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Looks perfect. Got nutrition half of the recommended amount, react great to it. Tie some branches so thay get more light. Will love to know when and if I need to cut some of the leaves how hide the light/not looks good.
🍁Dicas e sugestões? As meninas agradecem! 📸Update de fotos, vídeos e informações diariamente. DAY 22 Estudado muito para ver se aprendo algo sobre NUTRIÇÃO DAS PLANTAS e consigo fazer um bom schedule. Daqui 3 dias começo alimentá-las com nutrientes minerais. Infelizmente preciso esperar os medidores de pH e TDS/EC chegarem. O pior é que acho que elas estão pedindo comida. Ainda bem que são só 3 dias até os medidores chegarem. DAY 23 Amanhã os medidores de EC e pH chegam! Minhas meninas finalmente vão ser alimentadas, estão famintas com certeza. Cresceram muito e comeram o “quase nada” que tinha no substrato. A deficiência de Nitrogenio (N) já pode ser vista nas folhas enroladas 90°. DAY 24 😃 Os medidores de pH e EC finalmente chegaram!! Já podemos começar a alimentação das meninas. Todos muito felizes. DAY 25 Todas meninas devidamente alimentadas. Muita expectativa para saber se elas gostaram dos nutrientes. Elas estão crescendo bem, mesmo com fome (até 1cm/dia). DAY 26 😍Minhas meninas estão crescendo maravilhosamente! Hoje reguei só com água, mas amanhã vou dar mais comida de novo. Escolhi dar alimentação 2 vezes na semana. COP está cada dia mais bonita. C4 foi removida do growbox e agora está na varanda aproveitando a luz natural. Agora são 4 plantas, as 2 mais fortes irão para a floração na barraca. DAY 27 As meninas receberam a segunda alimentação da semana e ficaram muito felizes. Aumentei a rega para 500ml/planta. DAY 28 ✂️ Para aprender e entender um pouco melhor como funciona e como elas se comportam fiz hoje poda de cobertura e defoliation nas plantas C1 e C3. Na C1 eu deixei 4 fan leafs, na C3 eu deixei 2 fan leafs. Espero que elas gostem do novo penteado. 🎃Obrigado por verificar meu cultivo.
The time is coming. Leaves are yellowing and falling down, buds stopped to grow and 50-60% of pistils became orange/brown. I already did few flushing watering. :)
This Canuk lady has been a GEM! It’s just about time to cut this girl down. She’s been a very nice plant to grow! I’ve just been giving her plain water for awhile now so she is yellowing out and fattening up! She will be coming down this weekend I’m guessing 😀 I will definitely run this genetic again! Pure gold! 😎🍿
she likes the heat a lot, i added the co2 on the 21st day, i saw all the difference in the next hour, it's amazing how they can store so much light/she likes the heat a lot, i added co2 to the 21st day, i saw all the difference in the next hour, it's amazing how they can store so much light * I still have not turned on the HLG 300 My instagram for more pics : KarukeraOxymore
Day 36: Girls looking pretty happy. Still some discoloration going on. Doesn't look to be spreading though. Day 37: Ok, the girls obviously were not happy this morning. I watered with quite a good amount of runoff and measure the PPM at 3200!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm surprised they are still alive! Had to make a quick run to get some water for a flush as I only have 5 gallons worth. Ran 2 gallons through each of them at a ph of 6.4 around 9:30 this morning. It's now 5pm and they have pulled through great. These OG Kush are extremely resilient. Day 38: The girls look way better today after flushing yesterday. Two of the pots were almost completely dry already. Went ahead and fed at 500ppm with runoff. Day 39: I think it's dialed in now. They are looking amazing and still stretching pretty good. Went ahead and pulled off a handful of leaves between the 5 of em. Day 40: Did a little more defoliation and opened them up a bit. I am super worried about getting any type of mold or any issues in particular for this first round. One of the girls needs a touch more but ran out of time. Girls are looking super healthy! 💪 Day 41: They are looking super awesome. Got the runoff dialed in. 750 going in and roughly 800 coming out. May up it in a week or so. Day 42: Nothing new to update. Girls still looking amazing. I think the stretch may be slowing just a tad.
Finished Week 3 of Flower and watching it like a hawk for any hint of PM. Did have to spray occasionally on a few leaves, but total spots found were less than 10 for all three plants. I perform DAILY inspections, LEAF BY LEAF, ensuring I do not suffer the same fate I encountered on my first grow. Did some light LST'ng, but more really like pulling down slightly, any very tall stems. Removed remaining fan leaves that aren't on a node with an active bud site, mostly all bottom level leaves. All in all, some great bud growth. I can say The Bling is a very lanky and upright plant. I still have all the LST wires attached as there is still tension for it to grow straight up! Mimosa has the most bud sites and even growth. Napali Pink is also growing well. Has been unaffected by PM from early on through today. If you are looking for a hearty, PM-resistant plant, Napali Pink is it.
