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RAW GROW is a tested blend of all 12 RAW Soluble plant nutrients, essential elements and supplements. This blend has been proven to be an optimal all-in-one base “Grow” horticultural fertilizer. RAW GROW is used through out the entire vegetative stage. Derived from: Plant protein hydrolysate, mono potassium phosphate, potassium sulfate, cane molasses, sodium borate, copper sulfate, iron DTPA, magnesium sulfate, manganese sulfate, zinc sulfate and azomite. Also contains non-plant food ingredients: Humic acids derived from leonardite and peat, kelp (ascophyllum nodosum), silicon dioxide derived from diatomite and yucca extract. Carotenoids absorb light in the blue-green range of the visible spectrum, complementing chlorophyll's absorption in the red range. Carotenoids protect photosynthetic machinery from excess light. They deactivate singlet oxygen, which is a harmful oxidant formed during photosynthesis. Carotenoids quench triplet chlorophyll, which can be harmful to photosynthesis. Carotenoids scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can damage cell membranes and proteins. Carotenoid derivatives signal plant development and responses to environmental cues. Carotenoids provide precursors for the biosynthesis of phytohormones like abscisic acid (ABA) and strigolactones (SLs). Carotenoids are pigments that give fruits and vegetables their orange, red, and yellow colors. They also act as free radical scavengers to protect plants during photosynthesis. Beta-carotene is the most common provitamin A carotenoid. It's found in orange and yellow fruits and vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and mangos. Other carotenoids include lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids have antioxidant and photoprotective properties. In plants, Vitamin A is found as carotenoids, which are pigments that give plants their color. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin B plays a vital role in plant growth and development. It acts as a coenzyme in many metabolic reactions, which are the basis for plant growth and maintenance. Vitamin B helps plants metabolize nutrients, which are essential for growth and development. Vitamin B helps plants respond to biotic and abiotic stress. Vitamin B can help plants grow new roots, which can reduce transplant shock. Vitamin B can help plants grow shoots, especially slow-growing plants. Vitamin B1 Also known as thiamine diphosphate, vitamin B1 is a key component of metabolic pathways like glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Vitamin B3 Also known as nicotinamide or niacin, vitamin B3 is a biostimulant that can improve plant growth and yield. Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 acts as an antioxidant and cofactor, and is involved in plant stress responses. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a vital nutrient for plants that helps with growth and protects them from excess light. Vitamin C acts as a redox buffer, which is important for regulating photosynthesis. Vitamin C helps enzymes that regulate photosynthesis, hormone production, and regenerating antioxidants. Vitamin C is a coenzyme in the xanthophyll cycle, which converts excess energy into heat. This process helps plants protect themselves from too much light. seedlings to young plants can feed on 200-400 PPM, Teenage plants that have a maturing root zone can feed on 350-550 PPM and adults will feed 600-1000 PPM. The more you feed plants and watch them grow you'll get a feel for how much to give them. Less is more when trying to grasp this. High level of CEC in organic soil so I'm watering 5-gallon
Let say I don’t even know where to begin or how to say this but it more of a challenge w/ the fans leave. I’m like dang but of course got to keep the girls manicure and clean for they can strive to their full potential. I may have or may have not stress the girls out by cutting too many fans leaf off. Regardless I hope they don’t hermies on me . If did no sweat 😅 still will run this back . I only see em at the bottom bottom. For sure have to trims on the regulars… or every time open grow tent. According to Premium Cultivars.. the problem to look out for is trimming & pruning . Humidity Sensitive and mold/mildew. Sorry for late post or update. Outside of that working new 9/5 and doing my best to stay on top LPC. Will see harvest… stay tune!
7.11. - Entering second week of flowering with some buds already developing. Leaves around are getting covered in sugar. I think even the smallest one might have some decent yield. I cut off some of the lowest branches so the bigger ones will get more energy. Watered. 9.11. - I did a decent defoliation on the biggest plant. Basically just the lowest leaves without any light and few small branches. 11.11. - I've decided to cut back on the nutrients as plants are starting to show signs of toxicity. Today I gave them just pure water. 7.11. - 13.11.
Hi all grower auto orange bud week 13 she had long veg pase due transplant shock but now she get very big and bushy u feed her 1ml bio grow 4ml bloom 2ml big bud Half ml cal mag with 5 litre water ph every other day The bud top leaf start getting purple so beautiful plant definitely grow her again
Possibly this is your last week with only water to eliminate excess mineral salts. The appearance of the buds is great, covered in resin and quite hard, almost like stone.Does anyone have any tips for making some live rosin?
This week seems to have gone fine no major problems to document. Girls are growing strong. Wouldn’t say it been a speedy process going into flowering but I have done some extensive training so that could be the reason for slower growth. Going to leave them alone now let them do there thing this next coming week
This week seems to have gone fine no major problems to document. Girls are growing strong. Wouldn’t say it been a speedy process going into flowering but I have done some extensive training so that could be the reason for slower growth. Going to leave them alone now let them do there thing this next coming week
We started to change color! Thats amazing guys! This is my first purple flower! Cant wait to check it out. Look on photos! What do you think about defoliation or banding? Wanted to leave it with our any trainings, but now Im not sure...
☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️ ☄️👋Salut les amis, ❄️Nous sommes au 48ème jour de floraison ce 11/11. ☄️ ☄️Après avoir obtenu un peu plus d'informations, je sais maintenant que j'aurais pu mettre plus de nutriments dans mon sol. C'est prévu pour la prochaine culture.👌 ☄️ ☄️❄️Récolte prévue pour la semaine prochaine ! 🙌 ❄️J'ai hâte de goûter le fruit de mes efforts 🌠 ☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️ ❄️ ☄️Intensité de la FC3000: 90% ☄️Ventilation : Extracteur mars hydro 6 pouces avec filtre à charbon puissance : 4/10 (24h/24h) + 2 ventilateurs à l'intérieur ( ON 10/24h). ils s'activent à un horaire différent. ☄️Arrosage : J'ai arrosé une dernière fois avec 1.5L d'eau et je vais laisser sécher au moins 5 jours avant la récolte. ☄️Température & humidité : NUIT : 15°C & 60% / JOUR : 23°C & 45% ❄️ 💙Mon instagram 🌱 ☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️
Hi there, Dos-si-dos ladies look frickin' amazing. Even though I'm not completely satisfied how the secondaries developed I'm very happy with how they're growing so far. We entered the pre-flowering stage end of this week and we are really looking forward to the next ones. The canopy is ready for the bloom party. Basically this week wasn’t that busy as we only tucked the branches under the scrog net to keep the canopy even. Watered twice this week with de chlorinated tap water and nutrients as always. Running the Ts3000 at 50% around 35 cm above the canopy which means 420-580 ppfd. Right now, all of them are really happy and I can't wait to see them flower :D See ya next week. Peace ✌️🏻