4/15 Fighting a soil pH issue. Learned I made some crucial mistakes this entire grow that compounded week after week until a few days ago and I have complete lockout. I was feeding every watering (rookie mistake). I tested runoff and it was at 1800ppm and 3.5 EC, I have done lots of flushing and got soil to an acceptable level of 800ppm and 1.5-1.6 EC. But my soil pH is testing around 4 and will not come up. I have watered with baking soda and it up near 4.5-4.6 now but I have flushed so much over last 3 days I can't stress the plant anymore. Leaves on the bigger plant are rust spotted everywhere and dying off. I will prob lose plant disappointing since it's so far along. I will still yeild something from it but had this not happened this plant would have been great it's super stinky and sticky right now and buds are dense but would have really stacked on and produced had this not happened. Other plant is chugging along its got same soil issues but showing no signs of stress yet.
4/16 Soil pH is still super low on the sick plant and continues to decline, I watered both plants with baking soda water and was able to get the healthier plants soil to 5.8ph. In a last ditch effort to salvage the sick plant, I cut off the fabric pot and transplanted to a planter I had with double the soil capacity. There were no roots stuck to the walls of fabric pot, the base had some but overall I caused very little damage to root system. I watered again with baking soda water and it's now at 4.4ph the fresh soil I put in planter was 6.8 and immediately after watering the new soil tested down to 4. I'm hoping I can get some leaching of buildup from the old soil to the new and get it balanced quickly.
I was able to get both plants soil testing around 5.8ph and out of the extreme acidity. There are some spots here and there that are testing a little lower. The healthier plant was showing the slightest spotting all over today, I watered it to about 20% runoff with calmag. Hopefully neither plant get any worse.
4/17 repotting the plant seemed to help tremendously, it really frosted up and seems to have resumed flowering. The other plant seems to be about a 7-10 days behind.
4/20 Bigger plant has really taken on a purple hue, pistils are appx 15-20% turned. Other plant seems to be 7-10 days behind, this is the plant that was over watered in the beginning and was stunted.