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She was a pleasure to grow from start to finish. Took well to topping and lst. Would recommend this exotic strain to anyone... rock hard covered colourful frosty nugs And gassy af
Last week of the grow. Checking deep in the plant, it has around 20-25% amber trichomes. I decided it was time to cut it and free up the rest of the tent to get ready to flower.
Week 11 July 16-22 hello friends and followers, welcome to week 11. I started seeing trichomes last week on Gaia and Circe. I don't smell anything from them. Only cream caramel gives off any fragrance. After flushing for 3 weeks, I've reintroduced fertilizer. I am using 1/3 to 1/4 the recommended dosage. How do I know what is the correct range for ec and whether I've unlocked the nutritional bind.? 7/16 flushed each with 1 gallon of water. 7/17 flushed each with 1 gal 7/18 fertilized at reduced strength each got 3.5 liters. Tps1 15ml, cal mag 1 top, big bloom 6 tbsp, signal 2.5 ml. Pictures and video. 7/19 no water, tent cleaning day, vacuum, wipe up dried spills. Took the girls outside for a few hours. 7/20 reduced fertilizer in 2 gals Tps1 7.5 ml, signal 1.25ml. Each girl got only 2 liters today. There was very little run off only Gaia with EC .80, ppm 570. Their tent mate cream caramel is very sticky and fragrant. This week has been very busy. I packed up more geneology albums and shipped to my sister. I found my some of grandmother's award winning photographs and awards, certificates and brass plaques. Until WWII women did not work outside the home. If they did, they were teachers, nurses or secretaries. During the early 1920-40 she raised her son as a single mother and found work during the depression as an executive secretary. Her family men were bankers and merchants so she had awareness of business practices. During her employ, she won an award of $2 for a human resource suggestion on the proper attire for women in the offices and women on the manufacturing lines. She continued working until the 50s. Her family always had cameras . That's how i have so many pictures from 1900. But she immersed herself in photography once she retired.. So when my Dad was in post WWII Japan, he bought her a state of the art camera. I came across so many self photos. She was the queen of selfies. Interesting to see the fashions over the years. Let me know if you would like to see some fashion pics. 7/21 made cookies. See week 1 Natronas recipes. The almond flour cookie is the basic recipe for cookies. The r3cipe calls for chocolate chips but It is versatile in that you can add nuts, dried fruit, caramels etc. If you want to taste my cookies the way I make them, you have to chop Lindt 78% dark chocolate bars and use that instead of chips which are sweeter.This time I added macadamia nuts as well. Yummy. 7/22 light defoiliation , and no water or nutrients.
Week 2 the girls are loving life and showing signs of flower
She is just beautiful she smels like a banana and strong weed wil need around 4-6 more weeks
🍀18/07 - Empieza su octava semana en etapa de floración. 🍀Tiene un aroma muy dulce, como si fuera caramelo, es increíble el olor que larga y la cantidad de tricomas, todos se encuentran color blanco. 🍀Ya le agregue Top Wash de Top Crop para que pueda realizar un buen lavado de raiz. Le agregue 30L de agua para que pueda limpiarse correctamente ya que la maceta que utilizo es de 10L. 🍀Es la primera vez que cultivo una planta muy power, en persona parece como si estuviera bañada en nieve. 🍀Hoy esta cumpliendo 104 dias de vida desde su germinación hasta ahora. 🍀Tengo pensado que entre el jueves y el viernes ya podarla para que entre en etapa de secado. 🍀Subi varias imagenes, hay algunas con microscopio y videos. 🍀En estos dias estare subiendo mas contenido de como se encuentra. 🍀🇦🇷😶‍🌫️Podes seguirme en Insta gran como @bruweed_arg🍀🇦🇷😶‍🌫️
Lost one of skittles dew to high humidity she started to show nanners and had to be removed the second one is doing great
Didn't mean to but ended up snapping the main stem on one of them so I germinated another seed to replace it but over the last 3 days it actually looks like it might be OK, sort of looks like an extreme case of topping so I've left it and will see what happens over the next week, should start seeing some proper growth now, 2 weeks old today, started on a little bit of root juice, roll on next week 👌
This strain must be exclusive to this parts of the world let alone this country, besides my mentor or people we know separately only a handful of us are aware of this strain’s existence. It has been a couple of years, matter of fact the last time I heard or smoked this strain was during the lockdown days of COVIVI, I should kiss myself on the forehead for collecting this strain’s seeds. I would be lying if I gave you a run down of what to expect… I don’t even remember it’s scent nor how the bud looks like. Though I am loving how the seedling is loving the grow medium, but to better legitimise my growing skills in future I must just get seeds from reputable breeders, knowing myself, I will be a bee when it comes to selecting strains, I’ll probably get myself these reddish strains from sweet seeds or purple strains from sensi seeds. Looking forward to tackling hurdles of growing this strain.
