Will definitely be growing this strain again to see if I can get some better results, not exactly sure what stunted the grow this time but overall still pleased with the quality of bud I got! Thanks for following & happy growing friends!🙏🏼✌️🏼🌱
Rega com Fertilizante. Terminando de regar com o ultimo litro feito. Mais ou menos 150 ml em cada planta. 1 ml do liquido por litro + 0,15 g por litro do sólido. Ajustado o PPFD para aproximadamente 500 em cada planta
Day late on the upload for the week. Took away the grow part of the feed now and just feeding Micro&Bloom. The readings are 320ppm@pH of 6.1. I feed her 4-6 times a day with runoff. Last 3 days at sunset I give her straight water for the sleep period. 😍
Day 22 22/07/24 Monday Nothing new to report. Starting to see them beautiful fans appear that's all 😁✌️ Day 23 23/07/24 Tuesday Feed today, giving them straight all nutes Inc flowering nutes. I will update the dose as they grow and develop a bigger hunger. (Not sure what's wrong with Overdose #2, bit mutated, we'll see how she gets on 😅) Video updates 👌💚 Day 26 26/07/24 Friday De-chlorinated watering pH 6 with 5ml calmag to 5L water. Watered each with 250ml and had small run off. I will continue to feed/water with small run offs to help prevent salt build ups. Video update.
Day 22 22/07/24 Monday Nothing new to report. Starting to see them beautiful fans appear that's all 😁✌️ Day 23 23/07/24 Tuesday Feed today, giving them straight all nutes Inc flowering nutes. I will update the dose as they grow and develop a bigger hunger Video updates 👌💚 Day 26 26/07/24 Friday De-chlorinated watering pH 6 with 5ml calmag to 5L water. Watered each with 250ml and had small run off. I will continue to feed/water with small run offs to help prevent salt build ups. Video update.
Day 22 25/07/24 Thursday Still no Feed/water since Tuesday. Been a humid and overcast two days so not as much evaporation as normal. All plants happy and healthy 💚 Video updates Day 23 26/07/24 Friday De-chlorinated watering pH 6 with 5ml calmag to 5L water. Watered each with 250ml and had small run off. I will continue to feed/water with small run offs to help prevent salt build ups. Video update.
Day 22 25/07/24 Thursday Still no Feed/water since Tuesday. Been a humid and overcast two days so not as much evaporation as normal. All plants happy and healthy 💚 Video updates Day 23 26/07/24 Friday De-chlorinated watering pH 6 with 5ml calmag to 5L water. Watered each with 250ml and had small run off. I will continue to feed/water with small run offs to help prevent salt build ups. Video update. Day 26 29/07/24 Monday Nice feed today, using de-chlorinated tap water pH 6. They each had 300ml with small run off. All looks incredibly happy and healthy! The Auto Kabul that was mutated and twisted has pulled herself through and is just a bit shorter than the others.
Purple Punch Auto gibt Vollgas. Krasser Stretch, sehr durstig. Ich habe Verfärbungen in den Blättern entdeckt. Chlorosen? Insgesamt sieht sie weiterhin fit aus. Ich versuche ein sanftes Spülen gegen eine evtl. Versalzung. Später stellt sich heraus, dass das wahrscheinlich geholfen hat.
8th week! The plant has a slight guava scent.
Banana Purple Punch Auto · Fast Buds
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Bokashi ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bone Meal ·
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FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
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Bone Meal ·
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FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
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Bone Meal ·
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Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
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Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
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Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
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Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
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Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
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Bone Meal ·
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Wood Ash ·
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Bone Meal ·
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Bone Meal ·
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Bone Meal ·
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Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
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Bone Meal ·
Bokashi ·
Wood Ash ·
Bone Meal ·
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Magnesium ·
Bone Meal ·
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Wood Ash ·
KNF Banana ·
Bokashi ·
KNF Banana ·
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Bone Meal ·
Magnesium ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
Wood Ash ·
Wood Ash ·
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Bokashi ·
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Bone Meal ·
Dolomitic Limestone ·
Bokashi ·
Bone Meal ·
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Bone Meal ·
Chicken Manure ·
Bokashi ·
FAA - Fish Amino Acid ·
So this small plant turned out pretty bushy, she got dark of the 1000ppm and now the buds will get huge real soon
This plant got defoliated (inner branches cut away) and and huge stem leaves I also pulled the branches down to open it up and now she will het the shape we need to bulck insane weight I also strated feedin drypart now so get ready for the huge growth haha
Das Substrat ist nach heftigen Regenfällen vollgesaugt aber dennoch gut belüftet. Vitales Pflänzchen. Es stürmt, sie brauchte etwas halt und überstand diese Woche ohne ein nächtliches Glasdach über dem Kopf. Es sieht vielversprechend aus bis jetzt.
