7/23 The girls are only 4 days old and doing well. They stay inside the small tent at night with lights off at 12 midnight. Lights on at 6 am and as soon as the sun
is shining the GDP babies are on the south side of the castle in partial sun. Its hot so an oscillating fan keeps a nice breeze on all the girls.
7/26 HOT Its is Summer for sure. Daytime temps are in the mid 90's. The girls spent several hours outside until a big ass storm popped up and were ready to go inside the small tent for the rest their shift.
7/27 Its time for a new 3 gallon cloth home with nice Roots Organic Lush soil and a little perlite for fun this week.
7/29 Welcome to the dog days of summer. Its hot as a firecracker wrapped in roast beef. The girls are spending a few days in the small tent with 80°'s temps not the furnace outside.
The GDP baby's are 10 days old today and doing well after replanted in the 3 gallon pots. They are growing well but looking forward to a little cooler weather to spend more time with Mr Sun.
7/31 The little ladies stayed up in the small tent until 12 last night and woke up at 6 am. The summer extreme heat is letting up enough for the plants to enjoy the south side of the double wide today.
They took in a small amount of plain water before a day in the sun. I added about 1/8 teaspoon of HTG stump tea to the soil before adding todays water.