8/3 Happy 14 day birthday. The plants are 2 weeks old today and doing well. We are having some rain so the girls will spend some time in the nursery tent this week.
They are about 6 to 7 inches tall and only getting plain water at this time. The Roots Organic soil has a lot of nutrients in it and the plants love it.
8/4 The weather is a little bit cooler so the girls are spending the day inside. GDP2 is a little more along so I topped her and hoping for good results.
8/5 The girls were up until 12 mid night and got up early at 6 am in the small tent. Its going to be nice weather the next few days so its a good time to spend some time soaking up some good sun on the south side of the castle.
First thing this morning all the young plants soaked up a diluted variation of Foxfarm soil week 2 feed.
GDP2 is doing well after yesterdays topping, GDP3 and her friends will get topped as soon as she grows a little more.
8/8 The GDP's are coming out of the tent. The plants are growing fast P2 was topped and is about 11 inches tall while P3 was not toped and is about 12 inches tall.
All plants had a nice drink of plain water today and will be in full sun with temps near 90. They are going to live most of the rest of their lives outside with the crawling and flying bugs.
So after the sun goes down and it cools off the plants get a blast spray of Foxfarm Force of Nature to help keep bugs off.