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Amok’s KushXL auto first grow. Daily ups

3 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 9
20 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
4+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
AmokNewb AmokNewb
4 years ago
Day 57: Good morning everyone! Today starts week 2 of flower for River and week 4 for Clara! My babies are growing up! So basically yesterday was spent whipping up a batch of nutrients with terpinator for my last top off before a cleaning and I did some lollipopping and basic husbandry. You know cleaning up a bunch of dead foliage under the canopy giving them a shave etc… So for today River looks pretty good, she is growing bigger flowers by the day. Again, these should be a really decent size for a majority of them. I think she has something like 20 nice flower sites. All able to support and grow a 10-12inch cola if she wants to, and I don’t mess it up. 🤷‍♂️🏻 Clara is looking better today with no real new noticeable discolorations after adjusting my lights. I did remove most of the worst leaves yesterday. But the flowers are getting noticeably more stacked by the day. The smell is starting to get stronger and it smells great! She is also nice and frosty almost everywhere. I am drying some of the lollipops I took yesterday to get my first little peek at smoke. Checked on my reservoir this morning per the usual. It had dropped from 5.89PH when I topped it off yesterday to 5.45PH this morning. I still blame the terpinator, it is cloudy and gross and really messes with PH. I adjusted the reservoir to 5.85PH and will double check it before the afternoon feedings. Beyond all that today should be pretty hands off and letting them do their thing. I hope you all have a good day in your gardens and homes! Cheers!🥃 Day 58: So as I said yesterday it would and was all hands off, other than double checking reservoir PH. River has grown every node she can to within 1 inch of the light and stops them there. WTF is up with that? She is the weirdest plant ever! If she wasn’t LST’d and a rigged she would have been well over 6 foot. She is loosing bottom leaves like crazy with them yellowing then falling off. I have a feeling it is the lack of N I put her through as well as some lack of light way down under the canopy. I have been cleaning them up when I notice them. But upper plant still looks as healthy as she can be for trying to set herself on fire so close to the lights. I might do some major cleaning of any lower hanging fruit and lollipops this week on her. We will see though. Now Clara she is a nice short and squat medium yield plant like advertised. I can now see the flowers growing a bit faster after upping my nutrient recipe to more of a mid to later stage flower recipe. I’m hoping river will dig it too. I bet Clara is done in 2-3 weeks. I will say she did produce way more frost than advertised or of any pics I’ve seen of the same strain. Also my pictures are like trying to take pictures of an iceberg, your only seeing the top 1/3-1/2 of the actual flower site for her. I really wish I could blast her with more light. When checking in on my reservoir this morning the PH had gone up to 6.23 so I lowered it to around 5.9ish. This reservoir should last through the day before it is empty enough to clean up. I will be making more mid-late bloom recipe for the next reservoir fill up. I feel Clara can really use some phosphorous. But we are all just continuing to truck along! Day 59: Oof yesterday was a doozy! So I was pruning some lollipops and I had to reach to the far back of the tent and I took a nice size cola on accident. Oops! We are currently trying to forget about it and push it out of our memory. 😬 So let’s get in with it. River… Oh sweet River… why are you so massive and still stretching! She has now officially hit the lights. I’m at a loss. Either I scrap her entirely, or I need to do some major thinning of her branches and start some HST. I’m so afraid of her turning hermie. What would you guys do? Considering Clara has some weeks left as well. I mean I live the fact she is alive and vigorous but it is now officially out of control. Clara is still busting out flower and doing her thing even though I cut off one of her appendages yesterday. So not much to complain about there. I can see good flower growth on a daily basis with her. I think I figured out her spotting issue and that should hopefully be getting better now. I believe it to be light stress from the IR/UV I was bombarding her with 20 hours a day. I have now turned off my supplemental lighting and will turn it back on closer to harvest. As for her missing limb. I am currently drying it and will cure the buds. I probably have another 6-7 days for the environment it is in to dry. Checked on my reservoir this morning. I still have a few more feeding of nutrient solution left so I will let it run before I do my weekly cleaning and refill. The PH this morning came in at 6.23 so I lowered it to about 6. It should be empty blaster my 5pm feeding so you know what I’ll be doing this afternoon :). Well I think that is all I have