01 Jul 2021
The harvest for my first plant is all done and documented! Yea!! My Blueberry Muffin looks fabulous. Her buds are starting to get frosty and grow, grow, grow! She looks great, and she’s still doing a little bit of a stretch, but it’s slowing down some. She’s still way bigger than her tent mate (Blue Ox), but still way smaller than my first plant. I have a feeling that if she doesn’t produce a lot, it will be my fault since I haven’t been giving her as much care as she really needs. I’m going out of town for the holiday weekend, so maybe they’re used to going without long enough that there won’t be any issue. I’ll keep my fingers crossed 🤞just in case. In feeding, I’m sticking with the Mid-Bloom stage for at least another week, then maybe I’ll adjust them some. Today I gave CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 7.5ml, and FloraBloom 15ml mixed into a gallon of water chilled to 42.2F. The initial pH was 6.6 and didn’t require adjustment. The TDS going in was 842 ppm. Runoff pH was 6.1 (better than the last time), and TDS runoff was 2548 ppm. We’ve been having a heat wave here, so the temp is creeping up in the grow tent. Today it was 86F, and the humidity was 48%.
03 Jul 2021
My Lady is looking lovely today! I can see by looking at her HST branches that she’s still into the stretch just a little bit because they have increased in height since the other day when I first made a mental note of how they were lying on the top of my support net. Today they are resting about 2 inches above it. Now that growth has been since I put her in the big tent with the net of course, so that was on the 30th just a few short days ago. Some of her leaves are showing some issues, but just on the side with the rotating fan. I’m wondering if it could be drying them out some, and not a deficiency because there are no other issues anywhere on the plant. The same goes for her tent mate, so by rule of deduction it has to be the fan. Maybe I’ll lower the power a bit when I get back? I’m going to be gone for a few days and I don’t want them to get too hot in case the heat wave doesn’t let up. I received one of the new nutrient supplements I ordered and started using it today with the nutrients already in use. Today I fed a gallon of water from the tap. Due to time constraints I didn’t chill it. I fed CALiMAGic 5ml, FloraMicro 7.5ml, FloraBloom 15ml, and started Floralicious Plus 1ml. The initial pH was 6.3 and was not adjusted. The TDS going in was 1242 ppm. The runoff pH was 5.9, and TDS runoff was 2777 ppm. The tent temperature was 79F, and humidity was 53%. Hopefully the Liquid Kool Bloom will have arrived by the time I get back!
Nice starins 😍 I'm in love with Humboldt
Give a good amount of nutrients and they will ensure you a huge yield and super tasty flowers 😍
Sweet hugs from us ❤️
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I got lucky with this lady! She was a clone gifted to me by another grower (Buddabud). I was able to get some of the smaller limbs I pruned off before the switch to root, so it looks like I’m going to be starting another diary for them soon. Check back in a couple weeks and I should have theirs started.
Thanks. I’m using General Hydroponics CALiMAGic as my calcium and magnesium supplement. I noticed some calcium issues on some of the larger top leaves that I defoliated the other day, but only on 2 or 3. Since defoliating it I haven’t seen any more, but I’ll keep an eye out and keep using the supplement for prevention.
Thanks. She’s looking great the day after as well. Check back regularly for updates to the week. I edit the week after each feeding and add all the new data and pics to follow their progress.
Thank you. I started keeping a journal for myself on my first grow before finding this site. I still do, but I also keep it all on here as well. I figure if anyone reads them, they should be able to go through the whole grow with me. Maybe someone else can learn from my successes or failures. Both are important.
Man I can’t wait now I’ve got this indoor and outdoors and I’ll have a stock pile!! I’m glad to hear your experience was the way it was!! Only strain I can say that put me in the same mood you was in is amnesia haze and I can’t find that anywhere so I’m hoping my blueberry treats me well also.. congrats again
Peace love and grow my friend
this late in the game the uglier i can make my plants the happier i am!
almost the entire flower i am giving 4ml mirco and 6ml bloom (1ml floralicious and 3ml calmag)
but it looks like you are zoning in on things yourself. i will continue to look at your nuets! thanks for the updates!
i love supercroppers for this: https://bifbeans.com/3d-printed-products/p/super-croppers
also really love fabric pots, especilly these: https://rainsciencegrowbags.com/
for what its worth lol 😜