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She is healthy in her 4th week and after her first defoliation. she grew an inch. i also topped her on the two different tops {as i said last week she topped herself bout the 2nd week) i am going to put a photo of this week you can clearly see the split. i also increased the light intensity a bit too between 600-700 ppfd or 44000 lux roughly wanna see what happens pushing the ppfd a bit.
Estamos en la primera semana de vegetativo, ya que a la anterior se la conoce como semana de germinación. Las plantas empiezan a mostrar las primeras hojas reales por encima de los cotiledones. Cuidado con que la humedad relativa del aire, no sea demasiado baja, lo ideal sería alrededor de un 65%. En esta etapa solo regamos suavemente con agua cada 5 días aprox.
Estamos en la primera semana de vegetativo, ya que a la anterior se la conoce como semana de germinación. Las plantas empiezan a mostrar las primeras hojas reales por encima de los cotiledones. Cuidado con que la humedad relativa del aire, no sea demasiado baja, lo ideal sería alrededor de un 65%. En esta etapa solo regamos suavemente con agua cada 5 días aprox.
Día 35 (10/06) N/A Día 36 (11/06) Se va a quedar un pequeño gran cogollo porque ya se ha detenido el strecht Día 37 (12/06) N/A Día 38 (13/06) Avanza la floración para estas pequeñas Día 39 (14/06) Riego 150 ml de H20 pH 6,5 Día 40 (15/06) N/A Día 41 (16/06) 500 ml de Té de Floración con Healthy Harvest 8 ml/L + Insect Frass 16 ml/L + Melaza 1 ml/L 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - www.lurpenaturalsolutions.com 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en/products/pro-mix-hp-biostimulant-plus-mycorrhizae
Día 35 (10/06) N/A Día 36 (11/06) Se va a quedar un pequeño gran cogollo porque ya se ha detenido el strecht Día 37 (12/06) N/A Día 38 (13/06) Avanza la floración para estas pequeñas Día 39 (14/06) Riego 150 ml de H20 pH 6,5 Día 40 (15/06) N/A Día 41 (16/06) 500 ml de Té de Floración con Healthy Harvest 8 ml/L + Insect Frass 16 ml/L + Melaza 1 ml/L 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - www.lurpenaturalsolutions.com 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en/products/pro-mix-hp-biostimulant-plus-mycorrhizae
The ninth week of flowering is now over and the last days of the ladies have begun. The stated 9-10 weeks flowering time is definitely correct. One plant of the Hardcore Zoap was ready a little earlier, but as I want to harvest everything at once, everything is left standing until the majority looks ready. I also preferred to harvest the plants a little more mature than too early. In terms of appearance, I like the Miracle Gushers flowers best, as they have a fine and compact structure. The Banana Creamz seem to be able to develop very thick flowers, whereas the Hardcore Zoap seems to have the lowest yield. I will be able to say more after drying and weighing.
Día 35 (10/06) N/A Día 36 (11/06) Se va a quedar un pequeño gran cogollo porque ya se ha detenido el strecht Día 37 (12/06) N/A Día 38 (13/06) Avanza la floración para estas pequeñas Día 39 (14/06) Riego 150 ml de H20 pH 6,5 Día 40 (15/06) N/A Día 41 (16/06) 500 ml de Té de Floración con Healthy Harvest 8 ml/L + Insect Frass 16 ml/L + Melaza 1 ml/L 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - www.lurpenaturalsolutions.com 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en/products/pro-mix-hp-biostimulant-plus-mycorrhizae
Día 35 (10/06) N/A Día 36 (11/06) Se va a quedar un pequeño gran cogollo porque ya se ha detenido el strecht Día 37 (12/06) N/A Día 38 (13/06) Avanza la floración para estas pequeñas Día 39 (14/06) Riego 150 ml de H20 pH 6,5 Día 40 (15/06) N/A Día 41 (16/06) 500 ml de Té de Floración con Healthy Harvest 8 ml/L + Insect Frass 16 ml/L + Melaza 1 ml/L 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - www.lurpenaturalsolutions.com 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en/products/pro-mix-hp-biostimulant-plus-mycorrhizae
Día 30 (10/06) Sigue creciendo. Tendrá un tamaño medio me parece Día 31 (11/06) Sigue el stretch y empieza a florecer Día 32 (12/06) Come on! Tendremos una planta más o menos decente Las Autos deben germinar en Light Mix antes de que las raíces lleguen al Super Soil! (30% Light Mix - 70% SuperSoil) Día 33 (13/06) Sigue creciendo Día 34 (14/06) Riego 150 ml de H20 pH 6,5 Día 35 (15/06) Se ha quedado una planta de tamaño medio. Algo saldrá Día 36 (16/06) 500 ml de Té de Floración con Healthy Harvest 8 ml/L + Insect Frass 16 ml/L + Melaza 1 ml/L 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - www.lurpenaturalsolutions.com 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en/products/pro-mix-hp-biostimulant-plus-mycorrhizae
