Plant B showing signs of female with hairs coming from the pre-flower formations. Looks to be stretching and starting to push into flower as well. Plant A is growing insanely well! Continuing to defoliate daily by removing larger fan leaves here and there to continue to open up the canopies on both plants.
No complete water change yet since a few weeks ago. I have continued to add fresh nutrient water with an occasional pH-adjusted gallon of filtered water + cal mag.
Both plants and stretching nicely and developing great canopies! Plant A is an absolute monster, plant B is small and compact but has really good node spacing already. I am expecting some nice flower development over the next few weeks!
Topping off the reservoir with about 1 - 1.5 gallons per day of nutrient water at this point. Continuing to prune a good handful of leaves and smaller growth from the plants to open up the canopy leading up to day 21 final trim. Trying to stay ahead of a huge stress event for the plants.
Continuing to defoliate handful of leaves and prune smaller undergrowth. Cutting only 2-4 stems per day to avoid over stressing.
Raised lights over plant A a few inches as it continues to stretch. Also trying to keep the lights low enough for plant B without burning the side branches of plant A.
All week I have been adding nutrient water to the system. No water change or replacement. However today, I decided to introduce just pH-balanced water to drop the nitrogen concentration in the system as we transition into week 3 flower. Highest PPM throughout the week was around 900, average 800, low in the PM after pH water 700.
Had a minor flow issue with a root plug in one of the drain lines. Blew them out and flow returned.
Humidity in the tent has been slightly higher than ideal this week, although VPD has been around 1 - 1.4 with the lights on. Likely due to the volume of plant matter in the tent. Doing my best to keep up with defoliation and trimming. Day 21 flower will be much needed!