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First Grow

3 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 2
18 hrs
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11+ conditions after
Commented by
klimfish klimfish
4 years ago
7/22 - I was out of town today. No updates. 7/23 - Came back home in the afternoon. Plants hadn't been watered in a few days and the soil was dry, so I watered with a "tea" of aerated, RO, PH'd water with 1tsp/gal of Recharge. 7/24 - Plants looking great, heavy growth. I'm not seeing any roots coming out of the bottom or sides of the mesh plastic pots yet. I will probably transplant soon regardless. I have noticed the one plant that was showing slight Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies is showing the same rust/yellow spots/mottling on one more leaf. No other plants are showing this issue. I will up my CalMag dosage to 225ppm for all future waterings. Previously it was 170ppm. 7/25 - Not much to update. Not time to water, but the plants seem to love their environment. Besides the slight deficiencies on the one plant, everyone looks great. The 4th node is in development on all the plants, I will likely Top them at the 4th or 5th node, once there are 6 or 7 nodes. After topping, I will start LST with all of the plants. I upped the LED light to full 100% power, and using my PAR meter, the top of the canopy is getting ~460PPFD. I will lower the light over the next few weeks to find a sweet spot of ~550PPFD at the top of the canopy for the rest of veg. 7/26 - Plants are happy, soil is dry, plants are slightly drooping, seeming like the are beginning to want water. However, I do not see any root growth on the outsides of the mesh pot. And also don't see any other signs of unhealthiness. I am tempted to wait to water until tomorrow. I also am waiting on my new BlueLab Ph Pen to come in the mail. I've already mixed up the water for the next watering, it is currently aerating in a bucket. Currently reading 320ppm, 200ppm of that being CalMag+, and 120ppm being Fox Farms Big Bloom. Fox Farms recommends Big Bloom throughout the plant's entire life, so I thought why not water with some Big Bloom at a 50% dose and see what happens? The ingredients are somewhat benign, and are what I would consider to be "Soil Boosters" more than an actual plant food with NPK values. Fox Farms has NPK at N=0, P=0.5, and K=0.7 for Big Bloom. I also have began lowering the temperature of the grow room and tent. I see some leaf curling that I can only attribute to the daytime temperatures hovering around 81. After only 24 hours, the leaves are looking happier. I will likely continue to have the temperature at a cooler 76-79 throughout the day. Automating that, is a different story... 7/27 - CRAP! I waited too long to water. The plants this morning look ROUGH. Definitely wanting some water. Watered with the above described water (RO, pH 6.5, 200ppm CalMag, 100ppm Big-Bloom). Within hours they all looked much happier! I will water sooner next time. These small containers are hard to predict, especially when trying to avoid over-watering. 7/28 - End of week 2! 21 Days since germination is tomorrow. The plants are SO much happier from their watering yesterday. Growing a good amount. I will be topping soon...
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Grow Questions
klimfishstarted grow question 4 years ago
Is using these mesh plastic pots going to give me issues with lights getting to the roots for young seedlings? I plan to transplant into fabric pots well before they fill these up with roots, but they will likely be in these mesh plastic pots for 2ish weeks.
Roots. Other
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Hashyanswered grow question 4 years ago
You should be fine with them. Once you see the roots you can transplant.
klimfishstarted grow question 4 years ago
I'm wondering if there is any reason to be concerned with the lighter color leaves of one of my plants? They are significantly more "lime green" than the other two. he one in question is the bottom one in the picture attached. It is clear how much darker in color others are.
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
Quite normal and no real need for concern, it is just getting its root system organized before worrying about growing perfect leaves. It is only a slight variation in chlorophyll maturity and by the second or third set of leaves, you will be wondering why you were worried in the first place! Yes, don't leave transplanting too long, those pots are not large enough for much more than 1-2 weeks of growth. Ideally, pots about 4 inches across and 5 inches deep are far more suitable, as their volume allows for good root development and growth for about 3 weeks. Congratulations for experimenting with "Mykos", I believe they are the secret ingredient every grower should be aware of, their benefit is remarkable and their value to plant health can not be underestimated. I am a complete fan of it myself and can not ever imagine growing without it! Hope this helps, Organoman.
klimfishstarted grow question 4 years ago
What is this spotty/blotchy discoloration on this leaf? None of the other plants have it, it didn't brush off when rubbed. Hoping it isn't a mold or a pest...I have been keeping the humidity around 65% with good airflow, but I'm wondering if it's time to bring it down to 60%.
Leaves. Color - Mottling
Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
I wouldn't worry, they look quite fine. It is not a disease, excess, insects or deficiency, just a bit of a funny leaf. Just remember, no plant will ever have 100% perfect leaves, 100% of the time. Cheers, Organoman.
klimfishstarted grow question 4 years ago
Is this a good time to top? Most plants are developing their 5th or 6th node as pictured. Is it recommended to cut just above the 4th or 5th node? I am planning on doing "LBH’s Famous 4-Way LST" combined with SCrOG.
Techniques. LST
Techniques. ScrOG
Techniques. Topping
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GrowCNanswered grow question 4 years ago
I generally like to top above the fifth node so I think now is a good time for your plant.
klimfishstarted grow question 3 years ago
Are these indicators of thrips? It appears so to me. Dr. Zymes is a good solution from what I've it? And what's the best way to foliar spray the plants so the LED light doesn't cook them?
