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Day 86: Everything continues the same way light, ventilation, humidity... water intake raied up 450ml daily. Buds are getting thicker Zkittlez form the Bakery Seed Co. is in flush with 2nd week now... No fertilization 2nd week...Next week is harvest time. I start flushing Blue Sherbet S1 this week and stop fertilizing as well She should be ready on the 14th-15th week. Fruit Tree and 24K Gold need more time so my plan is to start flushing them from next week to be done by the 15th, 16th week. Today I watered them after 2 days except Zkittlez because she is in flush. I am happy with them only one thing that I don't like is the LED I bought. It is weak, I should have sticked with the previous one. It can be stronger better results with more dense buds but I think I have done the maximum with this LED. But the Girls are nice let's see the outcome soon. ✌️ Day 87: Very strong smell in my room! !!! Marijuana ❤️🤭😂 Day 89: Last day watering for Zkittlez. Friday, Saturday, Sunday no more water and on Monday is harvest!🤭 Day 90: Today I have changed the old lamp just wanted to get rid of it and placed a new Viparspectra PAR 600W.
Week is going good she is overall coming around tied down more branches opened up the canopy will be using Gaia nutes to finish this one out haven’t seen any pistols yet tho
Tag 85 (78 tage aus der erde) - alles gut - violette farben erscheinen - reifungsformel - 3000ml wasser (TA FinalPart, TA ProBloom) - Growdiaries bitte TA zur nahrstoffliste hinzufugen. - video Tag 86 (79 tage aus der erde) - sie mag die reifungsformel - blumen wachsen dicht Tag 87 (80 tage aus der erde) - blumen gut - alles gut Tag 88 (81 tage aus der erde) - blumen gut - alles gut Tag 89 (82 tage aus der erde) - reifungsformel - 3000ml wasser (TA FinalPart, TA ProBloom) - blumen gut Tag 90 (83 tage aus der erde) - blumen gut Tag 91 (84 tage aus der erde) - alles gut - blumen gut
Первое, что можно подметить - растение полностью восстановилось. >> Начато полноценное кормление на 2 неделю вегетации! >> Отсчитываем недели…хочется увидеть эту ZZ во всей красе
На данной неделе был перевод светового режима 12/12, заменена основа AN на GHS. 🏡 >> Так же была натянута сетка СКРОГ и удалено все ниже 100 мм от сетки!🕎 >> Заливается 2 мл Bud Ignitor AN - так что в скором времени увидем белые короны 👑. >> Как только появятся проявится цветение будет добавлен светильник с дальним красным спектром (676 мн).
Nice sweet smell... could say what strain it is because its from sweetseeds sweet auto mix 10 pk of the best.. Definitely going to enjoy this one ... Grow went well and fast 62 days flat...
Day 63 of growth, day 40-43 of flowering Big shoutouts all around🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💯💯💯💚💚💚 My seed sponsors: @fast_buds and @atlasseed My friends at @seedsman for the amazing hookups from their line of 🔥🔥🔥 autos. Thanks to @aeromixer for allowing me to be an ambassador for them(I hope I'm doing at least half as good a job for them as their pump is for me😁) The girls absolutely love the Bar2400 from @sunraise I'm hopeful that it will keep up in the new 4x4. I also want to show appreciation to @sensorpushtech and @inkbird_us for helping me get my environment under control. Thank you🙏🏼 As many of you know, if you've followed along long enough, I'm a bit disabled and and even more broke💸😕 With that being said, sponsors and friends are a big part of the content I can bring to you. So I could not be more grateful for these people. But I'm also thankful for those of you who follow me and like my content, and show support that way. My deepest gratitude goes out to all of my supporters 🙏🏼💯💚🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼
Day 58: Everything seems to go smooth. I got my new lamp up, and are experimenting with dimmer, hang height, and space between the bars. This is new for me, my old lamps is garbage compared to this! But as I have 2 pre-/flowering girls, and 4 babies I decided to go with little space between the first 4 bars (for the adults) and the last 2 have some more space between (for the babies), and are not going all the way to the edge. The adults is higher, than comes the teens, and finally the babies so they don't get the same light intensity. I am currently running it pretty low, about 35% and will see the next couple of days how the girls will react Day 61: The girls are starting to hang a bit. I do not know what is causing it, or is it just normal? I took the pictures and video about 3 hours after the light turns off, so it might just be that they are sleeping? Other causes could be too little light, as I just switched to my new light, and are running it for the first time. Maybe I do not water them enough? The humidity has also increased, and is around 50-65%, maybe that is the reason? I also started using RO water, so could be something with the nutrients? Do any of you fellow growers have any idea? UPDATE: Big thank you to @Maltaherbman for your answer. I have raised the lamp a bit. I read 900+ ppdf on my phone before, and now I am getting maximum 800. This is properly not a correct reading, but at least I have it to compare with. I waited to see what happened after the light turned on. Ill took 2 new pictures, and the left lady is all ready recovered, the right one almost, so they might just have been sleeping, but ill keep the light as it is for now. Also a big thank you to you @GrowingGrannie - I keep the coco wet at all time. I have been flushing them a couple of times before, so maybe the watering volume this week is a little lower than usual. Also the watering volume is kind of an estimate, but I will take your advise and keep better track of how much I am watering, but I think its about 2-3L every 2-4 days
Hellooo friends! Is the first time I am growing this way, so is the first time I am seeing a big plant hahahaa. Just one word, AMAZING! Lets get the maximum of this Plant!!!! Thanks to everyone. Love you all!
