02 Jun 2021
Today starts week 8, and the second week of flower. I’m going to start the “Early Bloom” stage of nutrients today since using the transition stage last week. She is growing wonderfully and developing several new branches and beginning to stretch. She was basically almost all purple from stress when I planted her, but while some purple still remains on some branches, she’s mostly turned green which makes me happy. For a while I thought that maybe she was supposed to be purple because of her strain, but obviously that’s not the case. Today I was going to give her another full gallon of water, but she didn’t need all of it, so she got about 90% of it. The water was chilled to 53.4 degrees F, and infused with CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 7.5ml, FloraGro 2.5ml, and FloraBloom 10ml. Initial pH was 6.7 and didn’t need adjusting. The TDS going in was 870 ppm. Tent temp was 74.7 degrees F, and humidity was 56%. Runoff pH was 6.5, and TDS runoff was 2343 ppm. She’s looking great!
06 Jun 2021
Feeding my Blueberry Muffin is weird (but not really). I was going to feed it on the 4th , then again on the 5th, but the soil was still moist knuckle deep. I’ve gotten so use to more frequent feedings for my DarkStar Kush that I forgot that even IT didn’t require as much water when it was smaller. I’ve had the solution ready and refrigerated since the 4th. It should still be fine to feed it to her (🤞). She and her tent mate are both looking wonderful! Both very bushy, green and healthy. I’m pleased with them so far! Still giving the early bloom levels of nutrients. I fed: CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 7.5ml, FloraGro 2.5ml, and FloraBloom 10ml. pH was 6.8, no adjustment needed. TDS going in was 842 ppm. Runoff pH was 6.7, and TDS runoff was 1977 ppm. Tent temp was 83 degrees F, and humidity was 55%.
Nice starins 😍 I'm in love with Humboldt
Give a good amount of nutrients and they will ensure you a huge yield and super tasty flowers 😍
Sweet hugs from us ❤️
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I got lucky with this lady! She was a clone gifted to me by another grower (Buddabud). I was able to get some of the smaller limbs I pruned off before the switch to root, so it looks like I’m going to be starting another diary for them soon. Check back in a couple weeks and I should have theirs started.
Thanks. I’m using General Hydroponics CALiMAGic as my calcium and magnesium supplement. I noticed some calcium issues on some of the larger top leaves that I defoliated the other day, but only on 2 or 3. Since defoliating it I haven’t seen any more, but I’ll keep an eye out and keep using the supplement for prevention.
Thanks. She’s looking great the day after as well. Check back regularly for updates to the week. I edit the week after each feeding and add all the new data and pics to follow their progress.
Thank you. I started keeping a journal for myself on my first grow before finding this site. I still do, but I also keep it all on here as well. I figure if anyone reads them, they should be able to go through the whole grow with me. Maybe someone else can learn from my successes or failures. Both are important.
Man I can’t wait now I’ve got this indoor and outdoors and I’ll have a stock pile!! I’m glad to hear your experience was the way it was!! Only strain I can say that put me in the same mood you was in is amnesia haze and I can’t find that anywhere so I’m hoping my blueberry treats me well also.. congrats again
Peace love and grow my friend
this late in the game the uglier i can make my plants the happier i am!
almost the entire flower i am giving 4ml mirco and 6ml bloom (1ml floralicious and 3ml calmag)
but it looks like you are zoning in on things yourself. i will continue to look at your nuets! thanks for the updates!
i love supercroppers for this: https://bifbeans.com/3d-printed-products/p/super-croppers
also really love fabric pots, especilly these: https://rainsciencegrowbags.com/
for what its worth lol 😜