Now we're growin'! Buds popping out everywhere, only two Viper Cookies still apparently in veg. The Lamb's in the 10 gal is really spreading her wings, I've had to adjust the pots a little to compensate for the overcrowding (a problem which I am happy to have). Chemdog is really budding strong, I like what I'm seeing but I hope they plump up. The smaller plants are making up for their size with an abundance of pretty little future nugs. Even the two Lemon OG's (not listed here, ran outta room for strains) are looking good and they were kinda a last minute addition.
Had some bug issues--just minor though. Worse damage than that was done by me and my slightly over-zealous LST. The foliage is lookin good, rich and green. I've had to pull a good deal of yellow leaves lately, but I'm pretty sure they've just been used up and aged out.
Lots of humid weather now, of course. No problems yet, though. As a preventative measure I've defoliated a little heavier than before, making sure every part of the plant can breathe. I use the morning dew as a guide-- with my location the wind almost always blows and by about 8 am I can see any patches of growth that might be too thick because they still have a lot of dew. So far this method has worked, and I don't see any major slow downs in growth from the haircuts.
Been watching a lot of DGC and thinking Recharge might be useful, but I'm pretty stuck with what I got this year (too damn rooted to do much with the soil any more). Awesome place for info though-- the more I learn the more I want to learn.
8/22 -- Bud worms. Bastards. Heavy neem spraying will hopefully bring it under control. Been watching these girls constantly (lot of time on my hands at the right time of year), and the buggers sure made headway fast. Been finding a few, like one or two, each day. Today I checked and found over a dozen on one plant. I neemed the bulk of the plants, leaving two of the smaller ones un-sprayed. I couldn't spray the very tops of the bigger plants very well because they're topping 7 - 8 feet and too close together to fit the ladder (planning-- live and learn). I moved the smaller unsprayed plants to the side of the garden and I'm hoping that if they're really hell bent on infesting something they'll take the bait and at least leave the bigger girls alone. Meanwhile, remnants of the hurricane are headed this way keeping shit really really moist all around. So far so good for bud rot still, but it's prime time.
8/23-- Hmmm. What could tip a 5 gal bag, saturated, supported with lines, with a 7 1/2 ft flowering female in it, without breaking or even bending the plant? I want to believe it's not a human pest......but thinking my pest tried to grab her and couldn't get it past the lines. I'm all ears if anyone has other ideas (wind- no. deer- no.)
So assuming I have an asshole in the neighborhood, it's back to old school. I really liked the idea of not worrying about them so much, I thought poeple might be better these days, but I guess not. Time for stakeouts and hidden cams.
8/25-- Had to spray BT for the damn caterpillars. Not a lot of damage so far, but keeping an eye on it. Fortunately the buds are still tiny so easy to spot damage. I'm really pleased with the number of bud sites in general, especially on the Lamb's Bread. I'll have to climb the ladder and see if I can get some good photos next week.
No sign of my human infestation. Been watching close and checking cams and nothing. The flash went off a few times, but I was out in less than a minute and saw nothing, and nothing in the photos it took either. Ganja ghosts???