So, In the End of Week 11 we have harvested two of three Sensi Skunks.
In the End of week 12 we harvested the last one (Sensi Skunk 2, day 83).
In Total we had around 130g of trimmed wet buds from the three plants:
– Sensi Skunk 1 30g wet buds
– Sensi Skunk 2 40g wet buds
– Sensi Skunk 3 63g wet buds
Placed the trimmed buds in a dry net and dried them vor around 4-6 days before placing them in jars and ventilating them regularly.
for now it seems to be around 25g in dry buds. Had hoped for a little more, but it was really bad weather so we think it's okay. smell is really nice!
For next year, we have learned and will make things a little different.
– will start way earlier in the year for more sunshine and better weather
– pots were way to big, none of the plants needed so much space for their roots – next year will try 10l
– maybe we will start different nutrient company. any suggestions?
All around this was a very fun project! Loved how the plants looked and miss them already.
The smell of the dry buds is already really nice and we are looking forward to test it. will update then!