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Eine neue Woche steht an. Ich hab mich jetzt nun nach vielem hin und her überlegen doch dazu entschieden die Blüte einzuleiten. Ich bin gespannt was passiert und freu mich auf die Woche. 25. November Cookies gelato wurde mit 4l gegossen zusätzlich noch mit Green sensation und Bloom Dünger. Tropimango wurde mit 2,5l gegossen ebenfalls mit Green Sensation allerdings ohne zusätzliche blütenährstoffe. Es sollte genügend florganics im subtratsein, dass es vorerst nicht nötig sein sollte zusätzlich Nährstoffe geben zu müssen. Royal Runtz hat 3l Wasser mit green sensation und Blütendünger erhalten. 26. November Pflanzen wachsen. Bin zufrieden. Heute besteht kein Handlungsbedarf. 27. November Der dritte Blütetag. Man merkt dass die Pflanzen an Wachstum zulegen wollen. Cookie gelato und Tropimango wachsen uneingeschränkt. Die Runtz hat einen Bruch erlitten und ich hab kein Superkleber oder Panzertape da 28. November Aus mir unerklärlichen Gründen scheint das bisschen Kreppband auszureichen, um den gebrochenen Ast am Leben zu erhalten. Würde behaupten zu 4/5 war er durchgebrochen und hielt eher an einem Rindefaden. Reicht scheinbar um den Ast weiterhin mit allem zu versorgen. Habe leichte Sorge dass der ganze Stress, den die Runtz bisher schon hat mitmachen dürfen, zu Zwitterbildungen. Cookie Gelato kommt weiterhin vorwärts. Tropimango hat 3l Wasser bekommen. Sie hatte als einzige einen furztrockenen Topf Cookies Gelato ist nun 46 Tage alt Tropimango ist nun 41 alt. Royal Runtz ist nun 30 Tage alt Blütetag 4 29. November Cookies Gelato 4l Wasser bis Drenage Roy’s Runtz 3l Wasserbis Drenage Ab- und Umluft wurde auf AC Infinity umgerüstet und läuft jetzt über ein growcontrol. Fyta-Sensoren liefern mir jetzt aktuelle Zahlen aus dem Substrat. 1. Dezember Die Woche neigt sich langsam dem Ende zu und es ist einiges passiert. Die Runtz hat einen Bruch diese woche erlitten aber entwickelt sich prächtig. Der gebrochene Ast ist der stärkste. Traue mich allerdings noch nicht das Klebeband zu entfernen. Die Cookies sieht wunderschön aus ❤️ Tropimango muss immer wieder entlaubt werden, macht sonst gute arbeit. Das Zelt hat einige Upgrades bekommen und die neuen Möglichkeiten auf Messungen, klimabedingungen und Substratanalysen erleichtern einiges.
day 71 - rest light schedule: 19/5 , 100% power day 72 - 1500 ml water + 6 ml ph perfect + 2 ml b-52 + 5 ml bud candy + 5 ml overdrive light schedule: 18/6 , 100% power day 73 - rest light schedule: 18/6 , 100% power day 74 - 1500 ml water + 6 ml ph perfect + 2 ml b-52 + 5 ml bud candy + 5 ml overdrive light schedule: 16/8 , 100% power day 75 - rest light schedule: 14/10 , 100% power day 76 - 1500 ml water + 5 ml flawless finish light schedule: 14/10 , 100% power day 77 - rest light schedule: 12/12 , 100% power day 78 - 1000 ml water + 3 ml flawless finish light schedule: 12/12 , 75% power day 79 - rest light schedule: 12/12 , 75% power day 80 - 500 ml water + 2 ml flawless finish light schedule: 12/12 , 50% power day 81 - 84 - no light, add few cubes each "night" to send a message "winter is coming" day 85 - harvest day
Still looking pretty good so far. After harvesting Girl Scout Cookies Auto, Yuhbary Auto is sharing a light with my two other, much younger plants. The light is a lot closer to Yuhbary Auto than before, which leads to discoloration of some fan leaves, but as far as I understand it, that's to be expected due to suddenly increased photosynthesis. A lot more Trichomes are getting milky, but so far, no amber ones in sight. UPDATE: That was that - Yuhbary Auto suddenly developed amber trichomes and the lower fan leaves started to turn yellow. A lovely grow, a lovely plant and a very nice outlook on what's to come in her next phase.