Other. Bugs
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hmm.. yeah I’m not sure. Looks like physical damage in the first picture. Was it topped/FIMed there? Usually with thrips you’ll see like a hazy whitish discoloration on the leaves- I’m not seeing that As for dr zymes - I’ve used it with decent results. Switched to Green Cleaner because it wasn’t doing the job for aphids for me. Anyhow, just spray minutes before lights out.. if you got a dimmer on your light, turn it down real low while you spray. A lot of times I’ll just wait til the second my lights go off and turn on the low intensity ceiling light to spray them real quick then turn it off. It only takes 5 min so it’s not messing with the cycle. Make sure you get underneath on the underside of the leaves and the tops. Pain in the butt sometimes but that’s the proper way to keep away certain pests. Good luck!
klimfishstarted grow question 3 years ago
I'm seeing very unhealthy looking new growth from just one of the lower branches. What could this be?
Leaves. Twisted
Leaves. Veins - yellow between
Leaves. Other
Surfreakyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Looks to be a ph issue... test soil runoff and may need a ph'd water flush.

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homerjgangiacommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
klimfishcommented4 years ago
@homerjgangia, thanks!
Ferenccommentedweek 43 years ago
Nice one @klimfish
klimfishcommented3 years ago
@Ferenc, thank you!
Ferenccommented3 years ago
@klimfish, Happy Growing mate
klimfishcommented3 years ago
@Ferenc, thank you!!
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 14 years ago
good luck with your grow👍 and have fun with the grow buddy.and your harvest
klimfishcommented4 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, thank you!
Lacrimacommentedweek 04 years ago
Happy Growing ! 😊💪
klimfishcommented4 years ago
@Lacrima, thanks!
spydercommentedweek 14 years ago
good luck with the grow....enjoy.
spydercommented4 years ago
spydercommented4 years ago
klimfishcommented4 years ago
@spyder, thank you!
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FishOilcommentedweek 34 years ago
Looks like a great start!
klimfishcommented4 years ago
@FishOil, Thank you!!
klimfishcommented4 years ago
@FishOil, thank you!
TeknoRangercommentedweek 14 years ago
Good luck my friend 🤜🤛
TeknoRangercommented4 years ago
klimfishcommented4 years ago
@TeknoRanger, Thank you!
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 34 years ago
Very nice🏆🏆keep up the HARD WORK growMie
klimfishcommented4 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, thank you!
GODSGIFT_2005_JMcommentedweek 14 years ago
happy growing! I'm growing the GG4 clone outdoor, check me out! thanks! 👍
klimfishcommented4 years ago
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 63 years ago
Doing great 💪💪keep up the awesome job
JamMAKEcancommented3 years ago
@klimfish,UR welcome growMie
klimfishcommented3 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, thank you!
klimfishcommented3 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, thank you so much!
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 53 years ago
Very nice🏆🏆keep up the HARD WORK wishes on the harvest when it's time🏆🏆🏆😎🚬
JamMAKEcancommented3 years ago
@klimfish, UR welcome growMie
klimfishcommented3 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, thank you!!
customwizardcommentedweek 73 years ago
Looks like you're doing good. Good luck!
klimfishcommented3 years ago
@customwizard, thank you so much!
MrJonescommentedweek 24 years ago
👍Rock On! What Can You Say Your Grow Looks Great!👍
klimfishcommented4 years ago
@MrJones, Thanks!!
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 24 years ago
😎🚬🏆🏆🏆👍👍👍👍💪💪💪keep up your devotions
klimfishcommented4 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, thanks duuude! I appreciate the kind words.
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 43 years ago
Loving ur sticky traps.. Great job on the grow
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 73 years ago
Nice.. U see u got this GrowMie.. Soon u will be a pro..
JamMAKEcancommented3 years ago
@klimfish, GROWERS❤️❤️💪💪💪
klimfishcommented3 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, I truly appreciate the kind words. thank you so much!
JamMAKEcancommented3 years ago
@klimfish,..for real klimfish you are doing great.. Have confident in your work.. Observation is K E Y ... 🖤👍💪😎🚬🚬exellent GrowMie
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JamMAKEcancommentedweek 83 years ago
Doing great... Good job GrowMie
klimfishcommented3 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, thanks! Big update coming! Much love!
JamMAKEcancommented3 years ago
@klimfish, 😎🚬👍👍🏆🏆
klimfishcommented3 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, thank you!
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 133 years ago
REALLY beautiful She looks strong
JamMAKEcancommented3 years ago
@klimfish,..ur welcome..waiting game is hardest🤣🤣😅💯🏆🏆💪💪
klimfishcommented3 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, thank you for the kind words, as always. Patiently waiting for these nugs to develop!
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 123 years ago
Looks tasty as hell..enjoy GrowMie
JamMAKEcancommented3 years ago
@klimfish, Me too. Cannabis plants are nature's best.. I cant get enough watching them from seed to harvest ...i love growing. It relaxes me it a different way
klimfishcommented3 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, thank you! I'm so in awe of the beauty of flowering cannabis every time I look at them. What a wonder of nature!
JamMAKEcancommentedweek 113 years ago
Excellent work my friend... Enjoy ur harvest when she's ready
JamMAKEcancommented3 years ago
@klimfish,..oh thank you klim... I know you can surpass me... The more we grow the smarter we get.. More we interact the more we share..growers❤️💯.. Thank you again
klimfishcommented3 years ago
@JamMAKEcan, thank you! I really appreciate your consistent support and kind words. It means more to me than you can imagine. In a world of keyboard warriors you have shown nothing but positivity and support. I hope that one day I can be more like you for other new growers. Thank you.