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Hi, I'm Istr, an indoor cannabis grower. I currently cultivate Gorilla Punch Autoflower using GardensGarage lights and Advanced Nutrients.👻 (Merhaba, ben İstr, iç mekanda kenevir yetiştiricisiyim. Şu anda GardensGarage ışıklarını ve Advanced Nutrients kullanarak Gorilla Punch Autoflower'ı yetiştiriyorum.) I love autoflowers for their quick lifecycle and suitability for indoor growing. I share my growing techniques through workshops and online forums, helping others improve their cultivation skills.👹 (Otomatik çiçekleri hızlı yaşam döngüleri ve iç mekan yetiştiriciliğine uygunlukları nedeniyle seviyorum. Büyüme tekniklerimi çevrimiçi forumlar aracılığıyla paylaşarak başkalarının uygulama becerilerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı oluyorum.) Feel free to follow my journey and share your thoughts on my progress. You can ask if have any questions or need advice on indoor growing.👍👍 (Yolculuğumu takip etmekten ve ilerlemem hakkındaki düşüncelerinizi paylaşmaktan çekinmeyin. İç mekan yetiştirme konusunda sorularınız varsa veya tavsiyeye ihtiyacınız varsa sorabilirsiniz) During the germination process; (çimlenme süreci) I planted the plants after soaking them in water for 24 hours and in a napkin for 24 hours, and they emerged from the soil within a day.👽 (Bitkileri 24 saat suda, 24 saat de peçetede beklettikten sonra diktim ve bir gün içinde topraktan çıktılar.) 👉Week 1: On the third day, the leaves began to show. I continue to keep my girls in the humidity dome.🙏 Day 7: The water grains on the leaves warped the leaves a little, so I continue with the humidity machine. (Üçüncü gün yapraklar çıkmaya başladı. kızları nem kubbesinde tutmaya devam ediyorum. 7. günde kubbeleri yapraklar çirkinleştiği için çıkardım. Nem makinasıyla nem veriyorum.) 👉Week2: we are on day 12 I continue the same routine by just adjusting the light, I will do a transpalant on the 15th day. I did a transpalant to 15lt pots on the 14th day and used revive to relieve stress. (12. gündeyiz, aynı rutinle devam ediyorum, 15. günde bitkilere transpalant yapıcam. 20. günde de belki topping. 14. günde 15 litre saksılara ekim yaptım, stresi azaltmalası için revive kullandım) 👉Week3: They seem to be developing well after the transpalant on the 18th day! Everything is fine On the 20th day, I topping one of the plants, but I did not touch the other plant because I saw the pistil nests. (18. günde yapılan transpalanttan sonra iyi bir gelişme gösteriyorlar! Herşey yolunda 20. günde bir bitkiye topping yaptım, diğerinde pistil yuvası gördüğüm için yapmadım) 👉Week4: I did low stress training on the 21st day on the plant that I did not top. I continue LST on the 24th day, the condition of the plants is very good, one of them is considered to be in bloom. (21. günde topping yapmadığım bitkiye lst yaptım. 24. günde LST yi devam ettiriyorum, bitkilerin durumu gayet iyi, bir tanesi çiçeklenmeye girdi sayılır) Bloom 👉Week5: Everything is going well, the pistils are starting to form, I see bruises on the inside of the buds of the plant on the right, I hope I have purple buds 😻😻 (her şey yolunda ilerliyor, sağdaki bitkinin tomurcuklarında morlaşmalar görüyorum, sanırım mor sömekli olacak 😻 )
Welcome to week 14 of my grow diary. What can I say? The plant is growing like weed. It's getting bigger and bushier from week to week. I can't complain about the weather except that I have to water her so much every day😂 See you next week ✌️
Hallo zusammen 🤙. Habe sie heute geerntet. Musste sie nicht düngen in den 80 Tagen 🤙🤤 Wir sehen uns in 3 Wochen mit dem Erntebericht
