Hi growers!
Blueberry has ended her cycle so chop chop ✂️✂️
With her I had also some issues, the biggest one, one broke branch.... Terrible, it was a good branch...
Well... Weight its not bad, let's se at the end....
Soon final results 👍🌱✨
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy,just checked trichomes 1h ago, there are Amber trichomes, let's say 5%, that's perfect timing 😁👌✨ finally like I wanted full THC potency ( cloudy/milky how prefer ) on this one.
She's gonna be cut in few ours, now I'm watering my girls😍
Thanks again bro for your advice, appreciate it 🙏👍
Thanks for sharing. Question: Did your trichomes turn amber by harvest time? Im growing Magnum into week 12 but no amber trichomes. Any info would be 'highly' appreciated
@Kash420, hello ! At harvest time more or less 70-80% of trichomes was amber, too much for my likes but fine. For trichomes production I make her get into a " hydric stress ", maybe that helped to push more Amber trichomes, due that she self protects, then whant to mature more faster.
Hope helps you. Always learning 2🌱✨👍🏽.
PS: Also take in consideration differences between seeds ( Brand/Breeders )