The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Día 101 (09/09) Riego con 500 / 1000 ml H2O pH 6,5 Parece que se ha parado un poco el amarilleamiento que subía tan rápidamente por las plantas! Día 102 (10/09) Riego con 500 / 1000 ml H2O pH 6,5 Excepto LemonPaya, todas las plantas empiezan a llenarse de tricomas! 😍 Día 103 (11/09) Riego con 500 / 1000 ml H2O pH 6,5 Estoy emparanoiado con que la floración va lenta... Día 104 (12/09) Los cogollos no se están formado correctamente... Algo pasa... Los pistilos tienen un extraño color verde y no engordan... OnionOG #1 es la única que tiene un ritmo normal... Riego con 250 / 500 ml porque las temperaturas empiezan a bajar a 25 ºC diurnos / 22 ºC nocturnos y está bajando el consumo de agua... Día 105 (13/09) La deficiencia empeora... Solo se salvan OnionOG #1 y KS1 #2... Día 106 (14/09) La deficiencia sigue empeorando... Solo se salvan OnionOG #1 y KS1 #2... Día 107 (15/09) La floración se ha ido al traste! (Excepto OnionOG #1 y KS1 #2) Tras preguntar a Lurpe, GD e IG concluyo que el super soil tiene un bloqueo de nutrientes Debido al bloqueo, se ha detenido la floración en 4 de las 6 plantas Siguiendo las recomendaciones de Lurpe, hago flush hasta que el agua de escorrentía tiene una EC 2,5 (1250 PPMs) A ver si les da tiempo a recuperarse... 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
Nutrients and water this week ;p Starting to really get a sweet berry like smell to the room :) Will be dropping temps slightly at the end of this week.
Nutrients and water this week ;p Starting to really get a sweet berry like smell to the room :) Will be dropping temps slightly at the end of this week.
Nutrients and water this week ;p Starting to really get a sweet berry like smell to the room :) Will be dropping temps slightly at the end of this week.
Olá amigos, estamos na terceira semana de floração, 54 dias de vida, pois as meninas não param de me surpreender, estão a crescer cheias de vigor, com um bom desenvolvimento de floração e a esticar para todos os lados, tenho o armário com 0,89m2 cheio de flores 🤩💪💪, a shyscaberry tem um aspeto sativa cheia de ramos, a BlueBerry OG tem um estilo indica robusta, e a runtz muffin tem aspeto híbrido muito forte, ambas com muito boa saúde 🤩 esta semana adicionei 1ml delta9 para ajudar na floração... Até para a semana ✌️
The fungus gnats are getting a little better. To bad they already did a lot of damage. Plants 3 and 4 have now caught up in height with plants 1 and 2 which are a month older. The buds and plants 3 and 4 are way bigger too. Flowers are starting!!! Loving it!! Defoliated at the end of the week.
160 days of life harvested on day 63 of flower. I don’t have photos of her vegging but she started off great. About two weeks in, she started having some major issues. Her leaves started atrophying, curling up at the borders, growing 3 finger leaves, all new growth was deformed and twisted and growth in general almost stopped completely, to what I suspect was from broad mites. These fuckers are nasty! I dm’d my local grow shop and tried out some Neem Oil. I diluted it in water like they recommended and sprayed that baby every day for one week, then every other day the following week, then down to once a week. I sprayed her leaves stem and surface of the soil. I also cleaned the entire grow space with some bleach solution. Doing this allowed her to really bounce back, growth started to take off again! So I vegged for a few more weeks and trained her as much as I could to keep her uniform but short, she responded well to this. During flower, she was very happy. I had two main issues during this time, one was being too hot in Nitrogen and a week of very hot temperatures which burned her a slight bit, although she didn’t seem to mind much. I also could’ve continued a once a week spray of Neem oil because I think they might’ve started to come back on the lower and younger leaves that weren’t getting much light. Overall it was a dope grow and hope to do better on the next one!