for an update today. I’ll leave you with this little bit of husbandry advice. “Look twice, prune once and only what you want to prune.” -AmokNewb 🤓😜 Day 60: Good morning everyone. I hope your not as hungover as I am… 😬Nothing to report today, as I didn’t touch anything in the garden yesterday. Yes a bit lazy but also I needed to get out of the house. But, checking in on the plants it looks like I have some work for me today. I have one more feeding left in the reservoir, which, I am surprised about. But I will clean that and make some nutrients today as well as clean up River ALOT so I can do some super cropping today. I have a 6 foot plant in a 5.6 foot tent… 🤪Clara is chugging along still. And basically that’s it for today. Sorry for the crappy pictures… 🤷‍♂️🏻 Day 62: Good morning fellow humans. Hope everyone is having a good morning. So spent some time in the garden yeaterday as I mentioned I would in a previous post. I took a pile of lollipops and stragglers off of River to open her up a lot more. She has a severe N deficiency but I think she will pull through. Been giving a bit more micro nutrients in hopes of keeping her healthy enough to finish to harvest. I also had to top her some. 😬😢 but I think she will be fine, I mean it has to be better than her just burning to death touching the lights. With all that she is still producing flower and might actually be ok. 🤷‍♂️🏻 Clara is as always pushing through. Hard to really tell how long she has to go, as I think I didn’t notice her flower for about a week later than she actually started. If that makes sense. I am also not sure what it looks like when they “swell”. I’m definitely going to give her all the time she needs, and I do have a nice macro lens for my phone as well as a usb microscope to check. The one branch I accidentally snipped off a few days back was actually one of the shorter and les sense of the bunch and that was a good 10-12 inches of buds, yes they were pretty small yet, but, if all these bigger flower sites look and or are that long I am going to get a pretty good harvest from her. Now on to the water part of the garden. I did end up making 18 gallons of mid-late flowering nutrients and disinfection my reservoir and pumps yesterday. Filled the reservoir yesterday at a PH of 5.82 and this morning it had drifted to 5.95 so that’s pretty awesome in my book. I’m going to let it climb to 6.2 over the next however many days before knocking it back down to 5.8. I’m still going to say it is great how much better the solution looks and stays with out the terpinator. And with that I will bid you alll farewell and good day! 👽👽 Day 62: Good afternoon people of earth. I bring today news of my garden! 🤷‍♂️🏻
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Grow Questions
AmokNewbstarted grow question 4 years ago
Should I have any concerns with this mutated plant? I am assuming not as long as it is showing growth and is green. :)
Leaves. Twisted
InspireMeanswered grow question 4 years ago
Looks good to me! All plants will be slightly different, she looks nice and healthy. Keep up the good work bro 👍👊
AmokNewbstarted grow question 4 years ago
Plant #1 seems a bit more on the pale green/yellowing side of the spectrum. Especially compared to plant #2. I have been feeding this week on a gradually increasing schedule. Not enough characters to go into it here.
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AmokNewbanswered grow question 4 years ago
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AmokNewbcommentedweek 14 years ago
Thanks for all the encouragement from all of you!
Cannabeast40commentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow 😀👊💪🙌
DreamITcommentedweek 04 years ago
Enjoy growth mate 🍀🤘🦄
AmokNewbcommentedweek 34 years ago
Wondering if it is to early to defoliate…
Lacrimacommentedweek 04 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Grow3rPTcommentedweek 04 years ago
Que maravilha, boa sorte no cultivo .. :) E no final uma boa e grande colheita Se quiseras passa pelo meu diário e deixa a tua opinião
Dedoncommentedweek 14 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
WeedWhisperercommentedweek 74 years ago
Looking great here @ week 7. Good stuff!
WeedWhisperercommented4 years ago
@AmokNewb, each grow sets you up for a better next grow! enjoy
AmokNewbcommented4 years ago
@WeedWhisperer, Thanks much! It has been a bit of a struggle and a hell of a learning experience!
Cheeba_Inucommentedweek 34 years ago
Good luck with the grow! Always like to see some coco based high frequency fertigation setups 🌱👍
Cheeba_Inucommented4 years ago
@AmokNewb, amazing! You are doing well. I find coco can be tough to keep ideal conditions for the first few weeks, but after day 20 the growth is truely explosive 🚀
AmokNewbcommented4 years ago
@Cheeba_Inu, Thanks! First time for me, but I really didn’t want to be in the tent 3-5 times a day. So far it is working very well for me.
DoDrugs420commentedweek 84 years ago
Nice kush XL - Growers Choice!
spydercommentedweek 24 years ago
good luck with the grow.....enjoy.
SegaYGriegacommentedweek 94 years ago
Looks great! 😊 Mars hydro super light💥💥💥