she likes the heat a lot, i added the co2 on the 21st day, i saw all the difference in the next hour, it's amazing how they can store so much light/she likes the heat a lot, i added co2 to the 21st day, i saw all the difference in the next hour, it's amazing how they can store so much light * I still have not turned on the HLG 300
she likes the heat a lot, i added the co2 on the 21st day, i saw all the difference in the next hour, it's amazing how they can store so much light/she likes the heat a lot, i added co2 to the 21st day, i saw all the difference in the next hour, it's amazing how they can store so much light * I still have not turned on the HLG 300
she likes the heat a lot, i added the co2 on the 21st day, i saw all the difference in the next hour, it's amazing how they can store so much light/she likes the heat a lot, i added co2 to the 21st day, i saw all the difference in the next hour, it's amazing how they can store so much light * I still have not turned on the HLG 300 My instagram for more pics : KarukeraOxymore
Well I must be doing things right, for an auto this girl is doing really well. I’m still learning but will be growing more Bruce Banner. I’d soon rather have sativa but takes so much longer to grow. She takes all the nutrients I give and drinking more water this week, had to top her up a few times. PH is 6.4 TDS is right around 1000 Temp is 20c Humidity is 60-70
Las plantas siguen engordando que dan miedo, no han estirado mucho, pero las flores están gordas y duras como piedras. El aroma terroso se ha acentuado esta semana. Por parte de la planta mutante sigue con su curiosa historia, atrajo cochinilla algodonosa y un tipo de gusano verde (dejo video) Ese dia quite el gusano y pase de la planta, no tenia tiempo y me fui desanimado pensando como lidiar con las plagas ahora en engorde, siendo una pesadez el limpiar a mano hoja por hoja. Pues al dia siguiente se hizo la magia de la madre naturaleza, llegué preparado para limpiarla y la planta estaba perfecta, ni rastro del mas mínimo insecto. Me estaba dando unas caladas mientras miraba la planta intentando entender que había pasado y de repente aparece una avispa y empieza a pasar por la parte inferior de todas las hojas de la planta y el tallo, respetando las flores xD Queda explicado, apareció la señora avispa y se dio un festín con tanto insecto y huevos que habían en la planta, conseguí grabarla un poco con el teléfono. Siempre había odiado a las avispas y mira por donde me salio una amiga / aliada inesperada, puede venir cuando quiera, esta invitada a comer xD
Welcome back✊ Outdoor season is finally showing the labours of love with buds a plenty. Can you feel the excitement? 🙌 Big time aromas in the garden this week are really quite something.👌 Everything from bananas and grapes to sweet & sour citrus and even dirty diaper. What? Yup that's right...My Blue Fire's smell like 💩 just like the clone mother and she's pure FIRE!!! I've grown this strain indoors but this is my first time growing it outside so I'm really looking forward to the outcome. 👍 Sept.14 the girls are putting on some serious weight. Colas are fattening up nicely but with that extra weight I’ve had to add more support and netting. 💪 Sept.15 last night temps got down to 8 celsius (46F) and today's high was 20 (68F). It's supposed to get even colder by the weekend followed by more average temps next week. Please God No Frost.🙏 Sept.16 Warmest day of the week at 25 celsius although very hazy probably due to the wildfires out west. Prayers for y'all out there. 🙏 The garden is looking amazing today with buds fattening up everywhere. Strawberry Banana #1 in front of the wall is furthest behind as far as bud development but is the tallest of the bunch at over 10 feet.👆 Bless that momma👏 Sept. 17 and just my luck Trainwreck #1 has a bit of bud rot on the 2 big main colas.😠 Damn I babied that girl and kept her dry her entire life. WTF Sucks having to harvest her early but shit happens so the 2 colas got chopped this morning and are hanging to dry. On the bright side, one of the colas wet weight was almost 11 ounces. Sept. 18 & 19 overnight temps got down to 4°C luckily no frost. Sept. 20 and most of the potted girls fan leaves are starting to yellow. Good sign that they are using up their last bit of nutrients from the leaves themselves. I’m guessing 1 or 2 more weeks and my first round of girls will be getting no more nutrients and starting their final flush. Trainwreck and Blue Fire are the furthest along while the wall girls are a couple weeks behind especially Strawberry Banana. That’s it for now Til next time... Be well and see ya soon
she likes the heat a lot, i added the co2 on the 21st day, i saw all the difference in the next hour, it's amazing how they can store so much light / elle aime beaucoup la chaleur , j'ai ajouté le co2 au 21eme jour , j'ai vu toute la différence dans l'heure qui suivait, c'est incroyable comment elles peuvent emmagasiner autant de lumière * I still have not turned on the HLG 300 /. je n'ai toujours pas allumer le HLG 300w
Jour 71: Engrais foliaire, 3ml de vita race par litre. Jour 72: Arrosage 3l avec engrais, 2ml d’alga grow pour la #2 contre 1ml pour la #1. Day 74: Watering 3l complete fertilizers and spray black soap
La floraison a été lancé le 24 Août/Jour 88 Jour 85: Arrosage engrais complets Flo 1: Arrosage eau seulement Flo 7: Pulvérisation de 3ml de Vita Race
La floraison a été lancé le 24 Août/Jour 88 Jour 85: Arrosage engrais complets Flo 1: Arrosage eau seulement Flo 7: Pulvérisation de 3ml de Vita Race
4 days to germinate via Jiffy Puck directly in soil. A couple seeds I picked-up from my local seedbank where I also got my Great White Shark seeds from which wasn't a great grow. I noticed Seedsman has discontinued this specific strain even though it had good reviews.