Note : + jegliches Zubehör wird in der GermniationsWoche aufgelistet . Zeitraffer Videos folgen immer nachträglich. + videos werden so geschnitten das nur ein geschlossenes Zelt erscheint , ergo Fehlen paar reale Minuten (ca 1 Std) . Sanlight Tageslichtzyklus in Lebenswoche 6 : + 200PPFD - 1h - 750PPFD - 16h - 750PPFD - 1h - 200PPFD = DLI 46.60 + + Formel : DLI = PPFD * h * 0.0036 + + in LebensWoche 6 ist der Max-DLI ohne CO² : 45.0 Dazu kann man sich gerne die Zeitraffer angucken . Die Pflänzchen brauchen schon Ihre Zeit auf touren zu kommen . Ergo ist Sonnenaufgang und Untergang reines Stromsparen . Day 36: + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Büte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + Final : PH 6.2 Nach dem die Mangelerscheinungen wie gewünscht aufgetreten sind, gehts jetzt mit Blütedünger weiter . Sie hat sich prächtig in die neue Umgebung eingelebt. Wetter werte sind hier Super , also ist auch im Zelt super Stimmung :)) Videos folgen in den Tagen . Day 37: Sie wächst gerade noch paar Zentimeter :)) Blühten werden mehr . Day 38 : Und wieder das Licht etwas höher händen , den Sie wächst noch immer !!! Day 39 : + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + Final : PH 5.5 (das Urgesteinsmehl zieht das sowieso auf mindestens PH 6.5) + etwas Entlaubung der defiziet Blätter. Day 40: Day 41: + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + Final : PH 5.5 (das Urgesteinsmehl zieht das sowieso auf mindestens PH 6.5) Day 42: + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + Final : PH 5.6 , Drain PH 6.89
Note : + jegliches Zubehör wird in der GermniationsWoche aufgelistet . Zeitraffer Videos folgen immer nachträglich. + videos werden so geschnitten das nur ein geschlossenes Zelt erscheint , ergo Fehlen paar reale Minuten (ca 1 Std) . Sanlight Tageslichtzyklus in Lebenswoche 6 : + 200PPFD - 1h - 750PPFD - 16h - 750PPFD - 1h - 200PPFD = DLI 46.60 + + Formel : DLI = PPFD * h * 0.0036 + + in LebensWoche 6 ist der Max-DLI ohne CO² : 45.0 Dazu kann man sich gerne die Zeitraffer angucken . Die Pflänzchen brauchen schon Ihre Zeit auf touren zu kommen . Ergo ist Sonnenaufgang und Untergang reines Stromsparen . Day 36: + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Büte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + Final : PH 6.2 Nach dem die Mangelerscheinungen wie gewünscht aufgetreten sind, gehts jetzt mit Blütedünger weiter . Sie hat sich prächtig in die neue Umgebung eingelebt. Wetter werte sind hier Super , also ist auch im Zelt super Stimmung :)) Videos folgen in den Tagen . Day 37: Sie wächst gerade noch paar Zentimeter :)) Blühten werden mehr . Day 38 : Und wieder das Licht etwas höher händen , den Sie wächst noch immer !!! Day 39 : + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + Final : PH 5.5 (das Urgesteinsmehl zieht das sowieso auf mindestens PH 6.5) + etwas Entlaubung der defiziet Blätter. Day 40: Day 41: + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + Final : PH 5.5 (das Urgesteinsmehl zieht das sowieso auf mindestens PH 6.5) Day 42: + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + Final : PH 5.6 , Drain PH 6.89
Note : + jegliches Zubehör wird in der GermniationsWoche aufgelistet . Zeitraffer Videos folgen immer nachträglich. + videos werden so geschnitten das nur ein geschlossenes Zelt erscheint , ergo Fehlen paar reale Minuten (ca 1 Std) . Sanlight Tageslichtzyklus in Lebenswoche 6 : + 200PPFD - 1h - 750PPFD - 16h - 750PPFD - 1h - 200PPFD = DLI 46.60 + + Formel : DLI = PPFD * h * 0.0036 + + in LebensWoche 6 ist der Max-DLI ohne CO² : 45.0 Dazu kann man sich gerne die Zeitraffer angucken . Die Pflänzchen brauchen schon Ihre Zeit auf touren zu kommen . Ergo ist Sonnenaufgang und Untergang reines Stromsparen . Day 36: + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Büte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + Final : PH 6.2 Nach dem die Mangelerscheinungen wie gewünscht aufgetreten sind, gehts jetzt mit Blütedünger weiter . Sie hat sich prächtig in die neue Umgebung eingelebt. Wetter werte sind hier Super , also ist auch im Zelt super Stimmung :)) Videos folgen in den Tagen . Day 37: Sie wächst gerade noch paar Zentimeter :)) Blühten werden mehr . Day 38 : Und wieder das Licht etwas höher händen , den Sie wächst noch immer !!! Day 39 : + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + Final : PH 5.5 (das Urgesteinsmehl zieht das sowieso auf mindestens PH 6.5) + etwas Entlaubung der defiziet Blätter. Day 40: Day 41: + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + Final : PH 5.5 (das Urgesteinsmehl zieht das sowieso auf mindestens PH 6.5) Day 42: + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + Final : PH 5.6 , Drain PH 6.89