Purple Punch am 26.12.2024 Tag 28 / 25.01.2025 Die Purple Punch habe ich ein Topping und LST unterzogen, sie hat sich sehr schnell erholt von Topping; eigentlich habe ich keine negative Reaktion bemerkt, das einzige ist wenn ich mit Biobizz dünge, macht die Pflanze einen gewaltigen Wachstumsschub. Feedback: Ich habe unterhalb zwei Blätter entfernt, mit dem Entlaubung bin ich sehr vorsichtig. Die Pflanze werde ich gut wachsen lassen, und die große Blätter nach und nach entfernen. Ich könnte mehr Blätter entfernt, aber in der Vergangenheit habe ich Fehler gemacht. Ich habe festgestellt das die Pflanzen in Light Mix besser wachsen, einmal Gisse ich die Pflanzen mit Dünger von BioBizz und einmal ohne Dünger. Soweit ich das sehe ist eine Überdüngung ausgeschlossen, gerne nehme ich Ratschläge aus der Community an.
I left my brother to mist the seedlings whilst i was in amsterdam for 4 days, got back expecting growth but found the plants have stretched and looked leggy and not much growth apart from stretch…(should have took photos before repot) I planted the seedlings in clear plastic cups with holes punched into the bottom, the medium was very moist and wasn’t seeming to dry out soo i decided i would repot in red cups as i heard clear cups are bad for roots…(feed the girls very lighly was due to bad drainage more then over watering)… I used fresh coco and pulled away as much moist coco as possible without disturbing roots, i added great white to the medium and root balls of the seedlings and repotted burying the stretched stem as much as possible… I didn't water the coco prior or after the repot as i didn’t want to stress the plant further if the roots have been getting drowned by excess water in the coco due to poor drainage, i sprayed mist above all seedlings when all was transplanted very very lightly with a micro dose of rhizotonic by canna… 1 blueberry muffin seedling looks like its going to die the other 2 are okay. I have attached photos after transplant should have photographed before transplant but didn’t 😅 When should i water next seedlings are hard work i usually runs clones that come of a defent size and root structure…🤷‍♂️ My ppm is 150 tds from the tap Ec is 0.4 out the tap Im dechlorising my water with tap safe for 24 hours before use. I have been recommended to ph to 5.8 is this correct ? My temps are around 23-28 degrees And humidity around 55% - 80% Love for reading this far, i will be posting a update every week, Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated 👊❤️
I left my brother to mist the seedlings whilst i was in amsterdam for 4 days, got back expecting growth but found the plants have stretched and looked leggy and not much growth apart from stretch…(should have took photos before repot) I planted the seedlings in clear plastic cups with holes punched into the bottom, the medium was very moist and wasn’t seeming to dry out soo i decided i would repot in red cups as i heard clear cups are bad for roots…(feed the girls very lighly was due to bad drainage more then over watering)… I used fresh coco and pulled away as much moist coco as possible without disturbing roots, i added great white to the medium and root balls of the seedlings and repotted burying the stretched stem as much as possible… I didn't water the coco prior or after the repot as i didn’t want to stress the plant further if the roots have been getting drowned by excess water in the coco due to poor drainage, i sprayed mist above all seedlings when all was transplanted very very lightly with a micro dose of rhizotonic by canna… 1 blueberry muffin seedling looks like its going to die the other 2 are okay. I have attached photos after transplant should have photographed before transplant but didn’t 😅 When should i water next seedlings are hard work i usually runs clones that come of a defent size and root structure…🤷‍♂️ My ppm is 150 tds from the tap Ec is 0.4 out the tap Im dechlorising my water with tap safe for 24 hours before use. I have been recommended to ph to 5.8 is this correct ? My temps are around 23-28 degrees And humidity around 55% - 80% Love for reading this far, i will be posting a update every week, Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated 👊❤️
Seems like FFOF burned her just a slight bit on the first pair of leaves.. new growth looks fine so hopefully she gets used to it and does better… I’ll keep updated within the next couple days
