Couple days late on this entry. The past week went pretty well. I topped the girls, let them recover a few days, and performed Lst on them. These girls are in the tent now under the TSW 2000. So, another increase on light intensity, and switched over to bloom stage nutrients on 5/3. They put on some height last week as well. We'll see how we how things go from here.☺️
@Nordynllc, thank you , it makes mi happy that you send this positive vibes😎❤️
I feel you and in this hard times its not easy to look at everything.
Still thanks and appreciate your love and support ! I will keep on supporting you for wut you do 😘😎👌💪
@Lukush, Thanks so much! Really appreciate you! I'm sure you noticed, but way behind on getting back to everyone. Just been super busy, and pressed for time, and sleep.😴 Thanks again for all of your time, and nice comments. It's greatly appreciated.🙏👍✌️
@Grey_Wolf, Thanks so much man! Really appreciate it!👍 Been really pressed for time so playing catch up on getting back to everyone. It's always great to hear from you.👍✌️