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Flushed this week with straight water. Bud is smelling like sulfer and orange. Bud structure was good but they don’t seem very dense. Nice color shift the last two weeks of growth. Chopping down and hanging for a two week dry.
IVE MADE MORE VIDEOS BUT THEY JUST DON'T SEEM TO UPLOAD AND IT'S FAR TO SLOW TO DO IT FROM HOME 6/27 Made last week a five day week to get back on track. It's still overcast and rainy. It's not raining a lot bit it's consistent. Despite the weather the plants are doing phenomenal. I'll update later. It's 1pm. It's been raining consistently since 11. Just a sprinkle but it's steady. I'm going to begun uploading the weeks weather on my diary. I may start a new diary for the plants I light depped as they are flowering pretty good. Rain stopped and it's just overcast for now. I looked at some videos and did a comparison of videos one week ago and videos today and HOLY SHIT! WHAT A DIFFERENCE. Especially the light depped 10th planet. Well everything but that was the most significant difference. I'm astonished at the health and growth despite the crummy weather. Continued to rain. Just got harder. Plants are taking it but it's flooding underneath the pallets a little but it will be fine. The light dep however has me concerned. The 10th planet is looking spectacular. The bigger purple punch I'd looking good too. The smaller one though looks to have a pollen sack coming off one of the branches. Considering its not on the otherside I assume it's not just a swollen calyx. I don't mind chucking it especially if that means I don't hurt my other girls so I want to make sure. I sent videos to a few other growers and I'll add a question on here. Those three plants have been isolated from the rest for a few days due to rain. I have the suspect isolated alone until I can confirm. It sucks cause the light Depp was going good and the6ve all got little flowers. 6/28 Well that fucking sucks. ALL THREE plants I tried to light depp hermed on me. I could see male flowers. Luckily I had been keeping a really good eye on them and it was preflowers mostly. At least I caught it. One or two stamines on each plant. Would've been really easy to miss. Only one had STARTED to elongate into a stem so I think I caught it early enough. Plus since all this rain they've been kept in a different location then my big girls. Glad I did that now. Boy the roots looked good on those plants. I just grabbed the stalk and lifted and it came right out of the pot. I held it there admiring it for a minute. This sucks. At least the real plants are doing good. As far as I know. No male preflowers that's for sure. I've got some feedback from other growers and the videos are a little blurry but I had found a light leak and I'm certain these plants hermed. I know I could've tried to save them but I didn't want to risk it. I compared what I was seeing with Google photos and other websites. Aside from the larger ball with its stem, there were also several little bumps besides developed calyxes that were weaving into little buds. Trust me that I wouldn't cut down my plants if I wasn't 110% sure. I might've been able to "save them" but to me it's just not worth the risk. 6/29 I was second guessing myself pretty hard last night due to some responses I got on my light dep and messages I got from other growets. Made my anxiety horrible but I looked on several video's I'd taken again and I know what I saw. I felt better after that. This was after I researched and waited THREE days until I saw the ball on the stem and the groupings of small nubs under a fresh yellow flower. These plants were flowering good and it sucks to lose them. One MAY have been ok but one was a runt and had all the characteristics of a true hermaphrodite. They were only in 3's and I couldn't risk my harvest for an experiment. Still sucks. Oh well. Sun is starting to come out. Plants seem to be doing fantastic. I have one spot on a leaf that looks like a pillar munched on a leaf so I'll probably get the bt out soon as I have a dry day that I can apply it. I'll have to check the weather. I need to start a nute regiment but the plants aren't telling me they need anything yet. 6/30 I fucked up dates or dodnt do it yesterday or it didnt save right so I'm leaving this blank today is the 1st. 7/1 I have still only watered s couple times and I haven't had to feed. This week I'm going to start nutes. I had some external ersonal situations that have kept me from my plants. I'm hoping to get back on track. I noticed some pillar damage so I'll need to dig out the BT. This morning I saw this giant ground hog by my cage. Hated too but had to get rid of him. Of course some of the blowback landed on the leaves of one of my plants. I tried to clean it as best I could. Better than that fat bastard eating everything in one night. I broke a branch either falling around it or bulling through when I was pissed or I LST it the wrong way and the wind broke it against the tomato cage. Nice big branch too on top. I tried to fix it with duct tape but we'll see. The plants need me to spend sometime with them. I need to clean them up. Apply bt and give them their first feeding. I'll update as I go. They don't seem nutrient deficient by any means but I don't think it would hurt to start the nutes. 