Flowering really starting to speed up, expect some serious growth over the next week. I’m using more LST than I had planned to keep the canopy even, but that’s fine because I’m very happy with how the canopy looks!
This grow has been a bit of an experiment, and has really helped show me the unique characteristics or autos, and which techniques I should continue to use going forward.
So I may have gotten carried away with the defoliation. Wanted to give it as much airflow as possible so I can mess around with a higher humidity for a perpetual grow. Anyways, I’m going to leave it alone for a while and we’ll see how she does.
Wow! I really enjoyed visiting ur journals! Great work, I hope you’ll get a healthy grow with the best results and some delicious buds at the end. Keep on doing ur thing.
I will drop by some times to see your progress on ur grows! Happy growing and feel free to drop by anytime to say hello! Have a good day 😁🥦
Good luck mate! It will surely be a success!!
Give a good amount of nutrients and they will ensure you a huge yield and super tasty flowers 😍
Sweet hugs from us ❤️
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