Our Purple Urkle by Zamnesia has reached 16 buds. I'm growing it a little more to make sure it doesn't go into flowering with small brunches but now we're there, a few days and it will go into flowering and it will be very exciting you can bet on it. The Topping worked very very well the plant at the moment of topping went into overfertilization due to the obvious slowdown in growth, so I slowed down the fertilizer for growth but it was about to go into crisis, so we are starting to give fertilizer again. When topping is a delicate moment it is probably better to do what I explain below. The ideal when topping is probably to start with a gradual release fertilized soil or start preparing the soil for a period that is at least enough for the vegetative phase at most by adding a bit of alga grow which by itself I must admit gives me some problems at least in this case if the plant grows straight much less or rather nothing. We are always using soil, feeding and all the recommended additives from Plagron 100% organic, we have only lowered the amount of grow in this topping phase for the reasons mentioned above. ---- Decide on the right soil and calculate your fertilizer sheet based on the soil on the official website. -- Try a seed of this strain that drives us crazy.. ---- Zamnesia Description // A direct descendant of a Mendocino Purps phenotype, Purple Urkle is a high-performance cultivar from Zamnesia Seeds. This feminized, indica-dominant strain is sure to win over any cannabis grower. With a THC content of 20%, Purple Urkle has a lot to offer from seed to harvest and beyond. A grape-flavored adventure, Suitable for indoors, outdoors or in the greenhouse, Purple Urkle is a very resilient strain. Growers will be impressed by how easy this cultivar can be managed. Purple Urkle can reach 120cm indoors and 160cm outdoors, but if you want more control over the height you can use the LST technique. Purple Urkle has fantastic flavors and aromas that intensify during the flowering phase. Regardless of the method of consumption, Purple Urkle offers tangy, fruity flavors that lean towards notes of grapes, berries and plums. The effects of this strain are soothing and relaxing, with uplifting sensations that make the experience suitable for any occasion, whether in a social setting or alone. All the best that mother nature can offer is on ----
Traitement spider mite mélange eau huile de Neem savon potassium, mélanger 50/50 avec de l'alcool a 70 , un traitement, 2 jour de repos , se soir saturation en eau plus traitement ipw Athéna AG avec tableau spécial anti spider mites, apart sa excellente semaine, 2 pied mère avec des feuilles jaunes et brûlé mais pas très grave , dans la table a marée les clones sont incroyables et l'odeur magnifique, des joies couleurs commence a apparaître et les bud deviennent bien compact et bien dense !
Ce run ce passe vraiment a merveille,aucun souci, plante vigoureuses et très saine ! Rien a signaler rien a dire ! Juste parfait ! Merci kannabia, Madame grow , et trolmaster !!! 🚫 Update, après une inspection hebdomadaire je viens de déceler 2 pied herma , que j'ai éliminé directement, plus que 4 plantes , j'espère que sa va allez 🤞
Muitos problemas com a temperatura e ainda viajei e a iluminação desativou passaram 5 diss sem luz, terminar esse cultivo e vou dar uma melhorada nas técnicas.
The Trop Cherry was harvested on day 56 and dried in the tent at around 16-20°C with a humidity level of 60%. After a week, she was ready to be trimmed and then spent another two days drying in a cardboard box. Now the buds are in their container for curing. Updates to follow Dry Weight - 40 Grams
In this week, i defoliated most of the (very) sick leaves on both plants. Afghan Kush is really bushy, Blueberry not so much, she skinny. Both smell absolutely great. Both continue to sweel and grow. We are now, same as in the BPP diary, in what i call the "mostly boring" state. its nice to see the visual changes in the timelapse, but other than that, not much to do besides water them. Both have discontinued to show any new or lets say worse signs of any deficiencies, there are now some overfeeding signs but i rather have that then them trying to creep by. Watering reduced to 2.2L for each to account for them taking to long to dry out. Roots are STACKED, the soil is almost solid by them. Next grow will be in airpots since i also expect root issues here(ringroots or the like, maybe damage due to overwatering in like week 3/4). Timelapse i will add tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by and see you next week!
Welcome to week 10! First Time checking trichomes this week but were still far off (~3-4 weeks+). Deficencies are officially under control, theyre not getting any worse by now. Ramped up nutes, next watering will also be 4ml/l of bloom instead of 3. They really started to swell and build mass by now. Despite all the issues in the beginning, im happy with how they look now and i learnt a lot. well, i say lot, mainly just "dont overwater" lol. Didnt defoliate, just watering and checking on them. They smell really good and kinda strong, not overwhelming yet but im 1 inch away from giving them the "strong" here on growdiaries. Timelapse again at the end of the week.