7/2 Bags were lighter today and if it wasn't going to rain tonight and tomorrow I'd he watering. Plants look great so soil isn't depleted yet I guess. They're growing rather rapidly. The branch I broke didnt make it. Had an idea it wouldn't but I had to try. I waited on the BT on account of the rain. I may go back over and change my mind and water with silica or a mild nute solution or maybe apply the BT. Depends what time I get back. I have some work I need to do over there. There's a few that I need to clean up the bottoms on. Pest damage is minor and limited to one or two plants and a leaf or two only. 7/3 More rain. It was supposed to rain this morning too but it didn't. We got .33in yesterday and through last night so I thought that was ok. Looking back on my previous diaries I'm doing things significantly different than before. I had used a lot more nutes earlier on. This morning I mixed two gallons of 2tsp of big bloom and fed it to the 9 plants in smart pots leaving the container plants as they have much more water in them. Looking back at other diaries I previously had, WPM and septoria by this time not to mention a shit ton of other pests I was fighting by this time. Since I poisoned where the cagexwas multiple times and sprayed the cage before it was moved I luckily don't have that problem yet knock on wood. I'm planning to apply BT tonight to deal with the moth larvae if there are any. I'm looking at plants around this area and im seeimg SOME septoria and pm on raspberry bushes and burdock so it is around. I made sure my cage is not by any other vegetation this year and is sitting on asphalt with the bags on raised pallets. Good thing I did or I guarantee they'd be flooded by now. I've been seeing multiple complaints from maine growers online (AND THEY HAVE HEALTHY PLANTS!) saying this is the worst year ever. Maybe they need a dose of fusarium oxysporum to keep them humble. This is maine. If you don't like the weather just wait five minutes. Meanwhile I'll be doing my sun dance hoping for sun. "Hard to grow cannabis with no sunlight" said another grower on my forum.
Did some defoliation this week, not much but enough to create some airflow and unblock a few bud sites. Readjusted my DIY “floating” to take up some of the stretch that had gotten out of control, ❤️ that I can do that! The frost is real for this strain OMG, week 3 and it’s already as frosty as some of the Autoflower’s I have grown. Temps have been climbing here and there, we’re getting a lot of dry heat so that’s the plus at least, not a lot of humidity at the moment. I’m really wishing I had taken clones from these girls because I’m sure they are going to be insane if they look this good at week 3. 🇨🇦👊❤️
Did some defoliation this week, not much but enough to create some airflow and unblock a few bud sites. Readjusted my DIY “floating” to take up some of the stretch that had gotten out of control, ❤️ that I can do that! The frost is real for this strain OMG, week 3 and it’s already as frosty as some of the Autoflower’s I have grown. Temps have been climbing here and there, we’re getting a lot of dry heat so that’s the plus at least, not a lot of humidity at the moment. I’m really wishing I had taken clones from these girls because I’m sure they are going to be insane if they look this good at week 3. 🇨🇦👊❤️
Hello Fellow Growers ✌️🏻🍁 Not posted in the last week or so, The girls have been potted up into 18litre pots using Bio all mix. Few of them had low PPM 350/400s & some in 700s just before reporting which is low and showing N deficiency’s So once potted up I just give them a nutrient feed of bio grow. Since the soil is got nutrients in it am hoping this will sort it’s self out nutrient wise over the next week. Ripper seeds - dosido x purple punch - has got some mad deficiency I can’t keep happy always looks over watered Aiming to start flowering within the next week or so - since potting up the others I soon realised I was running out of space so I decided to chop a couple strains out. Thought of adding a humidifier into the mix but not sure as I was having over feeding issues - anyones thoughts on this? All auto flowering strains are starting to really get into flowering now. Pink runtz auto - has a lovely strawberries smell. Gorilla glue auto - isn’t looking to great, she’s got a slight deficiency. Blue cheese auto - is growing slow I’m sure this got over fed and just hadn’t bounced back yet. Amnesia haze auto - this is the tallest of them all she’s starting to pack on too. Any questions or if you see anything you notice off give me a message always down for some helpful tips. Peace 🙏🏻🍁
Here we go ladies and gentlemen! Welcome back to my Strawberry Cheesecake by seedsman, Diary. As we can see it was an amazing week after the top dress. She loved it! We have a nice lush color, good growth, and I'm hoping for a good solid stretch in the next coming weeks. I have to say, this is definitely the most uniform and beautiful structured auto I've seen in a lonnnnng time. Well done seedsman, now let's see how she flowers!!