Das Pflänzchen wird zur Pflanze. Bis jetzt läuft es gut. Die Entscheidung, in den Kompost 20% Kokosfasern einzumischen war richtig. Dieser Strain war eine spanische gratis Samenspende des Saatgutlieferanten meiner Wahl. 😊 5 Samen haben sie beigelegt. Beim ersten Versuch habe ich die Samen draußen zum Keimen bringen wollen, das hat gar nicht geklappt. Alle vier Strains sind noch unter der Erde verfault. Es war zu kalt und zu nass.
7/24 I decided to label this week as flower. It's more like preflower though. GMOs are stretching like crazy. Due to the rain we weren't supposed to get some of my plants are a little over watered. That's why I love the fabric pots. With the winds we get the bags dry out fast. The GMO's would've needed water anyway if we didn't get this storm. Event Horizon seems to be the furthest in flower amd the most over watered. WE'LL get a LITTLE more rain today and tomorrow but then hopfully my bags will dry out. They are heavy as hell right now. Had we not got rain for what seems like forever. Several plants would've needed to be watered if we didn't get this rain. Still the plants are currently overwatered. All the pics and video so far are from this morning after the horrible pounding rain of yesterday. Like I said before, I need to; defoliate for better air flow, add secondary supports or a vertical trellis, considering using a preventative pest application (e.g. BT), LST and spread branches apart and start using nutes. 7/25 Wasn't supposed to rain today. Like .001. It poured this morning and is still raining VERY LIGHTLY at 2:30. We got an inch yesterday. The total for these 3 days was suppised to be under half an inch. Anyway I went over around two and everything looks great! Things are clearly overwatered and heavy but the plants look happy! Most have their leaves out and everything! I love growing in bags because they dry out so quickly! I don't mind watering more. I defoliated one event horizon and the few yellow leaves I coukd see on other plants after shaking them off. The seedling in the 50 is far behind the others in flower and just showed its sex. I'm fairly certain that one is red runtz. Whatever it is is going to flower much later than the rest. It's going to be good if I have couple early finishers. I did a video but I'll have to upload tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do And not just in the garden so I'm hoping I can balance things out and get this stuff done. Caught three TINY inch worms. I'm wondering if me manually hunting has cut the adult population down and I'm just getting fresh born ones? If that's the case I wouldn't need to spray. 7/25 Plants looked pretty great today. I think me manually removing pillars has made a big difference. It's windy out too so it won't take long for those bags to dry out. Which is good because what wad supposed to be a half inch of rain turned into 3 straight days of rain. I'll be back over to work on the garden today and I'll update then.
26.07 Moved the girls to 7l pots. About 5 l of medium coco/perlite 70/30. They will be rooting for a couple of days with gentle light around 400 ppfd. Co2 - 600-800ppm
#seedsman420growoff and #SeedsmanSeeds 📆 Week 13, 20-26 July 2024 20-26 July - Observed and let the plant grow. 📑 This has been another good week for the Pineapple OG! Although it may appear the flowers are not growing in this stage, be assured they are. It takes patience not to cut too early, one has to let the plant do the talking when it comes to maturity. I can’t imagine growing one for 3 months or more and then not have the discipline to allow it to fully mature before harvest. Looking like at least a couple of more weeks to go until finish. 🍶 23 July nutrient solution changed 🍽️ 23 July feeding schedule updated 💧 Using reverse osmosis water with EC/TDS at 0 🐉 Nutrient Solution EC 2.3 at 74 degree F 🔆 Light power at 75%, DLI 45 canopy coverage at 12hrs 😤 Using General Hydroponics, HGC728040, Dual Diaphragm Air Pump, 320 GPH That is it for this week. Thanks for the look, read and stopping by.