160 days of life harvested on day 63 of flower. I don’t have photos of her vegging but she started off great. About two weeks in, she started having some major issues. Her leaves started atrophying, curling up at the borders, growing 3 finger leaves, all new growth was deformed and twisted and growth in general almost stopped completely, to what I suspect was from broad mites. These fuckers are nasty! I dm’d my local grow shop and tried out some Neem Oil. I diluted it in water like they recommended and sprayed that baby every day for one week, then every other day the following week, then down to once a week. I sprayed her leaves stem and surface of the soil. I also cleaned the entire grow space with some bleach solution. Doing this allowed her to really bounce back, growth started to take off again! So I vegged for a few more weeks and trained her as much as I could to keep her uniform but short, she responded well to this. During flower, she was very happy. I had two main issues during this time, one was being too hot in Nitrogen and a week of very hot temperatures which burned her a slight bit, although she didn’t seem to mind much. I also could’ve continued a once a week spray of Neem oil because I think they might’ve started to come back on the lower and younger leaves that weren’t getting much light. Overall it was a dope grow and hope to do better on the next one!
160 days of life harvested on day 63 of flower. I don’t have photos of her vegging but she started off great. About two weeks in, she started having some major issues. Her leaves started atrophying, curling up at the borders, growing 3 finger leaves, all new growth was deformed and twisted and growth in general almost stopped completely, to what I suspect was from broad mites. These fuckers are nasty! I dm’d my local grow shop and tried out some Neem Oil. I diluted it in water like they recommended and sprayed that baby every day for one week, then every other day the following week, then down to once a week. I sprayed her leaves stem and surface of the soil. I also cleaned the entire grow space with some bleach solution. Doing this allowed her to really bounce back, growth started to take off again! So I vegged for a few more weeks and trained her as much as I could to keep her uniform but short, she responded well to this. During flower, she was very happy. I had two main issues during this time, one was being too hot in Nitrogen and a week of very hot temperatures which burned her a slight bit, although she didn’t seem to mind much. I also could’ve continued a once a week spray of Neem oil because I think they might’ve started to come back on the lower and younger leaves that weren’t getting much light. Overall it was a dope grow and hope to do better on the next one!
They r going! I definitely don't reccomend the strain Bloody Skunk from Sweet seeds to anyone Not well stablished tons of problems
✂️ Last defoliation for more light input. ⚰️ Start watering with Ripen. ✌️🎃 Thank you for checking my cultivation.
160 days of life harvested on day 63 of flower. I don’t have photos of her vegging but she started off great. About two weeks in, she started having some major issues. Her leaves started atrophying, curling up at the borders, growing 3 finger leaves, all new growth was deformed and twisted and growth in general almost stopped completely, to what I suspect was from broad mites. These fuckers are nasty! I dm’d my local grow shop and tried out some Neem Oil. I diluted it in water like they recommended and sprayed that baby every day for one week, then every other day the following week, then down to once a week. I sprayed her leaves stem and surface of the soil. I also cleaned the entire grow space with some bleach solution. Doing this allowed her to really bounce back, growth started to take off again! So I vegged for a few more weeks and trained her as much as I could to keep her uniform but short, she responded well to this. During flower, she was very happy. I had two main issues during this time, one was being too hot in Nitrogen and a week of very hot temperatures which burned her a slight bit, although she didn’t seem to mind much. I also could’ve continued a once a week spray of Neem oil because I think they might’ve started to come back on the lower and younger leaves that weren’t getting much light. Overall it was a dope grow and hope to do better on the next one!
I have been vegging these plants for the last 1.5months.they will be getting flipped to flower immediately. They sit at 19" and had a slight issue while vegging. I believe I missed watering with Epsom salt and they developed some leaf spotting. They were approx 25" tall and were pruned back about a week earlier and allowed to recover. Removed most older leaf growth with the spotting. I will be running veg nutes for the first week or 2.then switching to flower nutes.
I have been vegging these plants for the last 1.5months.they will be getting flipped to flower immediately. They sit at 19" and had a slight issue while vegging. I believe I missed watering with Epsom salt and they developed some leaf spotting. They were approx 25" tall and were pruned back about a week earlier and allowed to recover. Removed most older leaf growth with the spotting. I will be running veg nutes for the first week or 2.then switching to flower nutes.
Hola gente! Esta semana recien comence con fertilizante de crecimiento, comence a ver los brotes nuevos muy amarillentos asi que le meti un poco de ferti. Van super bien creo yo, les hice corte apical a alas 3 al día 33 de vegetación, la #1 es la que mas me gusta hasta el momento, #2 tiene mucho espacio internodal para mi gusto pero igual va bien. Estan empezando a generar olor, como a menta al tocar las hojas, me gusta!