Day 22 Flower (Day 64)
Today is the first day of week four of flower.
I gave the right girl 3 liters of pH 6.2 water, but the left girl didn't need any. She doesn't drink much since the light is turned way down not to fry her canopy more than it already has. Unfortunately, her new tent didn't show up today — hopefully, tomorrow.
I also put half of an avocado on top of the soil in each pot to feed my worms. It should be a nice little treat for my worm buddies.
Most of my cover crop has died now when the girls are blocking out all the lights, and I really should cover the soil in mulch, but as I'm changing to larger pots next run, I would have to remove it again in about a month, so I haven't bothered.
Day 23 Flower (Day 65)
Yay! The new tent finally arrived today. It is still a tiny 40x40 cm tent as that is all I can fit inside the wardrobe, but the new tent is 40 cm taller. The plant really needed the extra height since she was pressing against the light and roasting the top buds.
It was a bit tricky to get the left girl out of the old tent, but by combining some McGyverism with a bit of brute force, I got her out in mostly one piece. The damage from the light wasn't as bad as a feared, although three tops were fried and a few fan leaves. Not great, but it could have been worse.
I took the opportunity when she was between tents and did some defoliation/lollipopping before moving her into her new space and giving her 1.5 liters of ph 6.7 water to help her deal with the shock of being manhandled.
It is lovely to have some space again, and I was finally able to turn up the light to 100%. Now those buds can start to fatten up!
All I did with the right girl today was to give her 3 liters of pH 6.5 water.
Day 24 Flower (Day 66)
The left girl loves her new home and looks to be bouncing back nicely. She didn't need any water today, but it was the first time a tiny weed smell came out of the tent as I opened it.
The right girl in my main tent is further along in flower and technically should smell more than the small tent, but the CO2 bag still overpowers everything with its sh*t smell. lol
I gave the right girl 3 liters of pH 6.4 water today, and I also "shaved her legs" by removing some pointless leaves and branches low down on her.
Finally, I started brewing some compost tea with the same recipe as last week (worm castings, rock dust, biochar, lime, bentonite, neem meal, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, and molasses). Still, this time it will be filtered as it is too soon for additional topdressing. The tea will brew for 24 hours, and I'll feed it tomorrow.
Day 25 Flower (Day 67)
All I did today was to feed each girl 3 liters of pH 6.6 compost tea as well as rearranging the main tent (moved the CO2 bag so I could move the clip fan, attached the ratchet hangers to the lights differently, and did some LST to get a branch out of the way) so I could raise the lights another 5 cm.
Day 26 Flower (Day 68)
Today was a really easy day. I just gave the right girl 3 liters of pH 6.1 water. That was it.
Day 27 Flower (Day 69)
I gave each girl 3 liters of pH 6.6 water today. I also took out my proper camera and tried a few quick bud shots. Just as an experiment though - handheld, no tripod, just the grow lights so no proper lighting, etc. Would love some feedback on these photos though as I'm completely new to bud photography and am looking to improve.
Day 28 Flower (Day 70)
The last day of the fourth week of flower and all is well in the tents.
The left girl is 97 cm tall (12 cm increase in a week), and the right girl is 120 cm tall (a 3 cm increase in a week). The left girl has been stretching this week since she got her new tent (which allowed me to turn up the light.) She certainly is loving those extra photons! On the other hand, the right girl seems done with stretching and is working on fattening up the buds.
All I did today was to snap some pics and videos and give the right girl 3 liters of pH 6.2 water.