Срезал после 5 дней засухи и 48 часов темноты. Сушил в боксе 4 дня в полной темноте. Результат: 152 грамма шишек и 57 грамм попкорна. Пахнет вкусно. Дым попробую через месяц лечения. Недельку побуду в холодильнике. Открываю банки раз в день.
Ho smesso coi fertilizzanti base per la crescita della pianta, sono ancora un po' troppo verdi per essere alla dodicesima settimana. Tranne una Tropicanna Banana che è sempre stata una settimana avanti alle altre. Spero che nel mese che manca i fiori si gonfino come si deve, ho sempre un po' di paranoie soprattutto visti gli ultimi due giri che non ho avuto il risultato sperato. Però stavolta la situazione promette meglio, tra due settimane dovrebbero esplodere definitivamente. Sicuramente in questa settimana è aumentato a dismisura l'odore che emanano, si sente distintamente in tutta casa. E che profumo 😊🤤🍀
I gave the plants a good trim to try and get more light to the lower buds and replaced the water and nutrients, negating the CANNA PK13/14. Buds are starting to take shape and smell fantastic—hopefully, I can harvest them in another couple of weeks. I have learned a lot from this grow and will be applying all the knowledge gained into the next.
Questa settimana si è slanciata veramente molto! Me lo aspettavo già in quanto non è la prima volta che la coltivo, ecco perché ho deciso precedentemente di effettuare 3 topping consecutivi! Ha reagito veramente molto bene ha continuato la sua vegetazione normalmente senza blocchi e durante la 4 settimana si prepara per il fiore! Adoro le genetiche di Fast buds! Ancor di più la FORBIDDEN RUNTZ AUTO! Per questo ciclo di crescita ho voluto fare un cambio radicale nella sua dieta, ho cambiato marca di fertilizzanti passando da plagron (con il quale collaboravo a CANNABOOM!) semplicemente perché ho potuto constatare i loro pregiatissimi prodotti! Dopo un accurato studio si ogni componente ho voluto fare questo cambio....che dire!!! Menomale!!! Raga veramente dopo la seconda applicazione la pianta e praticamente esplosa in ogni suo potenziale ,parli veramente di ogni cosa! Altezza, Internodi , calici sparsi ovunque, si iniziano a intravedere intricominsulle foglie a ventaglio!!!! Le foglie sono grandi quanto la mia mano😂 ho fatto un po' di pulizia fogliare e per adesso la lascerò crescere così togliendo solo qualche foglia qua e la ogni tanto quando ci sarà bisogno... ringrazio molto cannaboom per i loro prodotti che volevo consigliare a tutti voi e vorrei ringraziare anche fast buds per questa genetiche che non finisce mai di sorprendermi! E siete tutti voi! Grazie mille ad ognuno di voi! 🌈💥💪🏼🌱
Questa settimana si è slanciata veramente molto! Me lo aspettavo già in quanto non è la prima volta che la coltivo, ecco perché ho deciso precedentemente di effettuare 3 topping consecutivi! Ha reagito veramente molto bene ha continuato la sua vegetazione normalmente senza blocchi e durante la 4 settimana si prepara per il fiore! Adoro le genetiche di Fast buds! Ancor di più la FORBIDDEN RUNTZ AUTO! Per questo ciclo di crescita ho voluto fare un cambio radicale nella sua dieta, ho cambiato marca di fertilizzanti passando da plagron (con il quale collaboravo a CANNABOOM!) semplicemente perché ho potuto constatare i loro pregiatissimi prodotti! Dopo un accurato studio si ogni componente ho voluto fare questo cambio....che dire!!! Menomale!!! Raga veramente dopo la seconda applicazione la pianta e praticamente esplosa in ogni suo potenziale ,parli veramente di ogni cosa! Altezza, Internodi , calici sparsi ovunque, si iniziano a intravedere intricominsulle foglie a ventaglio!!!! Le foglie sono grandi quanto la mia mano😂 ho fatto un po' di pulizia fogliare e per adesso la lascerò crescere così togliendo solo qualche foglia qua e la ogni tanto quando ci sarà bisogno... ringrazio molto cannaboom per i loro prodotti che volevo consigliare a tutti voi e vorrei ringraziare anche fast buds per questa genetiche che non finisce mai di sorprendermi! E siete tutti voi! Grazie mille ad ognuno di voi! 🌈💥💪🏼🌱
