26/09 Today, at the beginning of the second week of color, I nevertheless decided to remove a few unnecessary and interfering stakes. I also removed small shoots and some leaves that greatly interfered with the penetration of light to the shoots.
I connected the problem with an overabundance of N with the fact that I have both AD components mixed. It turns out the formula 4 3 8, I think to remove a little Grow 1-0-4 component and then you will get an excellent compote for these bushes, I will also change the irrigation scheme, I will give 400 ml per day, instead of 800 in two days with formula 3-3-4
Even today I mixed a new compote with formula 3 3 4 , and added AD Grow just 1ml/1L and decided to add a little 5ml less AD Micro and AD Bloom . Let's see how things go .
And I also took better photos, rate in the comments guys!!
30/09 Hi all! Continue. monitor the condition of the lowrider, it seems that the burnt edges of the sheets have begun to pass, periodically I just water it with water, and I made a little less content of the Grow element.
The babies are developing extremely cool, I think that so far I am moving in the right direction
I water 10% of the pot, they have 7 liters each