With Indica and Sativa characteristics perfectly in balance, this tasty hybrid strain inherited the best of both of its notorious parent plants: Cherry Pie and Runtz. Growing Cherry Runtz isn’t too complicated but does require some prior experience in cultivating cannabis. It prefers warmth and the outdoors, but indoors and even a greenhouse are other options. Choosing hydroponics is a good idea when growing this strain indoors. This is a fast-growing strain, so consider using pruning and topping techniques, combined with Sea of Green (SOG) to avoid that your grow room or tent is overgrown in no time. As the name suggests, the flavor and aroma are both very fruity, sweet, and a bit citrusy, enriched with notes of apples. The high comes on fast with a tingling sensation in your head that will soon spread and leave you in a state of pure relaxation and bliss. This then spreads to your body, causing sedated and energized sensations at the same time. Cherry Runtz finds medical application in alleviating symptoms related to depression, stress, pain, and arthritis.