Día 30 (10/06) Sigue creciendo. Tendrá un tamaño medio me parece Día 31 (11/06) Sigue el stretch y empieza a florecer Día 32 (12/06) Come on! Tendremos una planta más o menos decente Las Autos deben germinar en Light Mix antes de que las raíces lleguen al Super Soil! (30% Light Mix - 70% SuperSoil) Día 33 (13/06) Sigue creciendo Día 34 (14/06) Riego 150 ml de H20 pH 6,5 Día 35 (15/06) Se ha quedado una planta de tamaño medio. Algo saldrá Día 36 (16/06) 500 ml de Té de Floración con Healthy Harvest 8 ml/L + Insect Frass 16 ml/L + Melaza 1 ml/L 💦Nutrients by Lurpe Solutions - www.lurpenaturalsolutions.com 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en/products/pro-mix-hp-biostimulant-plus-mycorrhizae
Día 48 (10/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,25 ml/I +TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 Día 49 (11/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + P-Boost 0,5 ml/l + K-Boost 0,5 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,5 ml/I +TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 LCCA tiene unos colores espectaculares con tonos morados 😍 Subo el CalMag a 0,5 ml/L porque BPPA no se recupera, y el resto muestran inicio de deficiencia Día 50 (12/06) Está lloviendo mucho por aquí. Menos mal que tengo el techo de policarbonato en mi invernadero casero. Hoy no necesitan riego Día 51 (13/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + K-Boost 0,5 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,5 ml/I + TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 Día 52 (14/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,5 ml/I + TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 Tiene un aspecto espectacular, con su cogollo central muy muy gordo y con unos reflejos morados preciosos Me parece increible que esta planta pueda ser capaz de acabar en las 8 semanas (menos de 60 días). Voy a empezar a mirar sus tricomas con el microscopio Día 53 (15/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + K-Boost 0,5 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,5 ml/I + TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 En el microscopio se ven las antocianinas subiendo por los tricomas 😍 Día 54 (16/06) Riego con Té de Floración - 750 ml / planta 💦Nutrients by Aptus Holland - www.aptus-holland.com 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en/products/pro-mix-hp-biostimulant-plus-mycorrhizae
Día 48 (10/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,25 ml/I +TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 Día 49 (11/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + P-Boost 0,5 ml/l + K-Boost 0,5 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,5 ml/I +TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 LCCA tiene unos colores espectaculares con tonos morados 😍 Subo el CalMag a 0,5 ml/L porque BPPA no se recupera, y el resto muestran inicio de deficiencia Día 50 (12/06) Está lloviendo mucho por aquí. Menos mal que tengo el techo de policarbonato en mi invernadero casero. Hoy no necesitan riego Día 51 (13/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + K-Boost 0,5 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,5 ml/I + TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 Día 52 (14/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,5 ml/I + TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 Tiene un aspecto espectacular, con su cogollo central muy muy gordo y con unos reflejos morados preciosos Me parece increible que esta planta pueda ser capaz de acabar en las 8 semanas (menos de 60 días). Voy a empezar a mirar sus tricomas con el microscopio Día 53 (15/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + K-Boost 0,5 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,5 ml/I + TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 En el microscopio se ven las antocianinas subiendo por los tricomas 😍 Día 54 (16/06) Riego con Té de Floración - 750 ml / planta 💦Nutrients by Aptus Holland - www.aptus-holland.com 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en/products/pro-mix-hp-biostimulant-plus-mycorrhizae
Refilling Earthbox 2.5G every third day Fri: defol, really sticky, hands arms forehead, blueberry, finger taste blueberry sweet Lemon. Very happy with this grow! I’m getting shit dialed in
And here we are ready with another flash strain from the Zamnesia Seeds family: Wurlz F1 Hybrid. Ready in 63 days, it was already ready the day I picked the Watermelons but sometimes choices have to be made during the harvest phase. Our two Wurlz immediately show the kinship with the just harvested Watermelon Candy, the shape of the flower, the way of flowering are really very similar, the Wurlz are similar to each other but a little smaller than the Watermelon which were two huge beasts. Here we are around 70 cm but nice full especially one but they are really similar, ripe, full of resin, another really effective strain. The consistency of the flower is really interesting, ladies and gentlemen these flowers were composed in a very short time it seems incredible but that's how it is and the quality is all there, absolutely all of it and to tell the truth something more than average is evident. However you judge with