Note : + jegliches Zubehör wird in der GermniationsWoche aufgelistet . Zeitraffer Videos folgen immer nachträglich. + videos werden so geschnitten das nur ein geschlossenes Zelt erscheint , ergo Fehlen paar reale Minuten (ca 1 Std) . Sanlight Tageslichtzyklus in Lebenswoche 6 : + 200PPFD - 1h - 750PPFD - 16h - 750PPFD - 1h - 200PPFD = DLI 46.60 + + Formel : DLI = PPFD * h * 0.0036 + + in LebensWoche 6 ist der Max-DLI ohne CO² : 45.0 Dazu kann man sich gerne die Zeitraffer angucken . Die Pflänzchen brauchen schon Ihre Zeit auf touren zu kommen . Ergo ist Sonnenaufgang und Untergang reines Stromsparen . Day 36: + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Büte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + Final : PH 6.2 Nach dem die Mangelerscheinungen wie gewünscht aufgetreten sind, gehts jetzt mit Blütedünger weiter . Sie hat sich prächtig in die neue Umgebung eingelebt. Wetter werte sind hier Super , also ist auch im Zelt super Stimmung :)) Videos folgen in den Tagen . Day 37: Sie wächst gerade noch paar Zentimeter :)) Blühten werden mehr . Day 38 : Und wieder das Licht etwas höher händen , den Sie wächst noch immer !!! Day 39 : + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + Final : PH 5.5 (das Urgesteinsmehl zieht das sowieso auf mindestens PH 6.5) + etwas Entlaubung der defiziet Blätter. Day 40: Day 41: + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + Final : PH 5.5 (das Urgesteinsmehl zieht das sowieso auf mindestens PH 6.5) Day 42: + 2Liter Flaschenwasser + + Dünger für Blühte + + + Canna Terrar Flores (Achtung wirkt wie PH-) + + + Canna Boost + + + Cannazym + + + Canna Rhizotonic + + + Greenhouse Feeding BioEnhancer als PH+ + Final : PH 5.6 , Drain PH 6.89
Hello Growers 🙏🏿 Start of week 4 Day 22 - placed the plants with the lowest hight on some books, so they all get the even amount of light -noticing that that plants slowly touch the back and side walls of the tent , Day 23 -they had 30 h of light with no sleep, and now the flower phase begin -start of 12-12 cycle -bottom leaves start to fall off Day 24 - forgot to turn the van on... almost everything was wet after the night -first day of 12-12 they liked it... start to see growth in height - had to adjust the height of the lights Day 25 -added some soil, cause some roots were watching out of the soil - removed all baby leaves , and most of the row above - gave them each 1,5-1,7l after 1 h after waking up - noticing huge stretch in height every day, need to adjust the light almost daily If u notice something or have any tips for me that might help, please let me know !
she is fadeing into red/purple at the buds and sugar leafs while also completeley yellowing out because of nitrogen and a light bit of green is also here and there. love to look at her and the jucy buds. i think she might be done in about a week
manganese deficency is really eating her up quiet a bit.... defoliateing every 2-3 days because i just have to... wont add anything more so lets see how she goes from here
All good, buds are packing on weight. Feeding will be 3 times this week, afterwards it should be enough nutrients in the soil till finish. Smell is getting stronger, i like the scent! It’s not skunky more fruity and minty. I removed the lower fanleaves. Maybe I will cut the Upper fanleaves at the end of the week. We will see. I will update over the week. Humidity over nights is constantly above 80% currently. I have no idea how to get the Lady in a more dry environment… so this is a real test concerning her mold resistance… And the hours of direct sunlight are going down towards 4h soon… it is a race against time… Wednesday: today it’s windy. Added a video. Friday: a lot of pollen from the trees around in my buds… maybe I will try to pick the shit out of my beautiful flowers… The buds getting bigger… maybe i will harvest end of next week to reduce the risk of mold….