Started flushing the blackberry on the right and the purple lemonade the other blackberry and gorilla cookies I reckon will start flush next week and the strawberry banana and dawgs will probably be another 2 weeks before flush .. all stink all look good, one dawg has something going on but I'm not to worried, they are the frostiest stickiest buds I've seen tbh,.. roll on next week 👌
Day 36 and all is well both spliff strawberry made it through the high humidity and are still growing strong
7/18 Plants are looking great. I was able to rearrange the plants so they have a little bit more space and so I can get around every plant. I have small random pest damage (i.e. I caught a four lined plant bug while hunting jpn beetles) but not enough h to warrant treatment. I will probably spray before flower. Sun's out amd plants were praying. I rotated a couple and it only took a few hours for them to "straighten out." I went to look again rhis morning and made the final determination to expand the cage. I'm looking for the 2x4's and the wire in the next couple days. The work that ive done now will but me sometime. I wonder how this rain impacted my soil. 7/19 Plants are looking fantastic. The stretch is starting. One purple punch looks like it's beginning to flower. I think I'm entering the transition period. Jpn beetle damage is evident but not significant. I defoliated a leaf with a a leafminwr or something in it. It's so much easier to get around the plants now. I'm seeing some chunks missing sporadically though. Went to the roses out back and found TONS of jpn beetleson top of each other reproducing. They destroyed that rose bush. I'm going to keep it as a trap plant. My dad's girlfriend wanted to spray it but that doesn't make sense as theflowers are all gone. Dad's grabbing the materials to extend the cage today I think. Right now I can get around every plant but the two big ones in the back. I just cant get to the backs of them and they are huge. Almost reaching the top of the cage. A 4'-6' extension will do wonders in flower. Can't wait. UPDATE: Dad got the 2x4's and we assembled the extension and attached it. He's grabbing the wire as I type this. This worked out beautifully. I had no idea how big the blueberry cheese in the 50 gallon was! This extension (4ft i think) is PERFECT! Then I can get a little extra wire and pull it out if I wanted to. I think I have another 2x4 that I'm going to use in the middle. Lots of great pics and a video I'll upload tomorrow. Hot af today and humidity still super high. Even the commercial dudes was surprised I don't have wpm l and that judging by some of my plants structure that I may do better than I think. I certainly hope so. I WATERED 3 GALLONS OVER THE WHOLE GARDEN. The blueberry cheese in smart pots were drooping. They drink far more water than tje others. I would've given more but we are supposed to have thunderstorms. I left my back tarp off for the night. It will increase airflow and wind is down. I feel like this is going to be my year. 7/20 I updated and loaded everything on the app but notjing would save. Did it again in the website hopfully this saves i didnt put it all up. Didn't water the plants today. Bags seemed okay weight wise. Good thing I did the extension yesterday because those three plants were drooping they were so thirsty. I focused most of the water yesterday on those plants that needed it. The others were somewhat dry but still had some weight. Like i said the blc drinks much more water than any of the other plants. I'm impressed with the growth I'm seeing. Especially since I have been being very stingy with the water and I've only fed like twice and that was just the kelp me/you and big bloom in negligible amounts. I'm watching for deficiencies. I'm just not seeing them. I'm picking up the wire and finishing the extension and then rearranging things. I'll update. UPDATE: WATERED 4 GALLONS CONCENTRATING ON THE PLANTS THAT WERE DROOPING THE MOST. FINISHED ENCLOSURE AND INCREASED PLANT SPACE. TRELLIS WILL GO UP THIS WEEK. VIDEOS WILL BE UPLOADED TOMORROW. 7/21 I should've watered more volume last night. I noticed two plants that seemed much lighter than the rest. After some deliberation I gave them each a half gallon of water. One was the purple punch in the 10 that's huge amd the other was that huge blueberry cheese. I think I'm going to swap places with them, take out a pallet and get some other way to elevate that ONE plant and I'll have even more room. Then I'll add my supports. It's a dream working in there now. I noticed some small interior leaves being used up and dieing. I defoliated them but it was only a couple. I'll need to start nutes at some point. Doesn't need it yet though. I'm going to add some kelp me/you for the heat stress. I need to get the watering down better but it's more difficult when they each have different needs. I kinda have to read the plant. I'd rather be overwatered than underwatered. I tried to upload what I could but some won't. UPDATE: I went over to clip off some fencing that was doubled up AND just to check on tge girls. Found two caterpillars (small but hairy so they were older not the inch worms and possibly what has been contributing to damage on those plants. Things are spread out so it will be harder for insects to move