your own eyes, I am just a humble servant of this divinity called Cannabis and I am here to try what good Zamnesia produces and to test its characteristics, come with us and you will taste the light of paradise. Oh the light of paradise my friends... Plant one and two are really very similar, one more productive, one slightly more mature but both came out on the same day, I'm in a tropical area and we're at 40 degrees in the grow, the plants are flying outside around here now, but I unfortunately nothing for now. We will have the video and smoking review very soon. The feeding this time is totally from Plagron, we used the Organic line as we like it with the additives Power Buds, Sugar Royal and the now legendary Green Sensation. In my opinion if I drink it I will become superman, but I won't try it :) Even the soil is Plagron the very simple and cheap Lightmix: my friends reproach me for choosing organic fertilizers but the soil pre-fertilised with a bit of mineral. The little there is the plant absorbs in the vegetative phase and when it goes into flowering the plant eats only organic, it seems cheap and functional to me but I want to try coconut especially the new Plagron product and the associated fertilizers. Feeding is by Plagron with the Power Buds - Sugar Royal - Green Sensation + Alga Bloom combo that drives me crazy https://plagron.com Strong, fast as the wind, stable as promised by Zammi. https://www.zamnesia.io/it/10669-zamnesia-seeds-wurlz-f1-automatic.html The lights are from Viparspectra p2000 and provide super light www.viparspectra.com/ Tent & Air www.secretjardin.com Music of the week www.radionula.com +++ 432 hz frequencies to keep in line my Girls to Gaia. Site Description ZAMNESIA SEEDS - WURLZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC: EFFECTS TO LEAVE YOUR HEAD IN A WHIRL! As the end product of combining Runtz with Watermelon Candy, Wurlz F1 hybrid Automatic showcases a reliable, uniform, and, above all, easy growing experience. The resulting buds offer mind-blowing flavors and soothing effects, making Wurlz F1 Automatic more than worthy of being on your radar. GROWING WURLZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC As an autoflowering strain, it takes just 9–10 weeks for Wurlz F1 Automatic to move from germination to harvest. Fortunately, there's very little required other than a bit of maintenance along the way. This is partly due to the F1 genetics that make this strain robust and uniform, resulting in plants that reach a similar height and provide a similar (large) yield. Moreover, Wurlz F1 Automatic is highly resistant to disease, pests, and other ailments. Reaching heights of about 65–80cm, Wurlz F1 Automatic is not an overbearing plant and can fit into smaller spaces with zero fuss. Once ready to yield, growers have the potential to see a return in the region of 450–500g/m² indoors and 50–150g/plant outdoors. AROMAS, FLAVORS, AND EFFECTS OF WURLZ F1 HYBRID AUTOMATIC After Wurlz F1 Hybrid Automatic wows you with its easygoing growing experience, the best is yet to come: the smoke test. Teeming with terpenes, this cultivar offers a fruity and candy-like flavor tinged with just a little bit of pine for good measure. In terms of effects, Wurlz F1 Automatic is bolstered by 24% THC and a finely tuned array of cannabinoids, making for a soothing, physically relaxing, and, in larger amounts, couch-locking high. So settle in with some of your favorite friends, snacks, and movies; this is relaxation at its finest. www.zamnesia.io Sorry guys too much photo but I love this matter so much smile fast if im boring. I love cannabis and cannot stop shoot especially in macro time.
Día 48 (10/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,25 ml/I +TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 Día 49 (11/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + P-Boost 0,5 ml/l + K-Boost 0,5 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,5 ml/I +TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 Subo el CalMag a 0,5 ml/L porque BPPA no se recupera, y el resto muestran inicio de deficiencia Día 50 (12/06) Está lloviendo mucho por aquí. Menos mal que tengo el techo de policarbonato en mi invernadero casero. Hoy no necesitan riego Día 51 (13/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + P-Boost 0,5 ml/l + K-Boost 0,5 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,5 ml/I + TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 Día 52 (14/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,5 ml/I + TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 Día 53 (15/06) Riego con 1 Litro H2O + Regulator 0,15 ml/l + P-Boost 0,5 ml/l + K-Boost 0,5 ml/l + CaMg-Boost 0,5 ml/I + TopBooster 0,2 ml/l - pH 6.2 Día 54 (16/06) Riego con Té de Floración - 750 ml / planta 💦Nutrients by Aptus Holland - www.aptus-holland.com 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE - www.pthorticulture.com/en/products/pro-mix-hp-biostimulant-plus-mycorrhizae