Her leaves face with some fungi and I just decided to let it be after always prune it's off and it's looking better.
Feeding 💧
14/7 Water 24L+Silica 10ml+Calmag 10ml+Pran 12ml+Bloom 12ml+Recharge 3tsp ph6.6 ppm220
16/7 Water 16L+Silica 10ml+Calmag 10ml+B1 5G+B2 5G +Full tilt 12G ph6.2 ppm700
18/7 Water 17L+Silica 10ml+Calmag 10ml+MassiveBloom 40ml+Purpinator 80ml ph5.9 ppm710
20/7 Water 22L+Silica 5ml+Calmag 5ml+Pran 30ml+Recharge 3tsp ph7 ppm120
This looks so extraterrestrial! I'll follow on to see how it progresses. I'm a ew grower and trying to get an idea of what practices growers are using.
Que maravilha ✌️
Boa sorte no cultivo e aproveita o desenvolvimento 👍
E no final que tenhas uma grande colheita 🌱🌱
Se quiseres passa pelo meu diário e deixa o teu apoio