from plant to plant and I have better air flow. I worry that leaving my tarp off might lead to high winds and plants not able to take it buf I digress. I'll add supports later. Plants are huge and drinking far more water than I've been giving them. When I got there several were drooped right over and dry as a bone. The bags are essentially all roots now. I mixed up 8 gallons of water and split it between the plants. I gave less to the two Co trainer plants that weren't drooping and the 10 I watered yesterday that wasn't drooping but for the most part the ones that needed if got at least a gallon or more. The others a little under a gallon. It might rain A LITTLE tonight too. Oh, and since it's been so hot I added 1/2 tsp per gallon of kelp me kelp you to help the plants deal with heat stress. I also noticed that some of the very bottom interior leaves are being used up. I have a feeling ill need to switch to nutes pretty soon. Plus I need to suppirt those plants if I'm going to leave that tarp off and Gove them air. Took a video. But it won't upload here. I'll have to wait till tomm. 7/22 Didn't have much timevthis morning bit I dod a video. Boy those plants loved that water and that kelp. This morning everyone was standing straight up at attention. Supposed to get rain last night but didn't. Good thing I watered. I think I'm going to up the water next watering and then again to the 10% mark if necessary. Especially with the Blueberry cheeses. I'm noticing that a FEW INTERIOR leaves are showing nute deficiencies so I'm probably going to have to start feeding soon. I'll update later. UPDATE: Went back over and cut off the extra wire. I'm going to need to water more volume. Specifically on two plants. The two huge blueberry cheese in 20 gallon smart bags dries out much faster than the rest. I'll have to out that on a different schedule or increase the amount given. Next watering will be 1.5 or 2 gallons a plant and it might be tomorrow from what I was seeing. It's super hot and with the added airflow the bags dry out faster. I also went through EACH plant looking for pests and defoliating old leaves that needed it. Plants are still nice and green but a VERY few older interior leaves are showing deficiencies. I know this is Normal especially since they are trying n g to transition to flower. I also saw pest damage on a couple plants. Four lined plant bug. I already found the one on the other plant and killed it but I'm considering doing a spray before flower. I'm thinking either captain Jack as a "catch all", BT which works great but mostly just on pillars or the organocide bee safe 3 in one pesticide. I also have pyrethium and other things. Thus far picking things off manually has been good enough. At the very least they will get an application of BT very soon. 7/23 Held off on watering this morning. Supposed to get thunder storms I DID split a gallon with two blueberry cheese that were the lightest in the 20 gallon smart pots. Thet drink way more. My water volume is going to need to increase. We haven't had nearly enough rain. I'm going to bump it up to 1.5 to 2 gallons each plant which will be 10% for the 20s and a little less for the others. I'm still seeing various pest damage. Nothing bad but I found another couples leaves that were chomped on by a four lined plant bug so I'm debating applying something tonight when I water. I'm also noticing old leaves being used up and some interior leaves showing slight deficiencies. It will be time to start nutes soon. I'll update as I go. UPDATE: GOT THE FEELING I NEEDED TO CHECK THE PLANTS. SOMETHING DODNT LOOK RIGHT ON THE CAMS. WENT OVER AND EVERY PLANT BUT THE TWO I SPLIT A GALLON WITH AND THE PLANT IN THE 50 WERE DROOPED RIGHT OVER. LIFELESS. I SHOULD'VE WATERED THIS MORNING BUT I DIDNT HAVE TIME. I FIGURED THEY COULD WAIT UNTIL NIGHT. EACH PLANT GOT 1.5 GALLONS AT LEAST. I USED SIXTEEN OR SEVENTEEN GALLONS ON THE GARDEN. I GAVE EACH CONTAINER PLANT ONE GALLON AND GOT RUN OFF FROM BOTH. IM NOTICING SKIGHT FADING IN LEAVES BUT IM NOT INTRODUCING NUTES TO UNDERWATERED PLANTS. I THINK 10% IS GONNA BE TGE MAGIC NUMBER. 2 GALLONS EACH. EVEN THE 10 GALLON SMART POT. ALMLST AS BIG AS THE 30S BUT DRIES OUT QUICKER. 7/24 Plants looked fantastic this morning. Defoliated a few leaves that needed it. Showed my commercial buddy and he said things looked fantastic. Since the soils still holding nutes and I'm not seeing many deficiencies I may hold off on feeding. I'm starting early flower now. I will be using nutes soon. I think ive got the watering schedule pretty much down.
These things are growing out of control! They’re getting so close to the lights it’s insane. I’ve had to drop the lower slightly to prevent burning. These things are just so robust. They are extremely stable genetics and can handle most anything I’ve thrown at it intentionally or not. They just have a really remarkable vigor. Easily they’re nearly double the size since I started flowing exactly 14 days ago. I see calyx’s but no noticeable flowers (or balls) thus far. Should be any day now they finish the stretch and start to pack on the bulk. Some EC issues but nothing really too crazy or anything. They’re drinking a lot. Easily a gallon per day each. Really I’ve had no problems. Highly recommend growing these if you can