Looks like I missed a week…
It’s been horribly hot, and they only have access to the light outside.
…In the heat.
So I have been keeping them in filtered sun, sometimes shade or a brief moment in the sun. They soak up all the morning sun when it’s cooler at least. I’ve noticed what would most likely be a subtle potassium deficiency. The heat is bad. Not too hot, but unfortunately there were multiple occasions where they had more hot sun than necessary. I didn’t notice any signs of stress at the time, other than leaf tips and edges folding and pointing up a lil bit. But later in the evening I could see subtle discoloration. I’m pretty sure these young un-established plants are just running a little short on potassium. I’ve been giving them potassium as well. It’s just a matter of keeping them cool.
Overall I’d say they haven’t gotten too hot! Just hot enough multiple times to put a higher demand on water and potassium than necessary, all while having slowed growth. I positive they are all still good and no one has been stunted. I hope!
But yeah I think we are doing good. Just going slower than usual with the excessive heat. We are averaging a high of 90 Fahrenheit with some days getting 94!
Also, they are growing slowly not only because of the heat, but the lack of direct light for the second half of the day. I’d rather grow slowly than risk stunting any. I’m feeling positive about this bunch. They are young and bursting with life!! ….slowly.