Questa settimana si è slanciata veramente molto! Me lo aspettavo già in quanto non è la prima volta che la coltivo, ecco perché ho deciso precedentemente di effettuare 3 topping consecutivi! Ha reagito veramente molto bene ha continuato la sua vegetazione normalmente senza blocchi e durante la 4 settimana si prepara per il fiore! Adoro le genetiche di Fast buds! Ancor di più la FORBIDDEN RUNTZ AUTO! Per questo ciclo di crescita ho voluto fare un cambio radicale nella sua dieta, ho cambiato marca di fertilizzanti passando da plagron (con il quale collaboravo a CANNABOOM!) semplicemente perché ho potuto constatare i loro pregiatissimi prodotti! Dopo un accurato studio si ogni componente ho voluto fare questo cambio....che dire!!! Menomale!!! Raga veramente dopo la seconda applicazione la pianta e praticamente esplosa in ogni suo potenziale ,parli veramente di ogni cosa! Altezza, Internodi , calici sparsi ovunque, si iniziano a intravedere intricominsulle foglie a ventaglio!!!! Le foglie sono grandi quanto la mia mano😂 ho fatto un po' di pulizia fogliare e per adesso la lascerò crescere così togliendo solo qualche foglia qua e la ogni tanto quando ci sarà bisogno... ringrazio molto cannaboom per i loro prodotti che volevo consigliare a tutti voi e vorrei ringraziare anche fast buds per questa genetiche che non finisce mai di sorprendermi! E siete tutti voi! Grazie mille ad ognuno di voi! 🌈💥💪🏼🌱
Bienvenidos cultivadores de marihuana clandestinos, y también, a los que tienen la fortuna de no serlo!🖐️👨‍🌾 esta temporada cultivando leyendas sativas... todo por la causa! Tres semanas desde el paso a floración a sido el tiempo que ha tardado en llegar ¡La Gran Hembra Colombiana!... a jugar! 💃😈 Creo que definitivamente la planta ha dejado de estirarse, para ello he continuado esta semana con la tortura estrambótica a modo de cableado de los ápices superiores rebeldes... yo también te quiero! 🧡 Ahora innumerables brotes florales adornan toda la planta, un horizonte estrellado de brillantes y vibrantes flores buscando su lugar en el cielo! La planta está muy ramificada, son ramas finas y delicadas, las hojas también, no hay ninguna rama que destaque sobre otras, el aspecto general me recuerda a un cañaveral, espero para las próximas semanas endurecimiento y fortalecimiento de todas las ramas, estas se deben preparar para soportar todo el peso de los cogollos que pienso cultivar... a muerte! El consumo de agua es alto, riego profundamente cada 4 días con componentes variados, las últimas semanas he intentado fortalecer y dar energía a la planta añadiendo Bio Estimulantes a las mezclas de riego, todo para preparar a esta leyenda sativa para el cambio a Bio fertilizantes de floración y más concentración de nutrientes... todo por la causa! Como estamos en verano y hace mucho calor, mi agua de montaña que almaceno para riegos mantiene una temperatura ambiente de 25°C, yo prefiero bajarla hasta los 20°C, para ello mantengo agua en el frigorífico y la mezclo a la hora de regar, el agua a 20°C transporta más oxígeno al sustrato y le refresca... a quien no le gusta una ducha fría en verano? Esta semana he hecho también un aporte de enmiendas secas: Harina de huesos, Guano de murciélago y Guano de gusano de la harina, comida para el sustrato, los microorganismos y la planta... en el cultivo de cannabis soy partidario de la obesidad, no hay nada más sano!! 🖐️😈 Hasta la próxima... SALUDOS A TODOS!! =========================================================================== Esta cepa es un retro cruce entre RedSnake (79 oaxacan x punto rojo) x Punto Rojo, me regaló la semilla un buen cultivador @1Right_Angle Más información de ambas cepas: La Colombia Punto Rojo, o simplemente Punto Rojo, es una variedad de cannabis de dominancia sativa, caracterizada por su alto contenido de THC. El cannabis fue importado a Colombia desde África en el siglo XVIII. La cepa Punto Rojo es originaria de las zonas altas del centro y norte del país, y se popularizó en toda Sudamérica y en los Estados Unidos durante la década de los 70 y 80. Al igual que otras variedades autóctonas de las áreas tropicales, la Punto Rojo tiende al hermafroditismo.
Starting a new episode of the experiment, 16 flowers 4x4 models. Half organic using florian organic fertilizers. And the other half classically anorganic using canna nutrients.
Girls are in full bloom and staring to ripen .next week ill start just water flushing before harvsting after week 8 is over they are rock solid nugs makes it a long 2 weeks left lol