Day 64 - Day 20 Flower
Plant are still looking really healthy, loving this bio powder feeding from the greenhouse so far. Seems like we were struggling in veg but once switched to flower, these girls are getting everything they need! One plant of each strain still massive difference with the other one. We already defoliated on two occasions in the past, one more will follow this week were we will expose hopefully most buds to the light.
Speaking of the light, It's hanging at 35 centimeters at the moment, which is very low. This light is supposed to give 1500 umol/j at 30centimeters according to their own numbers, seems like the extra CO2 is doing its thing. Hung up a new CO2 bag because the previous one was almost completely depleted! Grow buds, grow!
Thanks for checking in!
@Hydrahail, Thanks! The two plants in my tent are looking like different pheno's to me, but I'm curious for the results and if they will be somewhat similar or completely not.