Pineapple OG Feminised · Seedsman
XS1500 · ViparSpectra
Spider Farmer 2'x2'x5' · Spider Farmer
TriPart Micro · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom · Terra Aquatica
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH CaliMagic ·
Fulvex · Botanicare
Hydroguard · Botanicare
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
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GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
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GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Flora Blend ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Rapid Start ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
Europonics Fossil Fuel ·
GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Cali Magic ·
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GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
GH Diamond Nector ·
GH Floralicious Plus+ ·
GH Cali Magic ·
Europonics Silicate ·
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GH Flora Nectar ·
GH Liquid KoolBloom ·
Diese Woche musste ich am Ball bleiben, ein krasser Stretch machte ein fast tägliches LST und eine dezente Entlaubung notwendig. Um einen schönen Ertag für zwei zu generieren, habe ich mich aufgrund der Lage unseres Balkons entschieden, alle Pflanzen kräftig runterzubinden. Zwei Ziele habe ich dabei verfolgt. Zum Einen haben wir hier maximal sieben Stunden mit direkter Sonneneinstrahlung. Durch LST erhoffe ich mir eine gleichmäßige Blütenbildung und Konzentration von Terpenen. Zum Anderen liegen wir mit unserem Balkon mitten im Dorfzentrum mit regem „Publikumsverkehr“. Das deutsch Cannabis Gesetz sieht vor, dass der Anbau nicht öffentlich einsehbar sein darf. Ohne das herunter Binden könnte man die Damen allerdings sehen. Die Anordnung der Pflanzen ist auch so vorgenommen worden, das sich eine Art Sonnenfalle bildet. Jede Pflanze und insbesondere die Blüten bekommen das maximal Mögliche an Sonneneinstrahlung. 🌞 Gegossen wird nun morgens und abends nach Gefühl. Purple Punch Auto fühlt sich ganz wohl hier. Die Vorblüte sieht vielversprechend aus.
Die Kabul entwickelt sich prima 👌. Ich habe mir heute nochmal die unteren Blätter sowie die zu kleine Blüten vorgenommen und abgeschnitten. Ich möchte fette Mainbuds 😊! Ich hoffe, das haut auch hin. Aber was soll schon dagegen sprechen. Alles ist im „ grünen „ Bereich und das Mädel hat auch ordentlich Durst. Es ist immer wieder schön diesen Prozess zu verfolgen. Ich liebe es einfach. Bis die Tage ✌️
2024-07-23 A few months ago, I germinated three opium poppy seeds. Each seedling was given a different setup: 1. Outdorgrow in a 30L container 2. Outdoorgrow in a 75L container 3. Indoorgrow in a 30L Airpot This post focuses on the indoor plant, which was trained using various techniques such as mainlining, topping, LST (Low Stress Training), and some supercropping. The indoor plant thrived from the beginning, showing vigorous and healthy growth. It responded well to training, consistently displaying a robust appearance. Its growth seemed effortless, requiring only adequate water and minimal nutrients. Training began with topping and continued for 9 weeks during the vegetation phase. The main technique used was mainlining, shaping the plant into a circle using pipe cleaners. The plant's soft stems and branches made it easy to train without causing stress. After 9 weeks of vegetative growth and training, I was satisfied with the result and initiated the flowering phase. The plant continued to flourish, primarily needing water and care. Only a few NPK feedings were necessary, but it received many beneficial supplements with watering. The growing medium used was Terra Preta MJ-Mix, and I applied a mycorrhizal inoculant called DYNOMYCO. This significantly enhanced root development and nutrient breakdown. Essentially, And i applied aTodpressing with Insectfrass, so they stayed lovely green. I was feeding the microorganisms in the Terra Preta mix, which in turn kept the plant healthy. The plant developed beautiful colas while maintaining its circular shape. Harvesting was straightforward. The aroma was fruity (reminiscent of apricot) with a strong, gassy undertone. The buds are currently curing. I've taken photographs of the plant's "skeleton" and some pre-cured buds, showcasing the impressive trichome development. The OutdoorPlants are still growing, and the Diary will continue