Wow! I thought it took off last week but this week has set a new record. This plant is bushy as hell. I've done a lot of LST this week, but it seems like every day there's a new tallest branch that needs to be roped up and tied down to the sides. My hetero life partner says I am being mean to the poor P.Sprout, but it is tough love and sprout will grow up stronger this way.
Each day I've taken a branch that has grown about an inch above the rest and tied it with masons twine in a loop to the edge of the Ebb and Flow container and attached it with a binder clip. The next day there's some new growth that's taken its new light and shot up past the canopy and the process repeats. Interestingly the primary two shoots that came from topping are growing very slowly after being pulled off to the sides-- kind of falling behind the shoots coming out of their nodes. I've now tied off 7 shoots to the edges of the container and I'll probably have two more committed to light bondage tomorrow.
I'm still struggling with the plant wilting in the evenings. By 6 or 7pm everything is looking a little sad and droopy. I've tried changing flooding schedules 2x, 3x, and 4x a day during the 18 hour lights on but it always seems to happen around the same time now. Temperature is not an issue as the temps at the plant are around 27C and the tent has been below 25C. I'm going to try upping the number of waterings to 5x 6x 7x and 8x this week. The webcam running the timelapse also flaked out a bunch this week but that has been resolved.