So This...Is Something We've Been Working To Perfect! Two Successful Runs In The Past And Now We're Going BIG! Ever Seen Living Soil With Cover Crop And Mulch In A Hydro DWC Converted For Aquaponics? YES LIVE SOIL LIVE WORMS AND MITES AND SPRINGTAILS..LIVE MICROBES AND LIVE FISH FOR LIVE PLANTS! 😉 Remember Where Yall Seen This First. MMVSSOIL Is Bringing The Gap And Making History! MARK MY WORDS. Believe You Can Achieve...And You Will!!!!
A GREAT WEEK! Transplant From Living Soil Into Hydro Was A Success! Can't Wait To See This Baby Progress...From My Stickiest Most Intoxicating Strain Last Round And She Gave Me A Baby! This Is Her Seedling....
Que decir os esta semana?!? Pues os dejo un vídeo en Alta Definición 4K, que os dejará ver los aspectos preciosos que se han desarrollado en los últimos 10 días. Primer aspecto de relieve, la cantidad muy elevada que he estimado tener hasta el momento y que puede que se encuentre en casi 350g sin secar y es muy sencillo, el árbol Sativa que se diseñó con el ScroG, ha tenido un crecimiento fantástico conectando internudos que tenían un espacio que no dejaba anticipar que los cogollos se fueran a unir unos a otros. La descripción de la cepa, dava a la Strawberry Cheesecake Automática de Barney's como un "cultivar" con posibilidad de yeld/m² sobrepasando los 600g/m² y la matemática de mi grow tent nos dice sin lugar a duda que tenemos una área de 0,7 m² o sea que la cuenta de productividad nos enseña que de modo muy claro estaremos por arriba en lo expectable y con lo que está diseñado en la estructura de cogollos, se han formado con los supercropping y el Scrog, al menos 6 colas que tendrán como casi 30 cms, sobre las ramas y un espesor casi como una lata estrecha de bebida y en el vídeo es muy presente lo que os digo. Después y en una línea alternativa nos ha salido adelante, pero muy justa, la Critical Jack Herer de Delicious Seeds. Ambas las cepas son fenomenales cuanto a la calidad de sus terpenos y las hojas de azúcar y porcentaje de resinas es muy elevada...pese a que como he ya referido en la pasada entrada del diário, que las dos cepas no son las más aromáticas y eso no representa un problema...o a lo mejor, si olieran mucho, ahí si tendríamos un problema que cualquier productor puede que tenga si las familias Skunk,Haze, Cheese o Sours se presentan a "grow". Se de experiencia sobrada que cuando empezemos la seca en el saco red y bajando la humedad de la habitación para un nivel aceptable en la seca de los cogollos (rondando los 40%) seguro tendremos un olor mucho más intenso y en esos momentos y por que el armario y el área de red de secado se encuentran en la habitación más interior de mi piso, tendremos por precaución el cuidado de a diário, quemar un par de astillas de incienso de preferencia, el sándalo de Sri Sai Baba, que es un increíble disfraz del olor canábico. Por mis cuentas tendremos más 10 a 14 dias de Strawberry Cheesecake, antes del flush final y después a los 6 días del flush, haremos el "sacrificio" de esta bella planta. Cuanto a la Critical Jack Herer, tengo seguro que todavía tendremos como al menos más 3 semanas como mínimo, para la engorda de cogollos y para la maduración de pistilos y terpenos. Es muy claro para mí, que la temporada de otoño 2022 y por que nos han tocado dos perfectos fenótipos Sativa, tardarían mucho más que los 80 días que cuando consulte las caracterizaciones de las cepas, pensé en principio que tendría y queda muy claro que con las Indicas que se anunciaban y con la evidencia de Sativas que al final nos salieron, tendríamos más tiempo de grow. O sea que esta temporada de otoño del 2022 que con el seedling, empezado el día 12 de septiembre en las dos cepas, tardará al menos en una de ellas, a desarrolarase casi como se de una fotoperiodica se tratara. Si lo sé plantaría fotoperiodicas y eso sí, por el tiempo consumido en esta temporada, tengo muy presente que las opciones para la primavera 2023 se decantan, de momento y de modo muy claro, por plantar tan solo una fotoperiodica que pueda garantizar un elevadísimo yeld y una calidad sobresaliente y en este momento, mis opciones se decantan por el experimento de grow con la cepa Bay Burger de Delicious Seeds, con su potencial de producción de casi 1kg/m² y su impresionante cantidad de THC que sobrepasa los 27%. Os apuntáis?!? Un saludo a todos y un lobor al Dios Jah, que con su planta de la virtud original, sigue sembrando la paz, entendimiento y amor entre Hombres. One Love.
Let’s Go Day 26 of flower 🌺 for these lovely Pre98 bubbas and Dirtyblondes from Twenty20 genetics! Only couple weeks into flower an These girls are stacking up oh so nicely an smelling super delicious and getting frosty ! Can’t wait to see what these ladies do next week , y’all keep them eyes peeled!
beautiful girl ill suggest for anyone to grow! the trim was easy as i prepared the harvest and defoliated along the way! i took a different route that will now add to my future grows where i lowered the lights power to 50-60% and lowered the light close to the tops and had my light turning off 2 hours earlier for the last 3 days! and wow oh wow the density the terpenes the THC i can't wait for her to dry, my normal is 5 days! she smelled so good! could especially catch that mint when pulling off the little fan leaves! she has so many tones! will be sure to seek out some more from super sativa seed club! they're impressive! video will be added and updated as soon as its rendered! be sure to check out my Instagram page for daily updates!
Week 2 - I gave up on 2 that only grew a tail, didn't make it through transplant. 3 healthy plants now! I keep hurrying them deeper in their dirt. Excited to see the progress!!