The cannabis plant is in excellent health, showing vibrant green leaves and a robust structure. The overall appearance suggests that the plant is thriving in its current environment. No signs of nutrient deficiencies, or diseases have been observed. A light defoliation was performed during this week. This practice will help the plant focus its energy on the upper buds, leading to better yield and quality in the upcoming weeks. The plant has been fed according to the BioBizz nutrient schedule, specifically following the guidelines for week 2 of the flowering stage. The nutrients provided include BioBizz Bio-Bloom, Bio-Grow, and Top-Max, which have been carefully measured and administered to support the plant’s transition into full flowering. I'm curious to see what will become of the plant. Stay tuned! 🌱🌱
The cannabis plant is in excellent health, showing vibrant green leaves and a robust structure. The overall appearance suggests that the plant is thriving in its current environment. No signs of nutrient deficiencies, or diseases have been observed. A light defoliation was performed during this week. This practice will help the plant focus its energy on the upper buds, leading to better yield and quality in the upcoming weeks. The plant has been fed according to the BioBizz nutrient schedule, specifically following the guidelines for week 2 of the flowering stage. The nutrients provided include BioBizz Bio-Bloom, Bio-Grow, and Top-Max, which have been carefully measured and administered to support the plant’s transition into full flowering. I'm curious to see what will become of the plant. Stay tuned! 🌱🌱
Day 33: What an amazing height and bud gain in just 3 days! Lady #1 is 67 cm tall now, her sister a tad smaller. Both still have a great color, and I dared to cur away just the lowest branches and leaves that do not look like they could gain height in time. Really enjoying this strain so far! At the end of their day, they are a bit dropping leaves, so clearly no hunger for more light. The impressive growth speed continued on their buds: Tallest lady at 70 cm now. Their next morning shows growth is still at an impressive 5 cm/day as lady #1 with her leaves erected again stretches now 72, the maximum of my previous growth. Pulled the lights as close as possible to the ceiling and hope they won’t make it much more than 1 m. I activated the Sansi 30 W folded wings LED to give them somewhat of a morning and evening light and to add some more light to their overlapping center branches in the middle of "their" day. Sadly that’s causing some interference to the timelapse videos, but I can’t say they’re perfect if it wouldn’t. Watching the timelapse video of day 34, I have the feeling the additional light rather irritates them. Maybe the interference is not only visible for electronic eyes. I’ll keep it off next day for comparisons. Day 35 shows stretch speed has reduced indeed and they seem to be concentrating on leaf and bud growth instead. 75 cm, so we are currently at "only" 3 cm/day. Watered them with a HPE/Bud growth mix again last night, about 1 l each. Well, forget my words about reduced growth. After they recovered during the night, we are at 77 cm for lady #1. Which measured at 78 with hanging leaves in their day’s evening. I must have missed a day number – day 36 concludes their 5th week. I gave them another 2 l of fertilised water each and will lave them for the weekend again. Video shows that growth concentrates now more on leaf and bud development than on gaining height. So I guess my 160 cm tent will be sufficient. For a moment I was worried, but it looks like stretch is over. Anyway, time to rearrange the camera next week. Leaves are running out of focus.
Welcome to my Ðivine ØĠ Ķush diary. In this diary: Seeds: sponsored by Ðivine Șeeds Media: Promix HP Nutrients: Advanced Nutrients, Diablo Nutrients, Gaia Green Power Bloom. Light and Weather: Şun☀️and Mother Earth.🌎 ___________________________ Feeding: Wed 14Aug: 8L water not pH'd Thu 15Aug: 10L water not pH'd Fri 16Aug: 9L water not pH'd Sat 17Aug: 10L water not pH'd Sun 18Aug: 6L water not pH'd Mon 19Aug: 2L water not pH'd ___________________________ *please note that most watering are from top now since topping with Gaia Green Power Bloom* ______________________________ Ķush Ķush got more defoliation treatment who required the stepladder last Friday Aug16th😅😂🤣mostly fan leaves and tiny branches. _______________________________ Top dressing her with Gaia Green Power Bloom was a Sage move she seems to like it, haven't fed her with liquid nutrients this past week, was kinda concerned about over feeding her😬but will do later on this week. ______________________________ Thanks for stopping by, likes and comments are appreciated!👊🏻😎 Keep on growin! Keep on tokin!!! 😙💨💨💨💨💨