This starts off many processes such as flowering and fruiting. Gibberellin molecules are involved with and interact with other plant hormones. The auxin level, for example, is directly related to the gibberellin level, and the two complement each other. Ethylene, on the other hand, tends to degrade gibberellin levels. Plants use these hormones, which respond to different inputs, to balance and react to inputs from the environment. These inputs signal various environmental conditions, which the plant is keen to take advantage of. Gibberellin Structure Gibberellin molecules of different types are synthesized in many different parts of the plant. Currently, there are over 100 uniquely identifiable gibberellin molecules. These molecules are synthesized in many cells of the plant, but tend to be concentrated in the roots. This is different from auxin, which tends to concentrate at the apex. Gibberellin is a diterpenoid, which is a familiar and highly represented molecule in biochemistry. It forms the basis of molecules like Vitamin A and Vitamin E. Seen below is Gibberellin A1, which was the first identified gibberellin. Other gibberellins have the same basic structure, but have various side groups attached. These groups affect where and how the gibberellin acts, which is how gibberellin can have so many diverse and unique functions in different tissues
Plain water PHd at 5.9. They drink 12 gallons every 5-6 days now. Raised the light intensity to 500 watts. Cleaned up the bottoms or lollipopped all the girls with a light defoliation to hit more bud sites with light.
Riecht das lecker😋 da es jetzt langsam zum ende geht werde ich jetzt vielleicht nur noch Einmal düngen wenn überhaupt und vorher die trichome checken aber laut breeder ist ja ernte eigentlich am 14.10🤘🏻🍀
27/09: I just came back from a 3 day trip so I am just very grateful to see her alive! I immediately watered her (2L, ph 6.3). She is a bit limp and she has purple-ish leaves but I am going to try and figure out what is is and fix it :) 30/09: She just keeps getting more yellow & pink :/ I gave her 1,5/2L of water (ph 6.4) with all listed nutrients. I hope it will help her.