Hey all ! Here we go again, with some super duper genetics (... and so f*ck*ng expensive 😱).
If you have a Growing Lad and you past here , STOP ! I NEED YOU ☝️
I wanna a job in the Cannabis industry, just leave me in your Lab I will do the rest 🐞
The Jumanji will be powered by Cellmax Nutrients :
[Day 113]
Last week for the Super Skunk , flushed the soil to 450ppm, the buds are .... big ? Massive ? Stunning ? Donkey d*ck buds ? .... I can't find my words ... just look by yourself the video and the pictures I'll let you judge 😉
Now I really want to point the efficiency of Cellmax nutrients, as you can see the Alga-Max has done a wonderful jod, buds has exploded, but the most important thing is the scent and aromas... O...M...G so beautiful !!!! The Flower Stimulator has triggered and pushed to max level all the terpenoids and sweetness, all this combined with the Allzymes to increase a bit more the absorption I'm getting quality and quantity, this is a proof of high premium quality ingredients 👍
[Day 114]
- Water pH 6.5 (Cellmax pH Down Bloom)
[Day 115]
- Water pH 6.5 (Cellmax pH Down Bloom) + Flower Stimulator 2ml/1l + Allzymes 1ml/1l : 400ppm / 0.9mS
- Water pH 6.5 (Cellmax pH Down Bloom)
SS 1,2,3
WW 1,2,3
[Day 117]
- Water pH 6.5 (Cellmax pH Down Bloom) + Allzymes 1ml/1l + Flower Stimulator 2ml/1l + Alga-Max 1ml/1l + Earth Bloom Mix 2ml/1l : 800ppm
- Water pH 6.5 (Cellmax pH Down Bloom)
SS 2
[Day 118]
- Water pH 6.5 (Cellmax pH Down Bloom)
SS 3
-Water pH 6.5 (Cellmax pH Down Bloom) + Allzymes 1ml/1l + Flower Stimulator 2ml/1l : 400ppm